Lomatium Dissectum is an anti-viral and anti-bacterial root - native to Oregon

Lomatium.com, offering Lomatium dissectum as an anti-viral and anti-bacterial herbal medicine.

Lomatium.com, offering Lomatium dissectum as an anti-viral and anti-bacterial herbal medicine


The anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties of Lomatium dissectum have attracted the interest of herbalists and Naturopathic physicians who are utilizing it in the treatment of today’s most difficult viral diseases. It may be part of a protocol in the treatment of Hepatitis-C, Influenza, HIV, AIDS, Chronic-fatigue, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Herpes simplex, Sinusitis, and common Colds.

The root of the Lomatium dissectum plant is a natural medicine with extensive traditional use by the Native Americans of the Pacific Northwest and Northern Nevada where it grows. It was used primarily for upper respiratory infections, although a great many other uses have been noted. When the influenza epidemic hit Northern Nevada in 1918, Ernst Krebs MD of Carson City was surprised to see the local Washoe people recovering, and he inquired as to their medicine. They called it "Toh-sa" or "Do-sa". Dr. Krebs called it Balsamea, due to its biting odor of balsamic resins. Botanists named it Leptotaenia dissecta until 1942 when it was renamed Lomatium dissectum, a slightly different classification. One of the many Lomatium species is often called "Biscuit-root", as the pulp was pounded into cakes. Its large taproot and its kinship with common carrots, also gave it the name "Indian Carrot".

Order Lomatium Dissectum

There are excellent Lomatium products available from MTN. Oaks, LLC. PO Box 155. Doyle CA 96109. Call Toll Free: 1-866-775-1570 or email at: mtn.oaks@wildblue.net

Current Lomatium Price and Product List
Alcohol Extract
Extracted from freshly ground, dried root
Standardized to 75mg/ml
1 oz.
2 oz.
Glycerin Solution
Made from alcohol extract, alcohol is distilled out,
vegetable glycerin is used, herbal properties of alcohol extract are retained, 75mg/ml.
1 oz.
2 oz.
Purified Extract 22.5 mg. vegicaps. Yellow powder made from the alcohol extract. Instances of the Lomation rash are extremely rare with this product. 120 caps $30.00
Lomatium Fine Ground Root
Finely ground, use for capsules, decoction tea, or take with water. Very bitter tasting, but effective.
300g $30
*  Plus postage on select items
Please call for wholesale prices on all products.

Do not use Lomatium dissectum if you are pregnant or breast feeding.

Side Effects: There is a rash of hives which effects 5 - 10% of those using lomatium dissectum tincture. This skin rash has so far not been reported with the powdered extract which we sell in capsules. If a skin rash develops, discontinue use. Side effects: This herb is anti-bacterial as well as anti-viral, and at higher doses could cause depletion of the 'friendly' bacteria normally found in the intestinal tract. Addition of acidophilus to the diet should counter-balance this potential.

Michael Moore’s book Medicinal Plants of the Pacific West (Red Crane Books, Santa Fe, 1993) has an interesting discussion of this ‘lomatium rash’ reaction with the use of tincture or fresh root, suggesting that a protocol supporting the whole person may prevent side effects of this sort. He also notes that the rash does not reappear if the patient uses Lomatium again a month later.

Important notice:
Information offered here is not intended to be used as a substitute for the advice and supervision of a health care professional when looking for treatments for medical conditions. No guarantees of any kind are made for the performance or effectiveness of the preparations mentioned on this website. No responsibility is assumed by the author, publisher or distributors of this information should the information be used in place of a licensed medical practitioner’s services.

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Mike Rivero could have used this as of late. He was hospitalized for an aggressive viral pneumonia :( I sure hope he's on the up and up soon because he's been really sick for a few weeks already... poor guy.


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