Daniel Ellsberg: Obama Committed ‘Impeachable Crimes’



Daniel Ellsberg, former U.S. military analyst who revealed classified Pentagon documents on the Vietnam War, has said that U.S. President Barack Obama has committed “impeachable crimes.”

“Like Bush, Obama has conducted clear cut impeachable crimes…by going into Libya without even pretending to consult and by continuing basically turning over people to torture, known torture, in Iraq and Afghanistan”, said Ellsberg in an interview with Crooks and Liars' Juliana Forlano.

According to antiwar.com, Ellsberg is currently involved in a legal case against President Obama (Hedges v. Obama) regarding the provisions in the NDAA that grant the power to detain individuals, including U.S. citizens, indefinitely without due process.


On Wednesday Feb. 6, Obama administration lawyers defended the military's indefinite detention powers in Manhattan federal court, claiming civil liberties advocates shouldn't worry about their rights being violated under the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012. The Huffington Post

Plaintiffs in the case Hedges v. Obama (as in journalist and author Chris Hedges) argue that several terms in NDAA including “substantially supported”, “associated forces” and “belligerent act” are overly vague. crooksandliars.com

The NDAA, an otherwise mundane annual bill that lays out the use of funds for the Department of Defense, has come under attack during the Obama administration for the introduction of a provision last year that allows the military to detain United States citizens indefinitely without charge or trial for mere suspicions of ties to terrorism. RT

The NDAA's dangerous detention provisions would authorize the president - and all future presidents - to order the military to pick up and indefinitely imprison people captured anywhere in the world, far from any battlefield. ACLU

In its original form, the NDAA allows the military to hold anyone accused of having "substantially supported" al-Qaeda, the Taliban or "associated forces" until "the end of hostilities” and indefinitely imprison anyone who commits a "belligerent act" against the United States, yet fails to explicitly define what is constituted as such. RT

Because there are no established rules allowing a citizen to exercise the right to a civilian trial, as guaranteed by the Constitution (specifically, the Sixth Amendment), detained citizens have no way to gain access to lawyers, family or a civilian court after they are detained by the military. Prison Planet

President Barack Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act of 2013 on Jan. 2.
Civil liberties advocates had roundly criticized the bill over Guantanamo and a separate section that could allow the military to indefinitely detain American citizens on suspicions of supporting terrorism. 

SOURCE: http://www.presstv.ir/usdetail/288783.html

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So lets do sumfin about this travesty ;)

What's the procedure to initiate an impeachment?


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