The photo contains data suggesting it was taken in 2001, not July of
2010 as claimed on BP's Web site. That would suggest, at least one
possibility is, that BP took an old photo and Photoshopped new pictures
of the oil spill over it, to make it look "new." More on this at the end
of the post.
I guess if you're doing fake crisis response, you
might as well fake a photo of the crisis response center. Why do they
need a fake photo at all? Don't they have a real crisis response center
they could have used?
Original BP Photo that was linked off of this
page, with a
snippet of the photo:
Note the bad Photoshop job on the parts I cropped and blew up - click on each photo to see the larger version, which makes it painfully clear
that they faked the photo (poorly, at that):
Beware the shysters seems to be spreading from the Whitehouse to the Fed Res, and now to Big Oil.....tisk tisk tisk....They need to fire their current photo shop guy....have seen 9th graders do better