During these dire times, the awakening has washed over the world like a mental mouth wash tsunami, cleansing the mind of all the lies we have submerged ourselves through popular media. Once cleansed, you become angered then panicked. There is an asian adage " Control your emotions or they will control you." The emotion or emotion's will pass. Now you ask yourself, "What can I do?" Well, what you can do is what your doing now. Get informed, be aware, and prepare. Talk to the "Awakened Ones" and stay the course. If other's don't want to listen, don't waste your time. They will come around once the SHTF.
Take care and God speed, stay the course and watch your six.

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Personally I'm not now and never was panicked. It's quite unlikely any shits gonna hit the fan. The NWO has already realized almost all of their plans. It isn't like any of us are free ya know.
They can't go on forever like this is over for them if they don't disrupt society. The Dem Rep revolving door is being exposed, 911 is being talked about around the world and its not the government version. Freedom is on the up swing again people have had enough and are not going to take it sitting down. If your not ready for the dollar to collapse and the food market to go haywire your kidding yourself its and inevitability.

Jeff you come on this site and read what we have to say but toss 75% of it out and ignore what we're saying. The NWO doesn't control the world as you think the collapse is coming no matter what any human does. We're intelligent people and for you to dismiss what we're saying most of the time and tell us we're wrong just based on opinion isn't changing anything.
what collapse is coming? please describe it so I understand.

The NWO in fact does control the world as I think and the fact that war is being waged with American soldiers in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, we just transferred 12 trillion dollars to the bankers and many, many other aspects of life in the 21st Century leaves no doubt who's in control.

The last Bilderberg meeting, which was reported on in depth was a meeting to determine if the global economic breakdown was going to be long and protracted or short and deep.

You're fighting a political, social and economic enemy and there are certain tactics that work and certain tactics that don't. The fact that they're well entrenched, control most of the globes money and meaningful corporations and virtually all of the globes armies makes them quite formidable. I don't see any collapse coming though you might. That doesn't make it so.
Don't you listen to Ron Paul ? whats he say about the dollar collapse?

The socioeconomic reality that you want to discuss is that when people lose all their fiat paper and holdings and are dead broke they're going to raise hell. Look up all the reasons Mao came to power and the socioeconomic environment the communist guerrillas used every time to come to power. When things get that bad the people will MAKE a change, Americans are fighters and not all cowards. You give to much credit to the bankers and their lackeys.

Don't you hear the tone of peoples voices today, they are mad and seeing whats really going on for the first time. When the economy started slipping all the alternative site got record traffic, the people are only complacent right now because they have a roof over their heads and food on the table when that disappears the chaos with ensue.
Collapse is defined, in a social and political sense, differently than when the word 'collapse' is used in reference to money or the dollar and has no similarities to the word 'collapse' as it pertains to societies or politics. Your perception of 'collapse' is riots in the street and social unrest, right?

Do you think people are going to wake up one morning and their money is going to be worthless? Do you think we're going to experience 1000% inflation? If so, you are going to be severely disappointed waiting for your collapse to happen.

If there is a dollar collapse it won't play out according to your definition. It will be a very slow process and won't affect the average American any more than the current financial calamity has. People will still own homes, go to work, watch TV and take vacations. A monetary collapse has to be researched to be understood and you haven't done the research to understand what a monetary collapse means. It doesn't mean what you think it does nor will it play out the way you expect it will.
You do think I'm an idiot don't you? "When things get that bad the people will MAKE a change" thats what I said, I know what a "dollar collapse" is and I'm saying when it gets that bad and the peoples money is degraded to that point the people will lash out and riot. Look at Argentina watch the video on its collapse and what happened, they didn't have guns or else it would have gone very differently.

You do what you want man ignore us ignore everything we say, we've been right so far. check the past archives of the various patriot shows they where spot on. The dollar is the only thing holding our nation together at this point when it goes theres going to be major problems.

Jeff said:
Collapse is defined, in a social and political sense, differently than when the word 'collapse' is used in reference to money or the dollar and has no similarities to the word 'collapse' as it pertains to societies or politics. Your perception of 'collapse' is riots in the street and social unrest, right?

Do you think people are going to wake up one morning and their money is going to be worthless? Do you think we're going to experience 1000% inflation? If so, you are going to be severely disappointed waiting for your collapse to happen.

If there is a dollar collapse it won't play out according to your definition. It will be a very slow process and won't affect the average American any more than the current financial calamity has. People will still own homes, go to work, watch TV and take vacations. A monetary collapse has to be researched to be understood and you haven't done the research to understand what a monetary collapse means. It doesn't mean what you think it does nor will it play out the way you expect it will.
I've not only seen all of the video's regarding Argentina, I've posted a few and read several books on the economic collapse in Argentina and even have a friend, Danielle, who was born, raised and lives in Argentina and I speak with her from time to time.

