Insane school unleashes fake masked gunman for civics experiment


Thursday, October 17, 2013 12:52 PM

Sixth graders were initially terrified to learn that a masked gunman was on the prowl inside their North Carolina middle school.

But once they learned the gunman was a school employee unwittingly putting them through an emergency preparedness exercise, their minds were set at ease — and their parents became the terrified ones.

The Eastern Wayne Middle School employee donned a ski mask and toy gun, and pretended to be a robber. The school described the incident as “an enrichment lesson on exhibiting good citizenship and observing your surroundings.”

“Even though play-acting caused some initial concerns, once the skit was completed, the teachers quickly explained who the person was and that the theft was not real,” wrote the school’s principal, Catherine Fulcher, in a letter to parents.

Still, many parents called to voice their complaints that their children would purposely be led to believe that they were in danger. more

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What is going on, in the minds of these people?

Personally I feel it was an exercise in mind control, keep fear always in the background, and train them whilst they are young.

I do not think the head would have done this without being told to carry this out, from some one in higher authority.

With You on the mind control/conditioning/fear inducement.  Hope the parents nail the instigator(s) to the wall!

One more idiot (head shaking). Who in their right mind would even dream this up. I bet its the assholes pushing "Common Core". Folks, these assholes in the school boards are pathitc assholes. I know I would NEVER put my child in ANY public school. Brainwashing by fear MUST stop.


Unbelievable. They had a fake bus kidnapping recently somewhere, even worse than this, it went on for a while before the scenario was revealed as an excercise. Kids are at more risk from getting arrested and/or suspended/ expelled for innocuous acts of goofing off or texting or picking up a drunk friend from a party to ensure they get home safe. I feel for kids at school these days. No fun, no art no music no field-trips no creative pursuits no critical thinking allowed and high-stress high stakes testing as the #1 focus. Pitiful.

It is Fear Mongering. I'm encouraged by so many here seeing it for what it is. WTH!?!
The Federal Government has become our Secrete-Adversary. 

Pysops are flying around like frisbees at a Dog Park from these Psychos. 

nice analogy- hilarious too- I'm totally gonna use that someday. With full credit given. I have intellectual integrity. Really.

The parents should get together (doubt it) and file a collective, major complaint.

So let me get this straight... a kid can be expelled from school for making the shape of a gun with his hand, but it's ok to let a masked man run around school with a real-looking gun?

Wait... WHAT?!?

What they're doing ("they" being the psychopathic dictators running the schools) is inverting reality. Kids are punished with severe consequences for actions that are neither criminal nor malicious. But staging a masked gunman scenario to teach kids "an enrichment lesson" is perfectly acceptable.

Get the idea? They're introducing kids to the bizarro world, where up is down, down is up, and 2+2=5, or maybe 3, or maybe just depends on what the overlords say. The whole objective, you see, is to destroy the logic, intelligence and independence of children. They are literally trying to disorient them and turn their minds into goo.

The frightening part is, they're succeeding. 


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