(This article to be read in that certain disapproving tone of your favorite parent, grandparent or mentor.)
I will be so disappointed in you if you vote to reelect any politician that voted to rip you off with the bailouts and/or stimulus just because they claim to belong to the same political party that you do. ·
Republicans Upset Bailout ‘Bipartisan Agreement’ http://bit.ly/ujqLSL·
A Bipartisan Stimulus Bill http://bit.ly/rHZONg·
TARP Recipients Paid Out $114 Million for Politicking Last Year http://bit.ly/tHmRhY·
Democrats thank their friends: Government Spending in exchange for Campaign Contributions http://bit.ly/v9JNzP·
Money Buys Political Power http://bit.ly/vHuTdt
I raised you to be smarter than that. I didn't raise you to be anybody's fool. How many times do I have to tell you that all politicians lie and tell you whatever it takes to get you to vote for them?
[Article Continues below almost universal translator]
Vertaal na Afrikaans |Translate në shqip | ترجمةإلىالعربية | Թարգմանելհայերեն| Azərbaycan Tərcümə | Euskal Translate| Перавесці на беларускай| বাংলাঅনুবাদ | Превод на български| Traduir al català | 转换为中文(简体)|翻譯到中國(傳統) | Prevedi na hrvatskom | Translate to Czech | Oversæt til dansk | Te vertalen naar het Nederlands | Tõlgi eesti | Isalin sa Filipino sa| Käännä Suomen | Traduire en français | Traducir a Galego | თარგმნეთსაქართველოს| Übersetzen auf Deutsch | Μετάφραση στα ελληνικά| ગુજરાતીઅનુવાદ | Tradui kreyòl ayisyen | תרגוםעברית | सेहिन्दीअनुवाद| Fordítás magyar | Þýða til Íslenska | Terjemahkan ke bahasa Indonesia| Aistrigh go Gaeilge| Traduci in italiano | 日本語に翻訳| ಕನ್ನಡಗೆಭಾಷಾಂತರಿಸಿ | 한국어번역| Translate to Latine | Tulkot uz latviešu | Latvian Tulkot uz latviešu| Versti į lietuvių| Преведете на македонски| Terjemah ke Bahasa Malaysia| Ittraduċi għall-Malti| Oversette til norsk |ترجمهبهفارسی| Przekłada się na polskim | Traduzir para Português | Traduceţi în română |Перевести на русскую|Преведи на Српском | Preložiť na slovenský |Prevedi v slovenski | Traducir al español | Tafsiri kwa Kiswahili | Översätt till svenska | தமிழ்மொழிபெயர்க்கவும்| తెలుగులోఅనువదించడానికి | แปลเป็นไทย| Çevir Türkçe>| Перекласти українською| اردومیںترجمہکریں | Dịch cho người Việt Nam| Cyfieithu i'r Gymraeg | איבערזעצןצוייִדיש
| You are their best friend until the day after the election, and then they sell their votes to the highest bidder with no regard to your best interests. Remember all of those easy to remember little parables and riddles I told you? There was a meaningful life lesson behind each of those fun little mnemonic devices.
Remember that story I told you about the snake and the duck?....
To continue reading click here -> Examiner.com
In Closing,
Thank you, my fellow citizens, for taking your valuable time to read and reflect upon what is written here.
Please join with me in mutually pledging to each other and our fellow citizens our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor to our mutual endeavors of restoring liberty and economic opportunity to WE THE PEOPLE as our Founding Fathers envisioned and intended. [Last sentence, US Declaration of Independence ( http://bit.ly/ruPE7z)]
This article is written with the same intentions as Thomas Paine http://ushistory.org/paine. I seek no leadership role. I seek only to help the American People find their own way using their own “Common Sense” http://amzn.to/kbRuar
TellMyPolitician http://goo.gl/1FWfz
Keep Fighting the Good Fight!
Those were my thoughts.
In Liberty,
Don Mashak
The Cynical Patriot
Political Organization http://www.facebook.com/pages/WE-the-People-...
Group http://www.facebook.com/groups/116494971778086/
Republic for united State of America #RuSA
End the Fed(eral Reserve Bank System)
National http://bit.ly/ta3Rju Minneapolis http://bit.ly/tjZJKF
Lawless America / Get A Grip America
http://LawlessAmerica.com http://getagripamerica.us
Justice in Minnesota #JIM
Bring Home the Politicians #BHTP
Committees of Safety
http://committeesofsafety.org http://committee.org/ History of here http://bit.ly/qscBHc
Critical Thinking Notice - This author advises you as no politician would dare. Exercise Critical Thinking ( http://bit.ly/ubI6ve ) in determining the truthfulness of anything you read or hear. Do not passively accept nor believe anything anyone tells you, including this author... unless and until you verify it yourself with sources you trust and could actively defend your perspective to anyone who might debate you to the contrary of your perspective.
i think most people on forums such as 12160 exercises critical thinking - at least, i assume they do - if people understood that "the united states of america" is a federal corporation incorporated in puerto rico and it certainly does not include the 50 states - there are plenty of sites out speaking out about this - http://shtf411.com/the-united-states-is-not-a-country-but-a-federal... - instead of "we the people" it should read "we the congress"
here is an excellent site - try looking up the real purpose of our birth certificates, our marriage licenses - http://www.usavsus.info/
"Destroying the New World Order"
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