This isn't Argentina. The structure of the government is quite different. The current economic circumstances we face are global whereas the economic circumstances in Argentina were caused by outside forces, primarily in the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the United States of America which then affected an unstable government. In fact, we here in the US or rather our beloved CIA and government terrorists had a hand in that instability. Yeah, WE FACILITATED that collapse and it won't happen here in anything considered remotely the same. This country is the operating base of the NWO. WE SUPPLY the soldiers they use to fight their wars. WE SUPPLY the money they use via recent bank transfers and of course taxes. Any dollar difficulties here will be fleeting.

It takes an understanding of global monetary policy to understand economics and the dollar is safe and sound for now. We will likely experience a higher rate of inflation, a hidden tax, beginning in 2010 or 2011, but we're already living with 7% inflation according to Shadow Stats while the government presents that it's between -2% and 2% based on varying factors. We will all surely experience a lower standard of living and probably are right now. The gap between the rich and the poor will grow but the Leaning Tower of Piza will collapse before the dollar does. We may default on our National Debt by inflating the dollar but that's another story entirely and still doesn't affect you and I directly.

By the way, I don't think you're an idiot and never have and in fact always liked and respected you and still do. The fact that we disagree on fundamental aspects of an important subject doesn't change my personal opinion of a person. I think you're misinformed.

What we have discussed herein is at some times a matter of opinion and at others simply a matter of fact.

The NWO and it's religious beliefs are opinion.
The economics of global currencies is factual.
I have seen the Argentia Videos. I happened to know a friend who was there during the Argentia bad times. He told me that a lot of the real bad things that happened there never was reported by the news media. A lot of the people there used american money to buy and trade with. If you think everything in this country will shake out like Argentina, your 100% wrong. I personally believe we are headed for civil unrest and a sort of civil war. That's what I'm preparing for. Everyone has to make their own choice. I just hope I'm wrong, but what if I right?
Everyone i have heard speaking about the economy and the dollar that has been credible in the past and predicted what just happened has said the dollar is doomed. If it was just one guy saying it I would prolly take your view, I'm not an economist i don't want to be.

Peter Schiff, Max Keiser, Ron Paul, Bob Chapman and Gerald Celente all agree the dollars toast and not going to survive. The Federal Reserve Notes are a fiction and not backed by anything but the good will and faith of the people and the fact its accepted as money here in the US. Its not actually money "cold hard cash" it is not, its not constitutional money ether. The funny green toilet paper is going to crash outright in a few years, 3yrs tops. The SDR is the new international currency the dollar is being dropped by China and Russia as i speak google news those terms and AP Reuters pages will come up. They intend to destroy the US we're the stumbling block in front of them preventing a New World Order. Our Guns and spirit are the only thing holding back the storm surge of tyranny.
Interestingly, Peter Schiff, Max Keiser, Ron Paul, Bob Chapman and Gerald Celente are people I follow very, very closely. I like them all and agree with almost everything they preach or believe.

Of all of them, Gerald Celente is the only one predicting anything even close to what you foresee in the future. They are, just the same, predictions and although Celente has been correct 80% of the time he has also been incorrect 20% of the time. One also has to examine what he says with careful consideration because he is not predicting total societal collapse.

I have 2 of Celente's most recent videos in my iTunes movie file. I just went back and watched them again. They are just over 16 minutes combined. Although I agree with his predictions, for the most part, he isn't predicting Armageddon.

In the 1930s it was difficult for many people. However, there were far more people that did not have a difficult time. They still worked, they still fed their families and they still enjoyed their weekends. Life didn't just stop for the majority of people.

We are currently experiencing somewhere in the neighborhood of 20% real total unemployment though no one knows exactly; Shadow Stats has us at being 10% higher than government figures which currently vary from state to state between 8.5 and 11%. Today people own homes. In the 1920s and 30s they didn't. Today we have credit card debt. Then they didn't. Today we have malls that won't find new retail tenants though they will find tenants by being creative.

Celente equates the conditions in regard to home ownership, non-rented mall space and credit card debt today leading to a greater depression than in 1920-30. He's probably right. He adds that he believes there will be a tax revolt. Maybe he's correct.

Do you think the government won't respond?

In the 1932 and again in 1968 there were Veterans Revolts. In June of 1932 I believe it was 15,000 Veterans marched on Washington DC. The National Guard was called out, several were shot and that was pretty much the end of it. In May of 1970 several Kent State students were also shot by the National Guard, and the Vietnam War ended not long afterward. In 1963 Martin Luther King managed to put together 250,000 Americans from diverse backgrounds and ethnicity's and marched on Washington where he gave his now famous speech. Little actually changed. In October of 1995 there was a march on Washington and the attendance has forever been in dispute but is believed to be between 400,000 and 2 million. The March organizers claimed 850,000, the US government claimed 400,000 and the BBC reported 2 million. Either way the march produced a valiant effort by those organizing it with little actual resulting change in American policies.

Our history is filled with attempts by various classes to affect liberal changes from within by marching, protesting and striking, far too many to list here. In general they have not been terribly effective.

I don't really understand how a million or several million unemployed homeless Americans are going to effectively march on Washington and affect change. That's fantasy.

