Gorbachev Calls on Russia's Putin to Quit Amid Unrest Read more: ht...

If Gorbachev, the globalist, is telling Putin to quit, I'm pretty certain it's in our best interest that he doesn't quit.

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Sorry to say it, but Russia and China need to block further imperialist moves by the U.S. and their globalist friends.  Our empire/police state needs to be held in check.  I love my country, but I detest my government and its neo-con/fascist controllers.  Our internal move towards limiting our natural rights are stirred and strengthend by our foreign policy....one corelates to the other.  Pakistan has made a start with its shutting down of U.S. supply lines to Afghanistan.  Iran is appropriately moving its warships near the Hormuz Strait.  China is abandoning the dollar in its foreign exchange with Japan.

 As much as I am aware of Putin's past with the KGB and non-democratic ideals, he is for OUR sake needed in Russia  despite what the protestors are saying. I strongly believe if he had been President of Russia this year, he would have sent Russian troops to Libya and forestalled NATO and the US.

 It's power politics on a grand scale.

 America needs Ron Paul as commander-in-chief, but I fear the election will be stolen and/or he will be assassinated before that can happen.  If he is NOT nominated by the G.O.P., he needs to immediately leave the G.O.P. and run for either the Constitution Party or the Libertarian Party with perhaps Judge Napolitan or Jesse Ventura as his running mate.

Yes, Protestors in Russia, Ukraine and other former Soviet Republics as in so many "Arab Springs", are stirred by the CIA in an attempt to destabilize the anti-NWO-globalist Russian government and reduce its natural sphere of influence in the region. We've already seen what kind of "Democracy" is the aftermath of those Riots, so lets not be fooled by the labels game

Russian missiles were sent to Syria for that very reason; they've lost patience after Lybia and realize they are being laid under siege

Where are Oba's democratic ideals anyway? Guess we are all aware here of his swindler past.

A little on more Vlad and how he deals with Amerikan clowns, he is as needed over there as much as Dr. Paul is needed on this side

And I just heard last night from Mike Rivero on www.justintv.com/mikerivero that Israel just sold the newest versions of the Patriot Missiles we GAVE them (Israel) to China!!!!!

Putin drove out the globalists.  

Putin stood up to the oligarchs installed during Yeltsins time and dealt firmly with them, has stood firmly against the meddling of the US and NATO in the Russian sphere such as in Georgia and has consistently condemned the wars in the Middle East including the latest threats to Iran. 


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