Banker Explained "Occupy America" Scam

October 19, 2011

Asked why bankers would back Bolshevism, a system supposedly inimical to private ownership, Otto Kahn (left) explained that Illuminati (Cabalist) Jewish bankers create apparent opposites to "remake the world" according to their satanic specifications.

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

Otto Kahn, (1869-1934) was a partner in America's most influential investment bank Kuhn Loeb with Jacob Schiff and Paul Warburg. 

He was the George Soros of his time. 

Soros, who is worth $22 Billion, has expressed support for the "Occupy Wall Street" movement and is financing it indirectly.  This movement has been identified as wholly Socialist and Communist, with the goal of ending free enterprise. Half of the protesters would vote for Obama.   The head of the TD Bank approves. 

Thus, it is worth recalling what the Illuminati Jewish banker game is here. 

In his book Geneva Versus Peace (1937) the Comte de St. Aulaire, who was the French ambassador to London, recalled a dinner conversation with Otto Kahn which took place shortly after WWI. This shocking expose is fast disappearing down the memory hole.  

Asked why bankers would back Bolshevism, a system supposedly inimical to private ownership, Kahn took a pull from his enormous cigar and explained that the Illuminati Jewish bankers create apparent opposites to "remake the world" according to their satanic specifications:

"You say that Marxism is the very antithesis of capitalism, which is equally sacred to us [Illuminati Jewish bankers.] It is precisely for this reason that they are direct opposites to one another, that they put into our hands the two poles of this planet and allow us to be its axis. These two contraries, like Bolshevism and ourselves, find their identity in the International." [Presumably, he means the Comintern.]

"These opposites ... meet again in the identity of their purpose and end in the remaking of the world from above by the control of riches, and from below by revolution. Our mission consists in promulgating the new law and in creating a God, that is to say in purifying the idea of God and realizing it, when the time shall come. We shall purify the idea by identifying it with the nation of Israel, which has become its own Messiah. the advent of it will be facilitated by the final triumph of Israel..."  

"Our essential dynamism makes use of the forces of destruction and  forces of creation, but uses the first to nourish the second...Our organization for revolution is evidenced by destructive Bolshevism and for construction by by the League of Nations which is also our work. Bolshevism is the accelerator and the League is the brake on the mechanism of which we supply both the motive force and the guiding power.  What is the end? It is already determined by our mission. It is formed of elements scattered throughout the whole world, but cast in the flame of our faith in ourselves. We are a League of Nations which contains the elements of all others...Israel is the microcosm and the germ of the city of the future."    

 The essential element here is that the Cabalistic Jewish bankers and their minions take the place of God. They define reality and morality, turning them upside down. They enjoy a worldwide political, economic and cultural monopoly institutionalized in a world government. 

obamahitler.jpgThis is achieved by a dialectical process of pitting apparent opposites against each other and achieving a synthesis which resembles this monolithic monopoly. 

The "Occupy Wall Street" protests are designed to facilitate the "redistribution" of wealth. However this wealth will not go to the intended recipients but to the State, which "owes" the bankers trillions.

Socialism/Communism have always been gambits to transfer wealth to members of the club. Castro and Hugo Chavez are both worth a billion dollars. Meanwhile, everyone else works cheaply for the "common good."  

This is why the mass media and many millionaire "socialists" support this movement. Their money will not be touched. They are traitors and collaborators. There is a list of them here.

In the Red Symphony revelation, insider Christian Rakovsky showed how Communism and Capitalism were part of this dialectical process. . In each case, the Illuminati Jewish banking cartel controls all wealth and power. 

"In Moscow there is Communism: in New York capitalism. It is all the same as thesis and antithesis. Analyze both. Moscow is subjective Communism but [objectively] State capitalism. New York: Capitalism subjective, but Communism objective. A personal synthesis, truth: the Financial International, the Capitalist Communist one. 'They.' "

The US has Communism objectively because the Illuminati bankers control most of the corporations.


We are in the final stages of a long-term conspiracy by Cabalist Jewish bankers and their Masonic lackeys to erect a world police state, and to control us by mind control or force. This has been achieved by a contrived "dialectical process" best exemplified by World War Two and the Cold War.  "Occupy Wall Street" is but the latest instance of this inexorable march to enslavement.

Mass protests would be real if they demanded 1. Nationalizing the Fed, creation of debt-free currency and disowning that portion of the national debt created by book entry. 2. Independent investigation of 9-11 and prosecution of those responsible for the attack and the cover-up. 3. All national political campaigns be publicly funded.  For the price of one battle cruiser, we could have real democracy. 
4. Media monopolies be broken up. 5. NATO (Rothschild) Interventions be stopped. As is, popular resistance is a banker Punch and Judy Puppet Show.     

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Replies to This Discussion

You have done good here, and I applaud your rare these days, when most just follow the next mob, without ever scrutinizing it's main thrusts and goals.
I feel that its done by design it cannot be that all of a sudden everyone wakes up. Some were waking up but not this much. It was done now to cause more chaos and confusion everywhere.

You are confirming what I already suspected.

BRITISH AGENT by R. H. Bruce Lockhart

Bruce Lockhart, a British agent attended a meeting of the Bolshevist Central Executive Committee and shook hands with Stalin. Now why would a British agent be invited to such meeting? Unless...

Thanks Freedomrox I like to try and dig out the truth.

Bankers may have started Occupy but it's still up to us how  it will end

I agree and the way it ends is by dismantling the new world order!


"Destroying the New World Order"



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