Most people do NOT realize that the PRIVATE Bankers of ROTHSCHILD & ROCKEFELLER have our PUBLIC Governments "over a Barrel"!
ROTHSCHILD and His Forefathers have made Leaders/Kings Weak with their EVIL Banking Practices, when they fall, the Merchants will Mourn. He is behind Christian and Muslim WARS. He loans money to BOTH Sides.
Without doubt the Most Powerful and Most Evil Man alive today. 6th Generation London Rothschild Banker. He starts WARS then Finances each side of WAR. See FIAT EMPIRE. 53% of the Worlds GOLD. Banker for the Vatican. He holds deeds to 80% of the land of ISRAEL from the time of the Arthur Balfour Declaration.
Blackmailed President Wilson with a Woman to get us into WW2. Him and His Blood Kin Control the World Banks.
Got their money by DECEIT - Freemasonry Control!
Rockefeller provided HITLER with His Oil during WW2.
He provided the only fuel that would fly a plane at the time. They did business with the Germans, Russians & Japanese [Our purported "ENEMIES"].
Zionists work Hand in Glove with the "Black Pope" (Head of Jesuits). Run out of 38 Countries - control Knights of Columbus, together killed 6 US Presidents. See "Fiat Empire", the book "Vatican Assassins" & "The Learned Elders of Zion". Trained Hitler, Lenin, Castro, Al Gore, Mao Tse Tung & many more Tyrants.
He stayed in the US President's bed at the White House on his wedding night. His Mossad Bomb Specialist stayed Rent FREE for months on the 91st floor of WTC North Tower.
His Mossad Agents working in the CIA to bring in plane loads of drugs each day to America, see "Tatum Chronicles", Mena, Arkansas & Clinton Secrets!
Recent Body Parts - 13 Arrested in New Jersey, Zionist Rabbi buying for Money Kidneys from Living People to send to Israel and Europe.
Doctor From PERU asserted that children were adopted out to Europe when these were checked no Childrens' Record could be Found where they went. It is believed children were cut up and Body parts used by Rich People. Zionists assert that "Gentiles" are just one level above a dog. In Israel, Zionist Jews assert that the Palestinians "came down from the trees one generation back".
Rothschild Financed Hitler. Rothschild now lives in New York so he can control the Votes of the 192 Nations at the United Nations. Mike Rupert traced $100.000.00 from CIA to Palestinian Intelligence sent to Mohammad ATTA Terrorist. Living in Hollywood, Fl prior to 9/11
Rothschild records ALL phone call made in the US. 25 Major Phone companies in Israel = Amdox, wrote Programs for FBI, CIA, NSA. Comverse called C.A.L.E.A.
Obama has 7 Zionist members in his Cabinet - Running Treasury, Federal Reserve etc. [Conflict of Interest/ Treachery?]
Behind adding hexaFluorosilic Acid to our Water, Cola etc. Falsely labelled Fluoride, Sodium Fluoride and Sodium, destroying every organ in the Human Body. Take Magnesium 250 to 750 mg before each meal will stop you from craving sweets and Cola - will stop your body from absorbing fluoride in the food. Purify your water. Take Kelp 150mg total cost 20 cents day. Instead of Kelp you can add I1/4 to 11/4 Teaspoon full of SEA SALT to one gal of purified water - this will also cure several diseases and get rid of DEPRESSION. Visit Nursing Home - see Mindless People. HexaFluorsilic ACID is a NeuroToxin in the Brain, Alzheimers Disease and much more!
Loaned us 3.8 Billion to build FEMA Prisons to Lock US people up during an Economic Crisis. FEMA investigated 9/11
Rothschild & Rockefeller are head of the Fed Reserve, Bilderberg Group, CFR, NATO, Trilaterlal Commission & more.
Get the NeuroToxin out of Your Brains Americans or wake up in a FEMA prison. Millions have lived and died in America over the past 60 years and not had one SECOND of REALITY. Movies made in Hollywood about Zombies is Making Fun of Americans! Hitler used High Doses of Fluoride in Water at Concentration Camps to keep People in a Zombie state. Take Magnesium and Purify water after two weeks. You will quit craving sweets and Cola. FBI head J Edgar Hoover said this Conspiracy is so BIG that no one will believe it! They killed Kennedy because he signed Executive Order # 11110 for Treasury to print our Money, the Private Federal Reserve is owned by CRIMINALS - all US citizens pay them interest for NOTHING!
Thank you Patty!! I have seen too much Horrific things of Evil coming from the Rothschilds and Israel to stay quiet.
Many Thanks!
We know who to target now! Stop AIPAC, The ADL and any zionist Organization operating in America! America is infiltrated and utterly usurped!! It has to end! America for Americans not Duel Passport Israelis!
Charles - Excellent post in revealing the Luciferian leader "Rothschild"!
Thank you 14300! I have been trying to expose the bastards behind the Cabal for a very long time. Only until we Deal with Israel and the Rothschilds and their cohorts will things change.
"Destroying the New World Order"
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