Mesmerizing Photographs Of Soldiers' Faces Before And After A War

While the emotional repercussions of war aren't easy to measure, the before, during, and after pictures of soldiers who have seen combat tell a pretty unsettling story.

ORIGINAL: By Lalage Snow.

Found on My Modern Met and ABC News.

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Wow, this went viral. About a 1000 people an hour visiting this currently. Good job Ria, keep them coming !

Thank you, James! I am surprised too...WOW!!! 

A good follow-up to this would be to show the before and after photos of the poor souls who lost limbs and received brain trauma, etc...

Yes indeed, Ria, this post truly resonated!

Thank you too, Vincent. I hope more and more people are able to realize and comprehend the intent and thought behind this collage of pictures.

OMG ... Those guys look like they lost there souls in the after pictures ... Its so so sad talk about broken people .. I hate war especially man made forced wars of greed and conquest .. Oh yeah I guess they are all about that kinda stuff .. It doesn't seem to help or free people at all .. The people everywhere suffer for the few elite greedy murderous controlling power hungry people at the top of the game .. Time to knock them of there thrones and declaw them so they can't hurt the world anymore .. Good god those pictures tell a very sad story ...
Its in there eyes ...

indeed- their eyes have all gone soulless.

That they did. Pretty sad.

I was noticing how even their eye color is different when I noticed something else. The Huge difference in the size of their pupils! Most All of them in the pictures taken during , that their pupils are very small.  & then in the after, their pupils are huge! almost as if they were physically attempting to limit what they saw over there! Heartbreaking & so Very Wrong to do this to Anyone!

Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"

  Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In U.S. War And Occupation Of Iraq 4,801

Number Of International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan : 3,311

Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan

You can see the "nothing" &/or Rage & cruelty a the eyes of a few of them but most just look so heartbreakingly sad & tortured & hopeless! 

Bless their hearts...bless all of them.

wow! Views: 65147


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