There are some debilitating pieces of misinformation that the truth movement cannot seem to identify as such and remove from the information they are attempting to use.

This author of this thread has considerable technical background and consults regularly with scientists relating to aspects of 9-11. The author, and scientists can show and know from that evidence that both towers were brought down with demolitions. However, due to the advanced application and secrecy, the events of Towers 1 & 2 were such sophisticated demolitions that the general public cannot conceive of how the demolitions were effected. Accordingly the environment is ripened for rejection by any misinformation that can be used to marginalize 9-11 facts.

There are 2 basic types of misinformation creating their specific problems for 9-11 truth.

TYPE A) information that causes citizens seeking truth to be ridiculed and rejected and has no basis in science or technology directly applicable to explaining the events of 9-11 at the WTC.

TYPE B) Information that is erroneous which contributes to the inexplicability of the events of 9-11 at the WTC.


1) Nuclear events causing the Twins to go down in 20 seconds:
This misinformation is mostly been rejected by the truth movement but the mere presence of it associated with 9-11 truth causes rejection of FACTS: No cobalt 60 radiation was found in the steel which is dense and retains radioactive signatures. Delays were observed and nuclear detonations cannot be delayed.

2) Directed Energy Weapons from space based sources:
This misinformation is mostly been rejected by the truth movement but the mere presence of it associated with 9-11 truth causes increased rejection of FACTS: Directed energy weapons of lasers do exist but the largest have not been deployed even in aircraft yet, successfully.
"it's clear that flight testing of the mighty raygun hasn't gone as smoothly as hoped."

3) Nano Thermite explosives:
This misinformation is mostly ACCEPTED by the truth movement and the attempted use of it associated with 9-11 truth causes rejection of FACTS: A recent scientific analysis of WTC dust by Mark Basile finds evidence of thermite and nano sized particles of aluminum. No where in his report does he describe nano thermite as being a military grade explosive.
No researcher into the performance of nano thermite has ever stated pressure and velocity specifications for nano thermite including Neils Harrit who first analyzed nano sized particles found near the WTC. Here are independent papers. report.pdf

A letter from the Navy regarding "nano thermite"

NOTE: The masses of molten steel underneath the WTC can ONLY be caused by ordinary thermite classed as an incendiary.
Accordingly uses of the nano thermite misinformation is not needed and any use of the nano misinformation serves to cause officials to ridicule 9-11 facts after consultations with experts reveal that nano thermite is not explosive and is not generally developed for any common uses although it may have many.

nano sized particle found at WTC:
Thermite in place immediately adjacent to detonations of conventional explosives in the basements, activated or un activated, would generate both components of iron oxide and aluminum oxide which would be reduced to extremely small particles by the high pressure gasses. This would extinguish combustion. If molten steel was present, small particulate iron would result as would aluminum which could then oxidize quickly in such small particle size.

Some of Niels Harrit comments on nano thermite.

"It’s very, very possible that different varieties were used, and I personally am certain that conventional explosives were used too, in abundance.

RT: When you say “in abundance,” how much do you mean?

Niels Harrit: Tons! Hundreds of tons! Many, many, many tons!

RT: So we are not just talking about nano-thermite. In fact, we are talking about both nano-thermite and conventional explosives used in large quantities…"

Most of the uses of nano themite misinfo in the 9-11 truth movement omit mention of Harrits information on conventional high explosives. All mentions of nano thermite omit any description of how the containment for "nano thermite" might be done. "nano thermite" is subject to this requirement to achieve destruction of the structural elements of the Twin Towers as is the use of any conventional high explosive. Optimum placement and distribution ARE required to attain total pulverization of materials near detonations

Here is a comment I found in this forum coupling a complete assumption, misinformation, into a fairly good scientific analysis as if the analysis proves the assumption or even implies it when the analysis does not. Why? What drives this?

"Mark Basile discusses his analysis of WTC dust. Independently verifying previous findings he found evidence of nanothermite, a military grade explosive."


4) No planes theory:
This was or is the most damaging misinformation that has hit the truth movement in the post 9-11 psyops. The absurdity of it made the official believer howl with laughter. A field day for ridicule. All it took were a couple of dozen mkultra victims conditionally programmed to react to the fake video and go amok on message board, mail lists etc. with approval and acceptance of the notion. Poor killtown is still at it. Sad because in the few exchanges I had with him he seemed like a nice person.
The "nose out " video loop was purely hypnotic. One of the largest areas of damage was evidence. Suddenly because video of planes hitting and entering the towers was fake, all photographic evidence was fake. The ability of people generally to share evidence openly and reasonably has not been the same since. Other mkultra programees created what appears to be a more reasonable structure of activism based on the nano thermite misinfo. Techno-science icons, appointed misleaders, also (mostly) mkultra, took over mainstream 9-11 truth.
A very effective counter to the no planes theory based in quite simple reasoning exists.
"Why did the perps make people think that WTC 1 was first hit by a plane then blow up WTC 2 first and create a backwards impact/fall sequence?"
As I already had logically determined that there were no remotes for the same reason.

