September 25, 2020

Illuminati insiders tell elite economic consultant Martin Armstrong that the goal of the COVID hoax is the subjugation of Anglo Saxon countries 
"Nobody in their right mind would have done all of this simply to suppress a virus that is no more dangerous than the flu."
by Martin Armstrong
Suffice it to say, Europe has been conquered according to VERY RELIABLE SOURCES, and as such, the main focus has been on subjugating the Anglo-Saxon countries. 
This is why we see absolutely ruthless activity on the part of politicians in New Zealand and Britain with the leader being Australia. Canada has already shut its borders & is seeking the same authoritarian rule & the US election is all intended to remove Trump. 
If they can achieve the removal of Trump, then their view is they will have conquered the critical part of the world and then turn to try to isolate China and Russia to impose their New Green Socialist Order
Despite judges coming out and saying what the madman of Australian, Daniel Andrews, is doing is illegal, he could care less. 
Why? He is carrying out an agenda to suppress the people and subjugate them because this is a major Marxist Revolution they have been using this virus to instigate, and then Climate Change as the excuse to completely alter the economy
They have forced people to work from home as office buildings resemble some Apocalyptic Movie where humanity has been wiped out like Planet of the Apes. We are looking at deserted cities that will NEVER be able to recover. Nobody in their right mind would have done all of this simply to suppress a virus that is no more dangerous than the flu. These lockdowns are destroying the lower classes where they earn a living from the physical presence and cannot employ their labor from home. They are deliberately using these lockdowns to drive a bigger wedge between the classes.
The madman of Australia wants to imprison anyone who challenges him calling all dissenters "conspiracy theorists" but our mistake is to think this is just one politician who has gone insane with power. Andrews is showing the rest of the Anglo Saxon world what is coming just down the road. They need total suppression to pull this off.
The Communist Revolutions of 1848, series of uprisings against European monarchies, which began in Sicily and spread to France, Germany, Italy, and the Austrian Empire. They all ended in failure and repression and were followed by widespread disillusionment among liberals with the exception of France where they forced the change in government.
It was the Communist Revolution of 1848 which set in motion the migration to the United States. Migration to the USA has always increased as even a precursor to war in Europe. This major spike was the precursor to World War I which began in 1914.
This time, with this globalist agenda, there is no major place to flee to as the alternative.

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Excellent post Chris.  Have you ever read anything by the author Deanna Spingola and her books on “The Ruling Elite”?  

She authored two well written and informative books on what World War 1 and 2 actually was about from her historical investigation and perspective.  You probably know this, just being helpful.  I have these books in my possession and they are dangerous to them because they hate the truth. 

Thank you for posting this, Chris! Coming to a neighborhood near all of us, I think.


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