There will always be a much larger number of Americans that are still employed, still own homes, are still raising children and still take vacations. They are generally referred to as the mainstream. They don't protest and no matter how high taxes are they pay them, they go to work, they raise their kids and they watch TV.

There might be tax protests as Celente predicts. There might be a wide variety of protests as Celente alludes to. The crime rate may increase as we are seeing already. Malls may have empty storefronts as is already happening but there will not be a collapse of the American society we all know.

There are 306 million (approx) Americans. Today the total unemployed Americans appears to be somewhere around 24 million. There are and always will be far more employed, home owning, child raising Americans than there are unemployed Americans.

Our society will move on. We'll move past the difficulties as we always have. There may be bumps in the road but the perception that the economy is going to collapse and people will be armed and fighting on the streets is pure fantasy.

My own concern is with the NWO which for me is represented by American bankers, the American government, the multinational corporations, NATO, the UN, the IMF, the World Bank, American armies and American Imperialism. I see the war in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan as a distinct part of the NWO agenda. I see the destabilization of the Middle East as a part of their agenda. The introduction of GM foods globally (not just here), the lowering of the American standard of living, the transfer of trillions to banks, etc., etc.

The hope I see is in third party candidates like Ron Paul. If the man dies before we can get him elected I don't think there's much of a chance. If we do get him elected in 2012 or 2016 keeping him alive will be the serious challenge. But collapse? No. At least, not a collapse as many people here seem to think.
The collapse I'm talking about is a domino effect if anything, the days of marching on Washington are over we know that doesn't work because it doesn't threaten them.

"Peter Schiff, Max Keiser, Ron Paul, Bob Chapman and Gerald Celente all agree the dollars toast and not going to survive." they have all agreed on that specifically.

Protests and marches don't work really, I don't think you understand how many heavily armed and pissed off Americans there are today. The Government is going to make a shit law soon and the people are going to give them the finger and the jackboots are going to come out at 3-4am to serve a "legal" warrant on a specific person (im not talking the red blue round up) that specific person is going to start shooting, most likely make them take cover, he's then going to get on his phone or ham radio as the jackboot get on theirs and the two parties are going to meet on the street in front of unlucky patriots home. There are 3 million combat ready militia members in the US and thats being ultra conservative the real number is more than 1% of the population. The US revolution was started by 1% of the Colony's and we already have that right now today. The war was finished with 5% participating / being friendly providing food to the combat infantry. There was no vote there where no asking if it was ok, it happened and i described a very plausible situation how it could happen again today in modern times. The NWO only has 30% of the military that will shoot at Americans for sure the rest will not or will walk off the police are not equipped to fight the militias and thus not an issue but even so many many of the police officers remember their oath and know whats right and wrong.

The dollar is going to crash but the war is still just a possibility. The congress or the supreme court is going to make a grave error. With the amount of fascist / soviets in the various positions the likely hood goes through the roof... the new Judge Sonia Sotomayor says that the 2nd amendment prohibits the personal possession of firearms ... just google it. They are going to push and get lead in return and once it starts its not going to stop.
Anyone that decides they can take on the American Government in an armed conflict on US soil is dreaming.

Anyone that believes that a massive number of armed patriots are going to head out in the streets and take on the government is also dreaming.

Nothing, no mistake by the government is going to kick off the battle you foresee. It just isn't going to happen.

Yes, there are patriots. Yes, many are armed. Governments move incrementally and very, very insidiously (slowly) and they aren't going to provoke an armed struggle in the US. The abrogation of rights will be slow and effective. Can't you see? They've already paved the way and NO ONE has done anything to stop them. WTF? There's no cohesive armed unit capable of overthrowing the US government and there isn't a cohesive armed unit willing to either. People want to be left alone and as long as they are the government will trample over them with legislation. Look, they're dismantling the US auto industry right before your eyes. Listen to Dennis Kucinich on the auto industry. James has a video posted recently. They're taking away union jobs and outsourcing them to China with YOUR tax money. Who's stepping up? Dennis Kucinich, little Dennis, all by his lonesome. They're dismantling the American Auto Industry paving the way for China to sell us their compact cars. Geez man, no ones saying peep about it. No ones going to stop the juggernaut we call the US government and they're going to lower the standard (already have) of living, tax us to death and finance the war machine with our taxes and no one is going to do a thing.

My daughter is 28 and doesn't live anywhere near as well as I did. My grandkids are 1 and 7 and they haven't got a chance unless they complete a 4 year college and then go on to graduate school all on scholarships. Only the top percentage of students will be able to eke out a living in the future. Got a high school diploma? Join the ranks of the unemployed or underemployed. The America we once knew is toast but the government controlling it isn't and never will be unless we can manage to elect Ron Paul before he dies which is highly unlikely.

No, no armed resistance. The Revolution you speak of was fought when both armies had muskets. That isn't the case today. The patriots in this country may have guns but the force they'll be up against in any armed conflict will be far superior. It's not like the government is going to wait while Billy Bob drives from California to Georgia to meet up with Jimbo. Look at Ruby Ridge. Now there was an instance where millions of patriots joined their brothers to defend liberty. Not.


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