Flight 11 hit the wrong tower. The above link explains how if remotes were involved, the impact/fall sequence would be correct. Meaning the Towers were on timers. The behavior of flight 11 indicates that its pilot did not know that its target hasd already been hit so had to reposition with the radical turn which CAN be completed by one pilot and another person to operate the throttles. 757's are "hydraulic over hydraulic" servo controlled and are extremely difficult to set up for remote flight. It's been done once, and that's it. They were used because people in the world of aviation technology know this making it obvious to that knowledgeable segment that there HAD to be Muslim pilots. From the movements correct perspective, the hijacked planes can only be seen as very important to the ruse and war it enabled.
If the planes were remoted you can be sure the pilot was under complete control and well informed. On the other hand if the hijacker was a mind controlled Muslim working with the infiltrated shadow government, he might not follow orders but would still hit a tower. He would gladly leave his passport with handlers to be placed where it would be found.



1) Steel core columns in the core area of the Twin Towers:
The structural design of the Twin Towers is and was secret. NYC department of buildings will only release plans under court order according to recent phone information of 10-20-10.
Independent verification of the concrete core of the Twin towers is readily available through information linked or displayed here,

Full length columns that did exist (24) are located surrounding the concrete core walls.

Actual core of WTC 2 after exterior steel has fallen.

The misinformation was created by FEMA and given to NIST who utilized it an "anecdotal" information. It was enabled by guiliani who took, illegally, the WTC documents from the NYC department of building offices,
The analysis of collapse was never mathematically proven but was assumed. Actual calculations were performed by Bazant et al not NIST.

00 WTC Collapse - What did & Did Not Cause It - Revised 6-22-07.pdf

Identifying a concrete core. However the rest of the calculations will not prove out with proper structural analysis of collapse using appropriate plans. Note that an equivilant of TNT to achieve the results is provided.

"it is shown that the observed size range (0.01 mm – 0.1 mm) is fully consistent with this theory and is achievable by collapse driven gravity alone, and that only about 7% of the total gravitational energy converted to kinetic energy of impacts would have sufficed to pulverize all the concrete slabs and core walls (while at least 158 tons of TNT per tower, installed into many small holes drilled into each concrete floor slab and core wall, would have been needed to produce the same degree of pulverization). "

NOTE: Cutting steel with high explosives requires very dense containment at the surface of the steel when explosives are placed adjacent to steel to be cut. Military demolitions teams place clay bags, bags of soil, any mass to reflect the energy back to the dense steel.


2) Core columns cut by thermite at ground zero:
Almost all of the steel that showed signs of thermite was removed and taken to China and India. Workers at the foundries there became sick from the vapors coming off the steel. This image,

does not show a thermite cut core column. No comments upon it or dialog with the site owner appear to be possible. Firstly it cannot be shown that the column is in the core nor that there were any structural columns in the core at all. Making the assertion that it is a "core column cut with thermite" doubly erroneous.

The thermite cutting jig that is often shown used at a diagonal angle does not mean that such a device was used at the WTC on 9-11. The reason the cuts left by thermite used with the jig are not shown is that they would show the above cut IS NOT a thermite cut.
Thermite cuts are smooth and amorphous generally. Much like taking a slab or piece of paraffin and dipping it in molten wax for a period of time then removing it. When contained by the jig the angle will match the angle the jig is set at but still be smooth.
Masses of thermite was held against the perimeter and interior box column faces by layers of drywall or fiberglass reinforced concrete board like "wonder-board". Thermite is liquid when burning.
See, for location of interior box columns.


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Maybe instead of looking at just 2 of the 4 flights that day, somewhere where the evidence wasn't taken away, one can break the 911 story. Then go after these two flights. The only one not looked at was the one that crashed. Follow it back to before the crash that never happened.

KLC said:
this article is also posted on here >>

whats your mission?????

The text in capitol letters defines the damage this is doing to citizens efforts to find the truth, see justice done, rights respected and life protected, the Constitution upheld.

All that disinfo is useless information for getting done what we need. Our rights and freedoms, lawful government.

Now, a word for anarchists, because I am one too, but I know exactly what is required to have a peaceful and civilized anarchy. It is required that all people of it know of all the needs of the other people and are prepared to place their personal wants over the needs of the other. Animalistic survival situations of violence are different.

What I've defined is for human beings. Our needs are unconsciously known things. However, we do not generally know that. We have a profession of psychology defining what is supposed to be the basis of behaviors that refuses to examine the unconscious mind. We have mass abuse of the unconscious mind in this world, making secrets more common than anything.

