jail time in canada
One hearing i bought in the birth certificate and the birth registration in court and asked what name was in the court room the all caps or the upper ? right away the judge tried to charge me for impersonation...What the fuc??? i said canada owns both of this documents!!! but they closed the court down and threw me into jail and took away the documents.....
now here is what i have learned over the last 10 months.....JUST US not them lol.... no wonder why my tupa once told me english will never have the same force and affect as our dialect. supreme court judge said when i was in jail that he determins how to read the law no one else....he even brought the rythme of carroll dickenson "humpty dumty" where alice said first to humpty that a word can mean so may things and humpty said to alice "it's only how i interpid is master thats all"
before I continue i have to say i always start court by saiing who i am and where i am from in my native tongue then i end in abinitio Dejury (reason i state this part is because of me stateing that i will show what they started doing to me later because of my statement at the beginning of court)
PS...i also say anything other is under force manipulation cohersion and the threat of arms
then one hearing i asked does the court give remedy for its crimial codes.... the judge was stupid enough to say yes...so i asked the court to give me remide for section 15 of its criminal code....the judge shut down the court right of way...lol
now that they started to catch on that i know alittle about "law" (really just legal) judge chapman (i'll put down judges that i remember) stated maybe it would be good for me to go video court that way i dont have to make the long treck down from kamloops to kelowna....i told him i didnt mind so for him not to worry of my inconviences....he then looked at the prosecuter and asked if there was any law to keep me up in kamloops.... the procecuter stated after a lengthy look in the "law books" nope.......
another hearing judge Sinclair stated that i would be in the best intrest that the system keep me in kamloops on video court until i get a lawyer....so i stated is he legislating there in the court room??? he got off the bench right away and the court ended....
another hearing while i was now on video court they brought me in front of a supreme court judge of BC and when i stated my native name the judge immediately said for the court to put out a warrent for mr louie....as i sat shocked i state to the court are you guys stupid or what i am sitting in your jails right now under that name through forced munipulation cohersion and the threat of arms... the court ended lol....
now that they took me all the way to supreme court the next hearing i went back into jp juristiction (people need to realize it is all about money so in order to get apart of the bond the "person " has to have gone through your juristiction after the dept slave has been astablished). so i asked the jp is the status card me? the jp said yep...i said thank you.....then i asked does Canada law have standing in the court room....the jp said suspiciously yep ...so then i said then case law has standing as well then huh?....the jp said yep...so i said the case of the attorney general of canada -v- the attorney general of nova scotia and the lord nelson hotel case 1950 the decision was made that both federal and provincial legislation are to different entities therefore could not delagate to one another....so what was i doing in a provincial jail and in a provincial court because it was already stated that the status card was me ........ the jp shut the court down right now lolll......
for those of you that dont comprehend why i put this down . it is because indians under the indian act are federal and neither the federal or provitial can make decitions of the others rights....
the courts started getting sick of my badgering the courts as they put it so they said it was in my best intrest to get a lawyer....so between them and my family they got me ex procecuter of 23 yrs (confilict of intrest wouldnt you think?.... anyways in feb the lawyer ex prosicuter stated it would be in my best intrest to accept the cop beatings i gave to the cops as guilty then we would work on getting me out right away before we go to trial on the assaults i did to the sherriffs in i might add i did in 2005 .....so although i felt something wrong i accepted and pleaded guilt to the assaults on the cops......after i did that they wanted me to put up alot of money before they would let me out....
i fired my lawyer on march 2 and march the third i was supose to have apeared in court...which as wittnesses i had both the guards and inmates i was never asked to go to video court on march the 3.....
the next hearing i had (on video i might add) i asked the court if someone else steps in for a accused would that not be inpersonating and then wrote it down on paper as they are the individual therefore creating fraud as well yes? or even purgery? the "Judge" ( because they didnt trust me with jp's anymore) stated yep reluctantly...so i stated that on or about march 2 i did fire my lawyer and from the papers i later recieved that i appeared in court on march the 3 , how could that possibly be because as the guards and inmates as my witnesses no one ever even asked me to video court and i know i had no re-presentation cause i fired my lawyer so who do i make a citizens arrest to?....the court ended abruptly ....lol,,,
now not only was i getting the attention of inmates about my case's but i was also getting the att of guards as well ....so i started schooling them in what was going on lol.....there was 3 types of guards....ignorant.....ones that loved the way it is(more then likely freemasons) .... and ones that was stuck in it and was looking for ways out and but yet realized that that was thier paychecks and they did not know what to do just yet....the latter was helping me on doing alot of my research
because everything is about a paper trail in thier world i then got a guard to get me a form to send to a judge on why was the reasons i was restricted on not been able to go to the court room during my hearings because after all was i not under thier law the accused therefore had sta(nding in the court room? i also told in my request that i do know that under thier law if i was a threat in anyway that would exempt me from the court room but i wasnt and was never "charged as such"... the answer that came back to me was first vebal and was stated that i was disruptive in the court proceedings...so i asked for it to go on paper...and got back that there was going to be a hearing on that on preticular issue.....(never did come
now that i have been in since last aug i do believe? cant remember(must be old age lol)anyways my wife and family just wanted me out so they paid a lawyer 5000 to get me out with more money to come.....once i talked to him i realized he was a freemason that was why he had 97 % success rate and told him as such....he ignored me kept me on video court (i wanted to fire him so bad but my wife wouldnt let me) then told me to plead to one assault and they would drop all other charges then then they would release me on time served....so i reluctantly accepted
now on the day that i accepted the plea first they brought me in front of a jp (juristiction to collect the moneys on the dept) then the lawyer stated that i had to go in front of the original prosecuter to finalize everything(dog and pony show takeing place) then a couple of hrs later i went in front of a "judge" to finalize the guilty plea.....when the procecuter made me look like this vicious violent man i realized i was in front of a big audiance .....so when the judge stated that it was time served with one day in adition i started to lose it but right away my lawyer caught on what i was going to do so he jumped up and stated to the judge that it was clear that i was getting out that day and the judge immediatly stated yes, then the prosecuter stated that do to "who" i am i would NOT be a good candidate for probation(basicly stating that i would not accept thier restrictions EVER) so the judge concured and made sure that if i ever come back to thier court room again they would throw the BOOK at me lol....
now here i am telling all....the system is now ignoring itself so the only way to counter is to totally get away from it as a united force because that statement united we stand divided we fall is soo soo true
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