Las Vegas hospital gives mentally ill patients one-way Greyhound tickets out of town

San Francisco city attorney Dennis Herrera announced Monday that he is going to begin an investigation into Rawson Neal Psychiatric Hospital in Las Vegas, Nevada following accusations that the hospital has been providing patients with one-way Greyhound tickets to other states. The Sacramento Bee has run an investigative series into the hospital and claims that Rawson Neal has discharged around 1,500 patients this way, reports Yahoo News.

The Bee reports that many of the discharged patients were still mentally unfit and indigent. Around a third of them received tickets to locations in sunny California. Herrera said that sending the patients away with no structure ”to be received by family, medical facility, or other responsible person at the place of destination, and without adequate food or medication, the Nevada hospital placed the patients at risk.”

In one case, a man being treated in Rawson Neal was put on a bus to Sacramento with only three days worth of medication for his schizophrenia, depression and anxiety. The man said the doctor recommended the trip to California because the state has better health care than Nevada.

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Wow, that's just insane.

I did an internship in the ICU of a major psychiatric hospital in Dallas.

This is a slippery slope no matter what you do.  Many people end up in the ICU because there is nothing their families can do for them.  Usually, they have already been on the correct medications in order to function in society but REFUSE to take them.  They turn to alcohol, prostitution vs. continuing counseling to  "heal" the cause of their mental illness.  You cannot MAKE someone work to fix what is broken inside them.  No one can do it for them.

At the time, I worked in the ICU.  The first time I saw a release of someone I KNEW needed further care. I did ask why are we releasing them?  That specific hospital had no long term care and once stabilized DID SUGGEST that they be go to a State Hospital for Long Term Care.  

Since they weren't breaking any laws;

they were taking their medication;

they had no family or friends (they had already worn everyone they knew completely out with all of their problems);

Where would or can they go?

They REFUSED going for long term help whee they had counseling available.

When they refuse to even help themselves, actually, the hospital in the article didi do the most wise thing is send them somewhere they Knew could help them...BECAUSE AGAIN THEY WILL BE IN THE SAME SHAPE THEY WERE IN WHEN THEY GOT THERE.

Bottom line?  You cannot help anyone who doesn't want the help; or, doesn't want to help themselves.

Add to that the fact that the entire mental health system is based on a communist model of mind control, it's no wonder it doesn't work.

It's fake mental healing.

Where in the world did you get that idea of communist model?

I had two internships in two ICU units of two different hospitals in Dallas.

What doesn't work?  As long as the patients REFUSE  to get intense counseling to "heal themselves" .. there is nothing anyone can do!  I have seen and witnessed amazing doctors, counselors and psychiatric nurses work diligently to help people who do NOT want help.  Why?  If you're interested in why they don't want help, I'll be happy to explain.

The next question that is usually asked...why don't they want to help themselves?

It isn't that complicated.  They are so used to getting attention for their behaviors regardless if it is negative attention...that they continue.  It is termed as "secondary gain."  I act this way.."_____"; and I get attention OR I gain something from it that will be taken away if I allow them to help me get well.

The bottom line is? Most people who are mentally ill don't want to take the time and energy it takes to heal themselves. That is exactly who ends up healing...the patient themselves with "instructions" on how to do it.

I appreciate your reply.

The topic of the mental health system in the US was one of my first research topics when I first discovered all this. The mental health system has been dumbed down and poisoned just the same as the school system. Just like everything else the beast wraps it's tentacles around.

To sum it up in short, instead of real mental healing they peddle Big Pharma Rockefeller drugs that further damage the body and the brain even to the point of corrupting the individuals genetic makeup.

We are being soft killed and phased out. It's called Social Darwinism.

Read this: Brain Washed Into Slavery*OEYumS6Us8ohXIOsR3xMZMD1CYwLITlpqQSfo...

I sound like an idiot! THEY CAN'T DO THAT!!!  I mean, is sooo wrong.

I was 56 when I did my I guess the doctors and nurses KNEW I was a serious student....they, personally, talked to me a lot of the cases..the why they did this and NOT this, etc.  Most of the doctors and nurses at this "specific" hospital were from the old school.  Timber Lawn Psychiatric Hospital has a long, long history in thes country reaching back to WWII.

They too, do NOT believe people should be "overly medicated."  These people did care.  They stressed the importance of "healing yourself"...and the meds were there "sparingly" to keep you calm UNTIL you could be productive in society "without them."

They "taught us" to stress the importance of healing the "initiating cause" of the mental illness meaning:  Family violence as a child; abuse, etc. causing break-downs after years of abuse.

The responsibility to "heal yourself" through self examination was very strong; and NOT to rely on the meds to just "numb you out" so you didn't have to "get well."

The patients?  I have VERY serious doubts patients leave any hospital with the goal in mind to "work to HEAL THEMSELVES."  Most people DO want the easy way out...which is drugs...or alcohol.

I didn't go into practice after I finished.  I learned from the best and they told me (or rather warned me) that the majority of people DO NOT WANT TO TAKE THE RESPONSIBILITY to heal themselves and change things they believe and act on that are that are actually hurting them.

Many patients didn't like it there because we "stressed healing yourself" won't come in a pill.  It won't happen using drugs or alcohol. IT IS VERY HARD WORK to really heal yourself when your thinking and feeling processes are so negative.

Seriously, read it. Most everything in that book has come to pass.

The definition of Psychopolitics follows.

Psychopolitics is the art and science of asserting and maintaining dominion over the thoughts and loyalties of the individuals, officers, bureaus, and masses, and the effecting of the conquest of the enemy nations through "mental healing."

Brandon Smith | The foundation of the Soviet model of trade and investment was centralization under the guise of “universal public ownership”.

This is just the start of this crap. Just wait until Obamacare hits full force in 2014. You haven't seen nothing yet!Many, many of these people need to be in mental hospitals for long term care. We have billions of dollars to send overseas to those despots that hate us, but we can't find the will and dollars to help the mental ill in this country. This is not a liberal-conservative or democratic-republican problem. They are all to blame. We all are some what to blame for not demanding that these people be taken care of.

You are right we are all to blame in one form or another.

On the other hand laying blame will not solve the issue, the problem needs to be remove. Pulled out by the roots and thrown into the burn pile. 

The only way to get rid of an infestation is to find the source of it, and we know where that is.

Just think if everyone that made under a hundred thousand dollars a year decided to just stop going to work one day. What would happen?

Can you tell me how long it would take for this action to shut down this country?

The Top 100 Statistics About The Collapse Of The Economy That Every American Voter Should Know


The U.S. economy is dying and most American voters have no idea why it is happening.  Unfortunately, the mainstream media and most of our politicians are not telling the truth about the collapse of the economy.  This generation was handed the keys to the greatest economic machine that the world has ever seen, and we have completely wrecked it.  Decades of incredibly foolish decisions have left us drowning in an ocean of corruption, greed and bad debt.  Thousands of businesses and millions of jobs have left the country and poverty is exploding from coast to coast.  We are literally becoming a joke to the rest of the world.  It is absolutely imperative that we educate America about what is happening.  Until the American people truly understand the problems that we are facing, they will not be willing to implement the solutions that are necessary.

The following are the top 100 statistics about the collapse of the economy that every American voter should know....

Continue reading at link above.

50 Things Every American Should Know About The Collapse Of The Economy

Thank you for your time and interest. mystery


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