That the above listed information which is intended to disinform currently has a quasi known status. Lots of people know that that information is not useful. What I'm doing is defining exactly what that information is and how the public and officials react to it and I'm doing that by reference to the historical succcesses and failures of the truth movement in gaining more truth.
The purpose of this thread is to make people aware of specifics and what impacts they have so they can free themselves of the wasted effort, attempts to use the information generate.

Anthony Kimbrough said:
Maybe instead of looking at just 2 of the 4 flights that day, somewhere where the evidence wasn't taken away, one can break the 911 story. Then go after these two flights. The only one not looked at was the one that crashed. Follow it back to before the crash that never happened.

There is a great deal of useful information to base competent speculation on. Logically the history of the information is critical to evaluate first. You mention the "evidence" and it's unlawful removal from the scene of the crime. That is very significant and when the peace movement did not see the writing on the wall and stand with the firefighters rioting against NYPD enabling the spoilation of evidence, obstructing justice in violation of the Consitution, we lost BIG TIME. That is now history.

The nwo has divided the population with attitudes and reduce those that can resist them.

The actions of planes are well known or well hidden and perhaps misrepresented. The FAA not only knew it all, they destroyed audio tapes of testimony by flight controllers before law enforcement could hear them. Obstructing justice again. That is all history. We don't know what was said. The CIA, homeland security, NSA, they know all that and so do a lot of truth seekers.

We are dealing with an infiltration of government and we cannot rely on them to investigate themselves. We must know the simplest forms of violation, things that are obvious and NOT already, historically diminished, and unify behind that verifiable deprivation of right and violation of law effecting us all and demand justice.
good job chris!

bryan l said:
good job chris!

Well, it is comprehensive but I screwed up this sentence royally. Must be chat syndrome of haste/waste.

I'll correct it here. Important sentence.

It is required that all people of it know of all the needs of the other people and are prepared to NOT place their personal wants over the needs of the other.
Your whole premise for this article is misinformation. Misinformation or not, the point of the truth movement in regards to 9-11 is to present enough valid information and evidence to wake up enough sheep to demand an independent investigation with subpoena power to look at that valid information and evidence.

The independent investigation will then be able to sort out the nuances of what is real information and what is misinformation.

Normal size thermite or nano thermite is not the point, the point is THERMITE has been identified.

The only no plane theory I have ever seen discussed on this site deals with the Pentagon not the twin towers and building 7.
from this distance, i would say they could be.

SkyBlueEyes said:
This picture taken September 17th. 2001 found on this site.

I have highlighted area of interest and zoomed in for snap shot..

Please do not tell me these are elevator rails 4ft. thick.

Can you tell me I am misinformed.

SkyBlueEyes said:
This picture taken September 17th. 2001 found on this site.

I have highlighted area of interest and zoomed in for snap shot..

Please do not tell me these are elevator rails 4ft. thick.

Can you tell me I am misinformed.

You are mistaken, because I doubt anyone pointed those out to you as being core columns. Those massive columns are not inside the core, or the one on the left is not. On the right the vertical steel is not connected to anything except a stairwell so cannot be a part of a core system. Here is another image much closer of the remnant of the WTC 1 north wall concrete core base wall.

Note the concrete stains on the column on the left which is outside the core area. That is daylight shining down the length of a small utility connection hallway that is inside the massive concrete basewall.

Here is a link to a zoom of the 3rd floor core plan showing what the fake plans indicate should be there. An elevator, a steam and air shaft.

Here is the original at the source server, to verify.

KLC said:
I'm a no-planer! I wholeheartedly believe they used holographic technology to make it look like planes hit the building when in actuality it was missiles and bombs going off. The witnesses on the ground when interviewed minutes after all describe an explosion. None of them say they saw a plane ...they just say they heard an explosion.

...just sayin'

I'm familiar with these aspects from the very early days of 9-11 research on the web. So lets take them in the order the theories were introduced.

Missiles and bombs on planes:
One poster made an argument against missiles at the WTC when there was conjecture that there was a belly pod with a missile and a flash of light just before impact proved a missile.

They made this point of fact that I recognized immediately as very logical. A missile requires a long distance to run its speed to the highest it can do. Meaning a missile would be released long before the tower to make it a better projectile.

Relating to bombs:
Flight 175 has far too much expanding dust for a fuel explosion. It must have been carrying a shielded bomb so the detonation could be somewhere inside the floor structure of the tower.

I also remember that firefighters video and quite a few peoples testimony about planes flying around. Small crowds behind them, on camera, agreeing. People standing in line to talks about the planes and what they saw. This was like 2 days after 9-11.

