Austin 70 year old navy veteran shot and killed by police, for refusing to surrender gun.

Man shot and killed by police

March 2nd, 2013 - 5 Comments »

AUSTIN,, Texas — Officials said a police officer has shot and killed a 70-year-old U.S. Navy veteran on Friday after he allegedly refused to surrender his gun and then aimed his weapon at the officer.

John Schaefer

Police Chief Art Acevedo said at a news conference that John Schaefer called 911 about 7:20 a.m. to report that he had shot and killed a pit bull that attacked him. Officers reportedly asked dispatchers to call Schaefer back and tell him to put his gun in the house before officers arrived.

Acevedo said Schaefer refused, and he refused again when officer Jonathan Whitted got to the residence and asked Schaefer to hand over the pistol he saw tucked in his waistband.

When Whitted went to take the gun, Schaefer allegedly pulled it out and aimed it at the officer, Acevedo said. Whitted then shot and killed Schaefer. Neighbors, including one man who said he witnessed the incident, said they heard two shots.

It’s not unusual for a police officer to separate an unknown person from a firearm when responding to a situation, even if that person is legally allowed to carry a weapon, according to Lt. Ely Reyes on Friday.

Meanwhile, Schaefer’s family is grappling with the loss of a man they called a rule follower. Victoria Schaefer, his daughter-in-law, said Saturday John Schaefer was a proud longtime Austin resident.

She spoke to the American-Statesman by phone from her father-in-law’s home, where she was collecting belongings that were important to him.

Records show John Schaefer has owned the lot with his mother since 1997, but his daughter-in-law said he lived alone in the duplex on Lanshire Drive after his mother’s death almost two years ago. Her death was hard on him, she said.

He was a gun enthusiast who belonged to area gun clubs, she said, including the Austin Rifle Club, where he was an instructor. He went the shooting range on Tuesdays.

“He was an elderly, nice, peaceful man,” she said.

Mfrances is a news writer for where you can get high quality self defense weaponsrechargeable stun gun flashlights, and law enforcement stun guns.

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5 Responses to “Man shot and killed by police”

  1. Jan Payne says:

    If any of you would have had the pleasure of knowing John, you would agree that he was a nice man, lived by honesty and high principles, never broke the law and would readily and willingly help anyone who needed help. My heart is truly broken and this whole tragedy is still surreal. I’m his sister. He was a good man. This should never have happened.

  2. Crystal says:

    You are so right, that should have never happened and the fact that Mr. Schaefer contacted the police in the very beginning says that he was a law abiding citizen. I’m so sorry for your loss. The sad thing is this behavior is everywhere in every town, city, and state. You might have a handful (if that) of good honest police officers but the rest…. They are in their clicks and they break the law ( not wearing seat belts, speeding when not needed, running red lights when not needed ) and this is just a few of the laws that are broken. I have even heard a police officer say ” read my license plate, I’m exempt. They think they are exempt from the law. Out of the few good police officers, they cover the bad behavior of other officers. I also had a friend that worked for Austin PD but quit and went to another city bc he didn’t want to be apart of bad behavior clicks. He said when an officer would arrest someone they would harass and aggravate them just to get them riled up or get them to fight so they could pin more charges on them.
    They are suppose to protect and serve the community but its sad to say thats far from the truth. I pray the truth comes out and justice will be served. Don’t get discouraged in well doing. Give it to the Lord and trust in Him for He is the Way, Truth And Life and we will pray that the truth will prevail. Please know there are many many others standing in the gap praying for you and you’re family. Again I’m so sorry for you’re loss.

    God Bless

  3. bj scott says:

    It scares me when an American citizen calls for police help and is on their own property with a non-threatening holstered firearm they are licensed to carry and get killed.
    Has America gotten to the point where every police officer is afraid of the people he is supposed to protect?
    Was it necessary for Jonathan Whitted to push Mr. Schaever to the point where he felt the need to protect himself from the policeman on his own front yard?
    From all appearances, it looks like Mr. Schaever had every legal right-Federal and State to keep possession of his licensed firearm.
    God help us all if this is covered up by the Austin Police Department. Maybe there is a culture in Austin that encourages this type of activity?

  4. [...] Ninja Cops by Mfrancis [...]

  5. Paul Bonelli says:

    Those that knew John are reeling from the shock of this event. he was one of the kindest and most caring gentleman that I had the pleasure of knowing. We took our NRA instructors course together and were fellow members of Austin Rifle Club. My condolences to his family. I hope that there is a thorough investigation of this event as this was not in Johns character to do as the police have reported.

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