By Paul McGuire
June 9, 2015

Julian Assange and Wikileaks exposed part of the secret behind Obama’s Trans Pacific Partnership, which leading Republicans signed. Senator Jeff Sessions, a Republican from Alabama, was one of the few senators who publicly challenged the secret Obama treaty that, according to the 17 documents released by Wikileaks, will cover over 80% of the U.S. economy and create what Sessions called “global governance,” establishing a global government without the knowledge or consent of the America people.

Although the alternative media and news outlets like the Drudge Report exposed the great dangers of the TPP, the corporate media not only glossed over the important news about the trade treaties, but the major media outlets, including the pseudo-conservative television networks and “Manchurian Candidate” conservative talk show hosts pretending to be investigative news journalists wasted America’s time with endless hours on Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar and the child molestation scandal surrounding their son, Josh Duggar, and what it was like as parents when they learned about his actions, or Bruce Jenner’s sex change operation.

The vast majority of the media outlets in the United States are controlled by just six corporations who are controlled by the power elite who also control secret organizations like the Bilderberg Group, whose sinister plans are never exposed by the major media outlets.

The Bilderberg Group is behind the trade treaties and its leaders are planning global government, which is the only real news story worth covering. The Bilderberg Group’s 2015 meeting is coming up soon at a remote mountain resort in Austria. During last year’s Bilderberg meeting in Copenhagen Denmark over 120 elite globalists planned the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and the TPP trade treaties. The Bilderberg Group, which was financed in part by Nazi money in 1954, gathered the most powerful men in the world in Oosterbeek, Netherlands. Their meetings include such powerful people as David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Bill Clinton, Gordon Brown, Angela Merkel, Alan Greenspan, Ben Bernanke, Larry Summers, Tim Geithner, George Soros, Donald Rumsfeld, Rupert Murdoch, Barack Obama, heads of state, international bankers, top military leaders, and the heads of the largest corporations in the world. Essentially, the Bilderberg Group already practically rules the world and is bringing it under their planned world government. In a new book entitled, “The Babylon Code,” which I wrote with Pulitzer Prize nominated journalist, Troy Anderson, we go into the details of the secret history of the Bilderberg Group.

In 1991 Bill Clinton came to Bilderberg and met with David Rockefeller, who explained why the North American Free Trade Agreement was a Bilderberg priority. It was this trade treaty, NAFTA, that transferred billions of dollars of wealth from America’s middle class to Third World Nations around the world. The end game for Bilderberg is a one world government, one world religion, and one world economic system, which are outlined in Revelation Chapter 13. They want total control over the masses, whom they see as their slaves. They select and choose almost all presidents and heads of intelligence and law enforcement agencies and they completely control the Democratic and Republican parties. This is why, no matter what the polls say, the Democrats and Republicans will support things like Trade Treaties and numerous other legislation that the American public does not want.

The concept of a two party system in America is a total charade that only an imbecile would believe in. The top men and women in both political parties are all bought and paid for and they get to stay in power to the degree that they do the bidding of their masters, and that is not the American people, but the “shadow government,” which truly runs America. Most of the Republican candidates now running for President are completely under the control of the Bilderberg Group and they have absolutely no loyalty to America and the American people, no matter how many American flags they wave!

Former CBS News president Richard Salant said of the media, “Our job is to give the people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to have.” Sociologist Hadley Cantril, an expert in mind control and propaganda, wrote “Pyscho-political operations are propaganda campaigns designed to create perpetual tensions and manipulate different groups of people to accept the particular climate of opinion the Council on Foreign Relations seeks to achieve in the world.”

The Bilderberg Group and the CFR exercise enormous control over Evangelical Christianity, churches, and Christian leaders. Through Rockefeller financed programs the Christian church and its leadership in America has largely been transformed into a secular corporation that no longer preaches the Gospel of Jesus Christ but a gospel of consumer-marketing and psychological motivation.

The strategy of using trade treaties to go around constitutions and the laws of individual nation states began to take off with the European Union as a potential global government with 109 nations, in Strasbourg, France. The Louis Weis Building was built to look like a modern Tower of Babel with steel and glass. This headquarters of the EU was completed in 1999 and designed by the famous architect Le Corbusier, who also built the United Nations. Along with Jean Monnet, he dreamed of global government or a scientific Utopia ruled by a Technocratic Elite. From the beginning it was conceived to be a rebirth of the Tower of Babel.

Beginning in the 1920s Monnet believed that a European Union could be secretly created by enacting a series of harmless trade treaties, but, concealed by the arcane legal language of each Trade Treaty, a careful strategy was being implemented to create a single European Union, without the masses knowing that they would lose their freedoms and sovereignty. The Monnet method was to enact one seemingly harmless trade treaty after another in order to establish a kind of reborn Roman Empire.

In many respects, the EU is a partial fulfillment of the Fourth Kingdom in Daniel 7:23. “Thus he said, The Fourth Beast shall be the fourth kingdom on earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down and break it into pieces.” Adolph Hitler and the Italian dictator Benito Mussolini both essentially wished to restore the Roman Empire. Although their empires were defeated in 1945, a secret group of European leaders organized the Council of Europe, and through a coal and steel treaty they created the European Union.

Now, right before your eyes, the same exact strategy is being used to destroy America in the same way sovereign nations were destroyed by the European Union. Through a series of secret trade treaties American is being surrendered to the control of a global government.

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