By the way, according to the U.S. Constitution, that’s called:
This exposé will be a relatively short one.
That’s because all the evidence proving treason at the high echelon of the US government is now in plain sight.
Each piece of evidence, that proves the United Kingdom has ruled over the United States — FOR A LONG TIME — is so compelling and conclusive as to be the self-evident.
The real short story here has been nicely summed up at this excellent video: GAME OVER! It’s time for torches and pitchforks.
For anyone who wants to flesh out the skeleton of this massive multi-decade British criminal conspiracy to usurp the America Republic and surreptitiously subjugate the U.S. citizenry to the Crown, please consider this critical article on SERCO—“the serpent”.
Next up is a crucial article that explains how things are connected between all the moving parts of this traitorous juggernaut. THE BRITISH TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE CONTROLS MSM SOCIAL MEDIA PROPAGAND...
With this critical understanding of how the British Intelligence Community stealthily usurped American sovereignty and enslaved the populace, it’s much easier to understand why the nation has been subjected to a fake Russiagate investigation by Special Counsel Robert Swan Mueller III. Oh, he’s “special” alright! A very special British agent, indeed, who’s really also a stone-cold Deep State hitman, lifelong Rothschild puppet and seditious SES employee.
Remember, turncoat Mueller was initially recruited to cover up the greatest terrorist attack on U.S. soil known as 9/11. As a matter of historical fact, as FBI director for 12 long years starting just 7 days before the state-sponsored false flag terror operation on September 11, 2001, Mueller was specifically chosen to function as the cover-up artist of the millennium. As follows:
KEY POINTS: Robert Mueller was deliberately selected to lead the FBI during the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. It was by purposeful design that his tenure as FBI Director began on September 4, 2001, just 7 days before the 9/11 false flag terror operation. And, that he remained in that job for 12 corrupt years until September 4, 2013 to ensure that the FBI would never professionally investigate the greatest crime and act of terrorism ever perpetrated on US soil. In fact, Mueller’s 12 years are marked by an overwhelming body of evidence which proves his willful neglect, dereliction of duty, official misconduct and misprision of felony. Clearly, Mueller’s greatest crime to date was overseeing the institutional cover-up of the 9/11 government conspiracy to commit acts of terror, murder and destruction against the American people and property.
(Source: ROBERT MUELLER: He’s not a Special Counsel, he’s a Deep State hitma...)
Why so much focus on Mueller?
Because his endless story of outright treason and calculated sedition is representative of so many other American elected politicians, government officials and high-level statesmen—that’s why!
Everyone saw how highly acclaimed Mueller was just before and after his selection as Special Counsel by another Deep State operative Rod Rosenstein. Exactly why was British agent Mueller chosen to commandeer such a blatantly flawed and fake investigation. Here’s the back story: MUELLER was installed by his Deep State Masters to Cover Up Real Crimes, Fabricate False Crimes and Protect the Power Elite from Prosecution
The bottom line is that the U.S. Federal Government is full of “Muellers”—British agents who are in the pay — monetary or political — of the UK Government. There are literally thousands of U.S. Government service workers (especially SES employees) who actively work for the British Intelligence Community, the Rothschild Crime Syndicate and/or the London Financial District. Barack and Michelle Obama, Hillary and Bill Clinton, Joe Biden and Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, James Comey and John Brennan, James Clapper and Michael Hayden are just a few of other obvious agents of the Crown.
The other side of this multi-century pursuit of global domination is the war (military and political, financial and economic) against the Russian Federation. While the USA was completely taken over by the Crown quite some time ago, Russia refuses to be absorbed into the American-British Empire. Hence, the Great Game was commenced in order to take over the Russian Motherland by stealth, by proxy, and by any other means necessary.
Russiagate is nothing less than a reckless and daffy British attempt to foment a World War between the United States and Russia. The incessant war propaganda campaign being waged by London globalists against Kremlin nationalists is way beyond anything humanity has ever witnessed. So shrill is their naked prevarication about anything having to do with Russia, that the whole world now knows of British designs to maintain their clandestine hegemony worldwide. See: Britain’s “Institute for Statecraft” Finally Exposed, Top Secret ‘I...
What’s essential to comprehend, as this international psyop is run by British intel is that they oversee just one prong of an elaborate multi-pronged strategy to conquer Russia … and then the world. The primary pieces of this complex black operation to foist a One World Government upon the entire planetary civilization include the Vatican (religious and social control), London (financial and economic control), Washington, D.C. (political and military control) and Tel Aviv (intel and criminal control). A vital part of their ultimate plan for total global domination is well described here: STRATFOR Chief Reveals Zio-Anglo-American Plot For World Domination
There can only be one conclusion: Great Britain rules the United States. Which is why It wasn’t Russia that tried to fix the 2016 U.S. presidential elect...
And do you know that the Brits continue to promote their utterly juvenile charade now ridiculed the world over as “Fake Russiagate“?!?! Not only do the real perps promote this preposterous hoax 24/7 using the London press, but they are also openly influencing the POTUS not to release the damning Russiagate documents because of how much various organs of the UK Government are directly implicated in the treasonous affair. See: MI6 battling to stop Donald Trump releasing classified Russia probe...
Truly, when all the dirty laundry is aired between London and Washington, D.C. the present generation of Americans will fully understand that they have been the victim of:
State of the Nation
December 31, 2018
[1] DOSSIERGATE: The Corrupt and Covert Intersection of the U.S. & ...
"Destroying the New World Order"
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