Homeland Security Labels Gun Owners Potential Terrorists

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Alex Jones
Date: Apr 13, 2009 11:34 AM
Subject: Homeland Security Labels Gun Owners Potential Terrorists

Secret Homeland Security Threat Assessment Labels Gun Owners Potential Terrorists

Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com
Monday, April 13, 2009

A Department of Homeland Security intelligence assessment equates gun owners with violent terrorists and states that radical extremists are “stockpiling” weapons in fear of an Obama administration gun ban.

This newly uncovered document is just the latest in a long sordid line of training manuals in which the federal government characterizes millions of American citizens as potentially violent terrorists who are a threat to law enforcement.

The document is entitled Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment (PDF link) and was released just a few days ago. The paper is labeled Law Enforcement Sensitive and states, “No portion of the LES information should be released to the media, the general public, or over non-secure Internet servers. Release of this information could adversely affect or jeopardize investigative activities.”

However, probably as a result of a concerned whistleblower, the secret document has been leaked to the Internet. Alex Jones called the numbers listed on the document and validated its authenticity. He contacted the “watch captain” at the Department of Homeland Security’s National Infrastructure Coordinating Center who confirmed the product number on the document as legitimate but would not comment further. A call to the FBI went unanswered.

Secret Homeland Security Threat Assessment Labels Gun Owners Potential Terrorists obama 340x169

The document states that the election of an African-American president and the economic downturn have acted as “unique drivers for rightwing radicalization and recruitment,” adding that, “The possible passage of new restrictions on firearms….could lead to the emergence of terrorist groups….capable of carrying out violent attacks.”

The DHS is essentially claiming that people who are concerned about the Obama administration’s plans to curtail the second amendment, and by extension anyone who owns guns or who has purchased guns in response to such a scenario, is a potential violent terrorist.

The bulk purchasing of ammunition is labeled “stockpiling” and “hoarding” to create the myth that people who buy bullets are storing them for some kind of violent revolutionary attack. The document also claims that people who buy guys and ammunition are also rightwing extremists engaged in “paramilitary training,” a bizarre claim backed up with no evidence whatsoever.

The document then discusses past and current gun legislation with the implication that anyone who vehemently opposes attacks on the second amendment right to bear arms is a potential terrorist, or at best a “rightwing extremist”.

Expressing concern about concentration camps, illegal immigration, the economy and martial law is also characterized by implication as a potential indication of terrorist activity.

In the classic guilt-by-association method with which we are all too familiar, the threat assessment then links such people with the Oklahoma City bombing, Timothy McVeigh, pipe bombers, and right-wing extremist groups, despite the fact that such groups were found to have been controlled by the feds themselves all along.

The document also mentions the Pittsburgh cop killer, Richard Poplawski, who murdered three police officers after they came to his mother’s house in response to a domestic disturbance related to Poplawski’s dog urinating on the floor. But according to the DHS, the incident did not represent a mundane but tragic domestic dispute gone horribly wrong, but a potential indication of the “rise in rightwing extremism”.

The DHS then throws in “anti-government conspiracy theories” and concerns about a “one world government” as another potential breeding ground for violent terrorists. Indeed, the document characterizes concerns about the economy, unemployment, the loss of U.S. sovereignty and the move towards global government as “rightwing extremist chatter on the Internet.”

In reality of course, the economy is in dire straights, jobs are being cut everywhere, and top globalists themselves are openly talking of their agenda to build a world government out of the shredded sovereignty of the U.S. But according to Homeland Security, anyone who talks about that reality could be a potential terrorist.

World Bank President and Bilderberg elitist Robert Zoellick openly admitted the plan to eliminate national sovereignty and impose a global government during a speech on the eve of the G20 summit when he stated, “If leaders are serious about creating new global responsibilities or governance, let them start by modernising multilateralism to empower the WTO, the IMF, and the World Bank Group to monitor national policies.”

However, according to the DHS, anyone who expresses concern about Zoellick’s public announcement that U.S. sovereignty is to be sacrificed in return for a global government is a “rightwing extremist” and a potential terrorist killer.

The document concludes by talking about the Internet in the context of being a tool for rightwing terrorists to network, build bombs, and send encrypted messages to each other.

The small print at the bottom of the paper encourages any recipients of the document to “report information concerning suspicious or criminal activity (presumably people expressing concern about the economy, anti-second amendment legislation or the open announcement of a new world order) to DHS and the FBI.

As we have exhaustively documented with the MIAC report and a whole host of others, the federal government apparently has very little concern for any perceived terrorist threat to America coming from the MIddle East or Al-Qaeda cells within the country, and indeed if any such threat existed we are only in more danger, because the feds have been busy training law enforcement that law-abiding American citizens who exercise their legal right to purchase firearms or who exercise their first amendment right to discuss politics, are potential terrorists who want to instigate a violent revolution.

Research related articles:

1. Police identify 200 children as potential terrorists
2. Americans Denounced As Terrorists While Criminals Embraced
3. Secret State Police Report: Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Chuck Baldwin, Libertarians are Terrorists
4. Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff says False-flag Terrorism an Imaginary Threat - Philly 9/11 Truth
5. Secret DHS Doc Predicts Violence in Response to New Gun Restrictions
6. Airport security staff frisk CLOWN as potential TERRORIST


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