Another point of logic relating to planes, or no planes. The perpetrators needed planes with Arabs in them to justify war on Arabs. False flag is all about that. Without planes, if the supposed "holo" ruse was discovered, not only are the people unwilling to accept "terrorism", but they completely KNOW it is a serious inside job

Another element relating to the success of the ruse is that why would the perps make everyone think that WTC 1 was first hit by a plane, then blow up WTC 2 first creating a backwards impact/fall sequence?

WTC 1, hit hardest hit first, burnt worst fell last??????????? Within a week after 9-11 that seriously was obvious to me as a big problem.

No planes depends on remote control over things. With remotes a lot of control is created and last minute changes can be made in order to make a more credible ruse and scenario. We had the opposite of that.

As it was flight 11 hit the wrong tower.

The "no plane" meme seems weirdly derived from the fact that "planes had nothing to do with the towers coming down". Or . . . inverted in thinking, "there were no planes."

The psyops of post 9-11 disinformation is very complex. Like for example. Many people are sure there were remotes involved.
I happen to know a little about the control system for a 757 and it is what is called "Hydraulic over hydraulic". A low pressure circuit takes hydraulically valved pressures and volumes from the pilots compartment to a high pressure distribution valve which the low pressure controls to send high pressure hydraulics to the control surfaces and fly. They are incredibily difficult to convert to remote. 747's are fly by wire. They can be flown from the control tower as they are right NOW. Having the ability to shut off controls from the cockpit made hijacking obsolete. Remember?

In all, I see the perps using 757 on purpose because people know that they can be hijacked and do not fly remote.

I'm glad to see you coming forwards with some of your info so I can provide my impressions of the same from a more technical side. When the infiltrators of the gov just did this tragic thing, it shocked the crap out of America. Social fears took over otherwise professional and dedicated people that should have created authoritative statements that are accurate. I try, and over time, I refine it, I read to check it etc.

The experts took sides like they always did, but the infiltrators got their alligence this time within the chain of command NOT adhering to the oath that law requires. Then the law, the courts, were complicit too. Recall how they would not allow recordings of the firefighters and cell calls from the towers to be public?
This shows what is left at GZ. There are few pieces of vertical steel in the core area because the elevator guide rail support steel had no real foundation. they were resting on "grillage" that was set on a thin concrete pad.

The red arrow indicates a guide rail support that was located immediatly inside the concrete core wall. It has a brace that was cat in concrete connecting it to the interior box column outside the core wall. The concrete wall detonated on 9-11 as the precision engineered container of high explosives.

Green arrows indicate elevator guide rail supports still standing. Note most are leaning. Thermite in the basement cut some of the interior box columns. That image must be WTC 1 because the thermite had to be added. That was the reason for the 1993 bombing. WTC 2 had the thermite built in. WIth WTC 1 they had not yet thought of it so had to create a reason for a high security remodel.

SkyBlueEyes said:

The columns look pretty central to me.

The core was a rectangle, 80 x 120 feet. WTC 1 had a long axis running east/west. Confirming this, the center area is devoid of any vertical steel protruding in the aerial above. The photo above looks slightly north of east.

The below photo looks north at the south side of the pile featuring elevator guide rail support steel laying on the pile. Note that there are no diagonals and very marginal horizontal beams that supported hallways and absorbed some lateral forces from the bowing of the guide rail support steel. Note there are no gusset plates overlapping the beams to the verticals. Recall, this is at the bottom of a 1,350 foot tall core.

The reason for the Sky lobbies was because that bowing force of the vertical elevator guide rail support steel in compression gets to be so great that the floor beams got too thick and bracing the beams became impractical. Therefore the elevator guide rail support steel was completely encased in concrete for an entire floor, the skylobby, below it, also used for HVAC, steam, water etc.. Those floors dividing the towers into thirds also worked with the overall structural scheme to provide a super rigid diaprahm anchoring the perimeter walls in transfer of sway forces to the concrete core.

Take another look at the hallway running the length of the core base wall.

The structural core was steel reinforced concrete. Surrounding it was a framed exoskeleton that took the load of the floors. Here, in an archived newsweek article, the lead engineer in the days after 9-11 describes a concrete core.

Also Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia of Invention and Technology, of 1992.

Finniston, Monty; Williams, Trevor; Bissell, Christopher, eds (1992). "Skyscraper". Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia of Invention and Technology. Oxford University Press. p. 322. ISBN 0-19-869138-6

All of these things independently verify that the core was concrete. All references to steel core columns go back to FEMA or silverstein.

Elevator guide rail supports fell immediately as soon as the demo started with the core walls detonating. The core is empty in all 9-11 images. In this case below there is so much rebar, of what is probably the west concrete core wall (concrete removed by horiz explosive coated rebar), that it appears almost solid, but it clearly is not structural steel. The spire is heavy structure and the size difference is obvious.


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