Barney Frank Town Hall meeting in Dartmouth MA- I was there! Read my letter....

I was in attendance in Dartmouth, Ma last night where the outrage poured over ObamaCare. Of course the mainstream media didn't put ALL the info out in the news-just the stuff that painted us as an uruly mob?! Here is my letter to Barney Frank, sent to him today since I was told that I would not be allowed to speak with the mic.....

Dear Barney Frank,
My name is Kimberly Leverett and I was born in raised in Dartmouth, MA. I must say that the amount of disrespect you showed to the taxpayers in Dartmouth was indeed, with all due respect, the worst display of conduct by someone whos salary is paid for by our hard earned tax dollars. It seems to me and to many others who live here in Dartmouth and across the nation, that you and other representatives have forgotten just who's intrest it is that you are sopposed to be representing. We deserve clear answers and you are failing to hear us Mr. Frank. The Main Stream Media has placed a foul and biased light onto anyone who disagrees with the current Administration's plans for our healthcare system by callin us an "angry mob". We are not an "angry mob" but we are, in fact, angry. We are angry that our voices are not being heard, and more importantly we are angry because we are not getting answers.
Too many elected officals have grown accustomed to answering our question indirectly, in a round-about manner, or not at all. I am writting to you to ask you to uphold your duty as a representative of the people. We want you to listen to our concerns and to explain to us truthfully and clearly how President Barack Obama's Healthcare reform is going to change the manner in which we recieve care. I have seen Canada's exampe of Universal HealthCare and I think I speak for myself and many when I proudly say "Thanks, but no thanks". Please do not take this the wrong way, I am in agreement with you that SOMETHING needs to be done to better our healthcare systems, however, I do not feel that Mr.Obama's plan is the way to go about doing this. To me it appears as if this is a ploy to conduct a grand scale power grab, unprecidented by any administration in the U.S. We will not stand idly by and watch as this takes place.
I would also like to address how you handled the situation with the young woman holding up the sign of Barack Obama portrayed as Hitler. While her comparison may have been extreme, you must understand the nature of this comparison. This woman is not alone. Many are considering the unprecidented moves by the Obama Administration to be Hitleresque, including but certainly not limited to, policies written into the Healthcare bill that clearly seem to devalue the lives of lower income families, the elderly, and children. Also Hitler himself once said "He who contols the youth of a nation in turn contols the nation itself" Obama's introduction of the GIVE act is often seen, especially by younger people, as a repeat of history comparing it to Hitler's Youth Brigade. On top of this, Barack Obama is fueling racial division in this country between whites and blacks. Many of us who oppose the healthcare bill are being falsely labled as racist for simply standing up for what we belive in. I myself have become a victim of these ridiculous accusations many times.
So again, while the comparison is extreme, there are reasons behind it. The comparison was desinged to be indirect and the way you belittled that woman for doing what OUR Constitution allows her to do is disrespectful and appaling behavior on your half. Citizens did not attend last nights town hall style meeting to be belittled by the man who is sopposed to be representing our needs and opinions. You owe the town of Dartmouth an apology for your conduct, more importantly, you owe that woman an appology because your comments have been used by the mainstream media to fuel the unrealistic "unruly mob" ideal that Obama has made so popular.
We are real Americans with REAL concerns and we deserve real answers! If we do not get the answers we seek, and if we are continually brushed off by politicans with hands in deep pockets rest assured Mr.Frank this is not conduct that will be forgotten when the 2010 elections roll around. We, the citizens of MA, had the power to elect you into office becuse we believed you would serve our best intrests. If it becomes clear to us that you are no longer representing our best intrests, do not fail to realize that we also have the power to elect someone else who WILL accurately represent our communative voice, and we will use it. I am looking forward to your prompt reponse to this matter. Thank you for your time.

Kimberly Leverett
MA Citizen

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This is great! Good for you!
Thanks, these elected officals seriously need a reminder of who they work for!

Wonder Woman said:
This is great! Good for you!
they work for us... but remember that they (Government) are trying to reach a goal that is bigger than we are; a goal that we dont have any input in.

The Health CARE bill is a complete Mess
The problem is they only work for us while RUNNING for office NOT while they are IN office.
Bravo - Excellent letter.

The trouble is America got what they deserve because much of America voted for BO.

Afterward, is too late. Where are all those sobbing BO worshippers now?? You know the ones who were going to get their gasoline and mortgage paid for??? People didn't hear what he said about CHANGE. They wanted CHANGE but they didn't pay attention to what kind of CHANGE he was peddling. They didn't do their "due diligence" to see that he was only a Community Organizer, a people salesman!! He doesn't like it when THE REAL COMMUNITY OF TAXPAYING CITIZENS ORGANIZE THE COMMUNITIES TO TAKE A STAND AGAINST WHAT HE IS PEDDLING!!!

We got what we deserved when we don't pay attention but spend time in IDOL WORSHIP. He IS after all, the messiah, at least that is what many think!!!!
Thanks, Patriot. Too many people can't - or won't - see the BIGGER picture and it's a BBBIIIGGG one. they're getting their CHANGE alright. A big wake up call - when it's too late.
Idolators - all!!!

Patriot Horse said:
You pretty well said it all diggin and....Kimberly- good work!

diggin'upthedesert! said:
Bravo - Excellent letter.

The trouble is America got what they deserve because much of America voted for BO.

Afterward, is too late. Where are all those sobbing BO worshippers now?? You know the ones who were going to get their gasoline and mortgage paid for??? People didn't hear what he said about CHANGE. They wanted CHANGE but they didn't pay attention to what kind of CHANGE he was peddling. They didn't do their "due diligence" to see that he was only a Community Organizer, a people salesman!! He doesn't like it when THE REAL COMMUNITY OF TAXPAYING CITIZENS ORGANIZE THE COMMUNITIES TO TAKE A STAND AGAINST WHAT HE IS PEDDLING!!!

We got what we deserved when we don't pay attention but spend time in IDOL WORSHIP. He IS after all, the messiah, at least that is what many think!!!!
very true marklar!

Marklar said:
The problem is they only work for us while RUNNING for office NOT while they are IN office.
Barney Frank is a N.A.M.B.L.A.'ing idiot.
Elmer Fudd has not co-sponsored HR 1207. That should tell you who owns him.
I'm wondering if it wouldn't be more effective to send something like this to your local paper,assuming they'll print it.
Fantastic letter! Please keep us posted as to his response.


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