A Requiem for the Mass Corruption of the Federal Government

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In any Constitutional Republic based upon individual freedom and being able to assure that government has a responsibility to address grievances of its citizens, there should be those holding office who are accountable. We have remedies for those who violate national security with dangerous Executive Orders or secret influence designed to overthrow our country and even aid and abet the enemy. This remedy we call impeachment and the charge of treason punishable by death!

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The unacceptable alive and well

When insane legislation is enacted for the purpose of expanding the voter base for a particular party that does not want to relinquish their control over the nation and the people there in, then there must be consequences, or the government is out of control and has gone rogue, and the people are now beneath tyranny. This unthinkable scenario is being played out as we speak. The responsibility of our federal government to the people has been violated with extreme prejudice! When any government fails to meet the US Constitutional requirements of defending its borders, that government has allowed foreign threats to impose danger to the citizens. The accountability of those individuals who advised such sacrilege or were complicit in fabricating such dangerous policy should be punished to the full extent of the law!

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Internal sabotage

Without a well defended border a nation ceases to be a country with its own individual sovereignty and becomes an ungoverned territory rife for the occupation of hostile masses or military combatants in disguise waiting for the signal to go into action. All fools within that internally compromised land who agree with or deny what is happening are complicit with the hostile element, the invaders, the foreign trespassers, and those who plotted against their own countrymen! This is an act of treason. It does not have to take place in declared war time as even in so-called peace time war can result from the action of traitors. It is inexcusable and that’s why there is a death penalty for such heinous crimes.

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Much needed purge!

There is only one way to liberate America from the hands of the traitors who have violated their oath of office for defending the Constitution and serving the people! That would be a massive military tribunal to purge the scoundrels who have run their own personal criminal enterprises while in office. Even Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton advocated the occasion purge of profiteers and corrupt office holders even allowing for blood to be spilled in order that the federal government remain in an honest equilibrium in order to serve its populace and protect the masses from outside threats! This has not been done ever since the Obama Administration took office!

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Let us define what acts of treason by individuals within the federal government would constitute punishable offenses that require impeachment and even the charge of treason to be enforced according to tradition, not the current state of unaccountability within the Democrat ranks of Congress, Senate, and the Executive branch.

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Death by illegal border crossing overdose

Let’s start with the deaths of Americans as a result of the “Open Borders” policy. Little girls raped and murdered by the illegal gang MS-13 who in Rhode Island, New York raped a teen age girl threw her in dumpster and set fire to her. How about the 12 year old girl who was raped by 2 illegal aliens for more than 2 hours then strangled her to death? With fentanyl being trafficked over the southern border an estimated 400 deaths per day, at times, have resulted from overdoses. The drug cartel has even been packaging the deadly anesthetic in candy wrappers so that children could get a hold of this killer. Who in the US government would atone for this? Who is responsible? Our wartime troop losses in Vietnam did not even amount to the losses of life as a result of the fentanyl crisis! How about the young National Guardsman drowned in the Rio Grande by two illegal aliens? Who answers for that?

Who should be purged?

Who is responsible for the open borders policy that has gotten not only Americans killed but how about the human traffic victims who suffocate in abandoned trailers being locked inside? The little girls and even boys raped amongst the caravans as they head for the US southern border from Central and Southern America! Who atones for the needless loss of life? Obviously the globalist agenda of nonexistent borders with all nations submitting to a worldwide tyrannical ruling class is their ultimate agenda!

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Let’s name names and individuals responsible that we know of.

  • Joe Biden who bribed the Ukraine government with 1 billion US taxpayer dollars to fire the prosecutor investigating his son for foreign money laundering, drug use, irregularities in his appointment to the board of directors on Burisma, the national petroleum producer for Ukraine.
  • Biden, who’s more than 40 signed Executive Orders established the “Open Borders” enactment, and began this abomination of an undeclared invasion of US soil.
  • Joe Biden, who sold 1 million barrels of US emergency surplus crude oil to Communist China. Trying to pull it off secretly, knowing it was a violation of national security.
  • Biden who after being installed in the Oval Office signed more than 40 Executive Orders to abolish all effective legislation under President Trump that had allowed America to flourish, no less than the act of a dictator.
  • The weaponization of the Department of Justice to attack all who resist the “Woke” policies of the Democrats attempting to forcefully implement abortion by illegal surveillance of Catholic Churches, FBI raids on President Trump’s Mara Lago home with the authorized use of deadly force, FBI raids of the homes of parents who have attended school board meetings and protested against inappropriate materials in their children’s curriculum, and FBI pursuit of those who attended the J6 rally, even raiding the homes of people who did not even attend the event to begin with. Biden worked closely with AG Merrick Garland to harass “MAGA Republicans” as the gaffe machine refers to these Americans as if they are the enemy.
  • Hillary R. Clinton, who sold 20% of US Uranium to Russia secretly through a third party in Canada, Who kept a secret home brew server in her house in violation of the 1914 Espionage Act that was hacked by enemies of the US. Though confiscated by the FBI, she was never charged. Let off the hook by FBI Director James Comey. Who refused to reinforce security at the Benghazi consulate, ignoring pleas for help by Ambassador Stevens who was brutally murdered along with his elite body guards? Clinton had hired the Taliban of all entities for security contracts on US diplomatic soil in several Middle East locations. It was that very Taliban that allowed the terrorists to get inside the Benghazi consulate when the siege began. How has this former Secretary of State been allowed to go unprosecuted?
  • Let us not forget that Hillary paid 1 million dollars for the salacious and fictitious Steel Dossier claiming President Trump had engaged inappropriate acts with Russian prostitutes
  • Congressman from California, Eric Swalwell, who carried on with a sexual affair with a Communist Chinese spy “Fang Fang” took huge sums of money for his election campaign from her while introducing his consort to other members of the California Democrat party. Sleeping with the enemy is considered to be an act of treason. Yet, we simply don’t see Democrats going away to prison, do we?
  • Diane Feinstein, Democrat from California, who has been big on banning guns for private citizens has a Communist spy under her employment for 10 years. Do you think she knew? I would suspect there was a convenient relationship between her and the Communist operative.
  • How many FBI officials were guilty of not only illegal surveillance of the Trump election campaign, but they lied to the FISA Courts and fabricated false evidence with Barack Obama knowingly allowing it. The equivalent of Watergate. Yet there was no prosecutorial action taken against Agent, Peter Strzok, and FBI Attorney Lisa Page both colluding over the illegal spying on Trump’s team. One might ask why the Democrats have the latitude to waste millions in taxpayer money on leveling charges against their political rivals while such conduct by the Republicans is attacked by the Democrats and mainstream media. Hypocrisy? Conflicting interpretation of the rule of law? Or, simply an evil agenda in the ongoing asymmetric warfare that America is being subjected to.
  • VP Kamala Harris appointed Border Czar and over more than 3 years did nothing even refusing to actually appear at the border until her untimely bid for the presidency after Joe Biden was ouster by his own corrupt party. How many deaths due to the open borders policy is she actually responsible for?

The requiem for atonement is in effect. Someday those responsible will feel the sword of justice! 

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