All Wars Are Bankers' Wars

The American Dream By The Provocateur Network

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The banksters used to be Knights Templar, those who massacred the Jews. Knights Templar -> Rothschild.  Rothschild ->  FED / Mossad / MI6 / CIA / NSA. The question is of course who was Knights Templar? We know they were warriors and financial experts and Pagans.

Today, that is not the Case.  I think even before that the Jews who began the Knights Templars were Crypto-Jews as many were nobility back then.  If you were Jewish back then, you were not given a warm welcome, because the Europeans knew that the Jews were Treacherous, Devious and Murderous. That is why they were banned from so many Countries back then. (video 0:00-1:00)

- Christian warriors

Not Christian, and not Jewish neither.

Knights Templar did not claim to be "Jewish". Then they conquered Jerusalem, and the Jews welcomed them as "liberators"? Not at all. Muslims were not a problem for the Jews, but Knights Templar was something different. 

You are talking about the Jews that lived in Palestine at the Time of the Crusades were the more Peaceful Torah Jews,  You always had the Zionist and Pharisees Jews who hated the Torah Jews because they rejected the Demonic God.  These Torah Jews lived peacefully with the Muslim population, it was only when the Pharisees Jews infiltrated the mix, did they have problems.

We know Knights Templar slaughtered all Muslims as well as Jews at arrival, so we can conclude they were not Jewish, not very Christian neither.

From early on Knights Templar wanted to hide their identity

Ten years later the nine knights presented themselves to the Pope, who gave his official approval to the Knights Templar. Although only nine mysterious knights existed, a tenth joined them, who was the Count of Champagne, an important French noble.

In fact, none of the "poor" knights was apparently poor, nor were they all French. Several came from important French and Flemish families. Of the ten original knights, four have not been identified, although their names are known. Furthermore, it seems unlikely that the Knights of the Temple of Solomon were formed to protect the pilgrims to Jerusalem because such an order of knights already existed. They were the Knights Hospitallers or Knights of St. John, later to become the Knights of Malta.

Sorry but Using ANYTHING YOU'VE SEEN ON TV as a historical proof source isn't reliable.  At all. 

I am saying it is not true. Then I present evidence of "Christian warrior" being presented. That is more like the opposite of ...

I bet that was taken from the History Channel which is Jewish controlled, they won't give you the full truth on that show, only the parts that they want you to believe in.  Within the first 100 Years of the Christian Church, it was slowly infitrated by more and more Pharisees Crypto-Jews, so that they could control the information that was getting out. The Vatican became the Stronghold of the Crypto-Jews as the means of Flooding the world with Christianity and the Jews that followed Church Coversion.  The Jews knew that they would be treated like the Chosen ones because of the Stupid Gentiles Accepting the Manipulated Teachings from a Christian Church.  All Religions were created as a means of control over Man's Spirituality. Connection to Prime Source can only come from within, not externally.

Not bad

The Invention of the Jewish People

He accounts for the appearance of millions of Jews around the Mediterranean and elsewhere as something that came about primarily through the religious conversion of local people,

"The Invention of the Jewish People" is good research. He is saying rapidly there were "Jews" all around Mediterranean who were not of Hebrew origin.


The Khazars had been ordered to convert to Judaism, and later their empire was overran. "Locals" is a misnomer. The Khazars were skilled bankers / traders who emigrated to Western Europa. They were not exactly like the locals, and when asked for origin "Jews" made sense? (But most of them remained Pagans or converted to Christianity. Those "Judaic" were different from real Judaism, "Yiddish" has nothing to do with Hebrew Jews)


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