Fire on Civilians - 2

It is becoming ever more apparent that the international banking families that control the world economies, and hence, the United Nations, are moving ever faster into a position to reduce America to a condition of subservience. If we could see something of magnitude ending the socioeconomic problems and building a thriving, bustling economy without debt, that would make me feel better. But in ominous contrast, I continue to witness an ever growing number of situations of ever increasing intensity that are exponentially reducing the America people to economic slaves. The American Constitution and its inherent Bill of Rights are very nearly devolved.

Of even greater concern, the people neither hear nor see. With deafening silence the vociferous feats of the billionaire banklords continue to entwine our social and economic structure. But the people do not hear. With increasing reams, patriots are delivering documentaries of truth for all to read. But the people do not see.

With cunning stealth, the New World Order is uniting all its many facets into one gigantic power structure of world domination under the guise of world leadership for the good of the people. Yet people remain intoxicated. They do not want to see, hear or speak. Three monkeys could symbolize them. With the media completely controlled by those same billionaire banklords, perhaps the people never will know. Under their tree they sit contented.

In a sincere attempt to save this nation, I shall continue my efforts to wake my people and stop Clinton.

Troops from around the world are being combined under the control of the United Nations and its NATO. Spokesmen state that the world is not safe and needs a greater soldier to deal with civil disturbances. The military exercises involve heavily armed soldiers controlling civilians in search and surrender situations. German citizens raised great concern over pictures of German soldiers executing civilians in practice.

All of these exercises are in the name of "peace keeping". One cannot help but wonder what nature of peace they are keeping. It continues to appear that the threat is being contrived by those very same people who are now exercising peace keeping to stem it. That is bureaucracy gone insane.

To illustrate the reality of this peacekeeping menace, consider the 4000 troops from eighteen countries that took part in Cooperative Nugget 97 in Louisiana. Add to that about ten mock invasions on America cities each year in Urban Warfare Training. With no warning to the people, UN forces have swooped down on targets in populated sections of Los Angeles, Dallas, Miami, Detroit, Pittsburgh, Washington and Charlotte. Real sounds are used to simulate actual battle. Bombs, guns, black choppers and troops have severely frightened residents. Twelve helicopters dropped in on Charlotte. When is your city scheduled?

Again I ask, what is the meaning of this? There is no civil war. There are no riots. The areas "attacked" were peaceful. Only vacant buildings were targeted. Could it be that the New World Order (NWO) is conditioning the American people to the sights and sounds of the "peace" keeping forces that will contain them in the all-too-near future? There certainly must be a reason somewhere.

Perhaps a look at the laws to control civilians and the obedience demanded by the NWO will throw a bit of light on the subject. A plan, code named Operation Garden Plot, provides for the military control of law enforcement all of America plus its territories. Power is in place to "crush any civil disturbance or turmoil which might occur. Civil disturbances are defined as riots, acts of violence, insurrection, unlawful obstruction or assemblage, or other disorders prejudicial to public law and order." Much too easily that could be turned in to the police powers of a dictatorship.

This last paragraph on obedience is best left intact and quoted. It could be regarded as terrifying.


There is a principle that underlies declarations and policy emanating from the United Nations. That principle is spelled out in the book, Peace or Anarchy by Cord Meyer Jr. of the United World Federalists. "The UN must be given the constitutional authority to maintain security through laws which call for OBEDIENCE FROM THE INDIVIDUAL INHABITANTS OF THE WORLD AS THEIR FIRST DUTY and which no government can override." The suggestion of rendering foremost allegiance to the dictates of the United Nations runs counter to both the United States Constitution and the highest principle of human rights-liberty of conscience. Giving preeminent homage to UN dogma is in opposition to the law of man's true freedom.

The world is witnessing, on a massive global scale, the lethal conditioning of humanity. Whole populations can so easily become desensitized to the significance of the most earth-shaking events happening around them. As exemplified in the degradation of the moral and ethical character of our military, what seems reprehensible and abhorrent at the outset, slowly becomes reasonable and justified after a period of conditioning.

Add to the above scenario that it is most probable that the mainstream media is totally controlled by the same international banking families that control the United Nations. It is chilling to realize that it is most probable that those very same banking families financed the writing both Nazism and Communism. Both were written in England.

Obama is following the same history Hitler created. In three short months, Hitler set aside the German Congress and created a dictatorship. WW2 ensued. According to my research, that is Obama's next step. By the plans of the billionaire banklords, it is time for WW3, a holocaust that make WW2 look like a Sunday School picnic. Its purpose will be to end all national governments and crush all resistance.

Through NEP, National Emergency Powers, Obama has all the power of Hitler and Stalin. Now, what are you thinking? A penny for your thoughts. I wonder why OUR Congress allowed this to happen. Hmmm …


For a more detailed report on this subject, please read the worthy essay written by The Winds, to whom I am grateful for their invaluable research. You can go there by simply clicking on the hot link below.

UN Coming Into Focus

For documentation by Forest Glen Durland, please consult the following documentation and essays from my book, Money Is Unreal, Blowing the Whistle on the Federal Reserve System.

Most Significant Discovery
Farmers Credit Tickets
Contents will take you to the Contents Page of Money Is Unreal.
State of the Union 98 tell it like it really is.

** uhuh **

The President said he is reducing taxes.


Congress says they are balancing the budget.

uhuh. Sez who?


and Force Congress to

Kick the Debt & Taxes Habit with

$$ Money System Honesty for Us People. $$

We demand the whole truth with an honest viewpoint.

Don't send money. Call Jo(e) Congress and send letters.

Forest Glen Durland, CEO. 14675 1/2 Big Basin Way, Saratoga, CA 95070-6081

Voice: (408) 867-4410; Fax: (408)868-9446; Click here for email.

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