India Sikh's riot in protest of civilian gun ownership in USA.

India's prime minister said he was shocked Monday by the shooting attack that killed six people at a Sikh house of worship in the United States, and the top Sikh cleric accused the American government of a `'security lapse."

The attack at the temple in Wisconsin on Sunday sent worshippers running for cover in what police called an act of domestic terrorism.

Small protests condemning the violence were held in Indian cities Monday and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, himself a member of the Sikh faith, called the assault a `'dastardly attack."

"That this senseless act of violence should be targeted at a place of religious worship is particularly painful," he said in a statement.

Giani Gurbachan Singh, the head priest of Akal Takht, the highest Sikh temporal seat, called on Sikhs in the U.S. to adopt security measures at the U.S. temples, including installing closed-circuit cameras.

"This is a security lapse on the part of the U.S. government," he said, according to the Press Trust of India news agency. He called for prayers for the victims to be said at Sikh temples across India and ordered a Sikh delegation sent to the U.S. to investigate the attack.

The Indian government rushed its consul general from Chicago, N.J. Gangte, to Wisconsin. India's foreign minister, S.M. Krishna, said the government was awaiting the results of the U.S. investigation and he criticized the gun culture in the United States.

`'The U.S. government will have to take a comprehensive look at this kind of tendency which certainly is not going to bring credit to the United States of America," he said.

U.S. Ambassador to India Nancy Powell paid her respects at a Sikh temple in New Delhi and assured the worshippers there that her government stood with them.

In the northern city of Jammu, dozens of Sikhs gathered to protest the shooting, shouting slogans and carrying placards that read, "Ban open sale of weapons in U.S.A." and "Shame Shame Shame."

"It is very shocking. A country like the U.S.A., which says it is a superpower, could not protect its own people," said T.S. Ahluwalia, a marketing executive, as he walked into a Sikh temple in New Delhi.

"To attack a religious place of any religion in the world is very bad," he said.

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"Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest. " - Ghandi


omg..  that baby is adorable ~ funny pix 

Good quote ~ doesn't matter to me who said it but it is ironic in the recent shooting upon innocent Indian people in America 


so they would be 'Sikshills'? ;)


My question is, why would the signs be written in English and be in huge, bold black print? Something just doesn't jive. This pic has obviously been doctored. I suppose they could be sikhshills and perhaps, not even aware of it ;)

former Brit colony

More Indians speak English than any other language, with the sole exception of Hindi. What's more, English speakers in India outnumber those in all of western Europe, not counting the United Kingdom. And Indian English-speakers are more than twice the UK's population.

Indiaspeak: English is our 2nd language - Times Of India



CIA generaly would equip them with better signs, but who knows :)

This could be true or staged for the dumb, stupid media .

yep, who knows anymore


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