"Monsanto Protection Act" Secretly Added Inside "Farmer Assurance Provision" by Traitors In Congress

Emergency federal spending bill contains hidden provisions of Monsa...

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(NaturalNews) A complete shutdown of the federal government is looming — to many Americans, this is actually a good thing — and Congress is scrambling to pass a so-called “Continuing Resolution” (CR) that will ensure our traitorous overlords have enough fiat cash on hand to continue with business as usual. But hiding in this upcoming appropriations bill is, you guessed it — the aptly named Monsanto Protection Act, in all its shameless atrocity.

According to a recent report by Digital Journal, House Republicans quietly inserted the previously abandoned — or so we all thought! — language from the inappropriately named “Farmer Assurance Provision” into the new appropriations legislation, where it is intended to be passed in secret. Since the traitors in Congress could not get their precious Monsanto Protection Act passed outright, they instead resorted to deception.

“The text of the bill the provision is tucked away in was released … by House Appropriations Committee Chairman, and recipient of Monsanto campaign contributions in 2010 and 2012, Harold Rogers of Kentucky,” writes Justin King for Digital Journal. “The controversial provision was almost repealed, until Senator Roy Blunt of Missouri opposed the bill. Blunt received campaign contributions in 2010 and 2012 from Monsanto.”

In other words, Monsanto paid off the most willing lackeys in Congress to re-insert language into an unrelated bill that will give the company and the rest of the biotechnology industry free reign to plant untested and potentially dangerous genetically modified (GM) crops without safety approval from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Additionally, the heinous provisions would block judges from ruling against GMO plantings, even if said GMOs are shown to be unsafe.

“The so-called Farmer Assurance Provision — misnamed because, frankly, the only ones who are assured about anything are GMO manufacturers like Monsanto – actually strips federal courts of the authority to halt the sale and planting of potentially hazardous genetically engineered crops while USDA is performing an environmental impact statement,” explains the Alliance for Natural Health USA (ANH-USA) in a recent alert about the issue.

“It’s a huge blow to the justice system, completely overriding judicial safeguards that protect both farmers and the public.”

Shootings, threats of war distracting public from what Congress is doing behind the scenes in secret

So while the public is distracted with gun control, false flags and Syria propaganda, Congress is sneakily trying to erode what few safeguards remain with regards to GM crop plantings in the U.S. If the Monsanto Protection Act is passed as part of the emergency appropriations bill, it could spell the end of any semblance of oversight over GM crop approvals, which would further harm the average American farmer trying to grow non-GMO and organic crops.

“It is extremely disappointing to see the damaging ‘Monsanto Protection Act’ policy rider extended in the House spending bill,” says Colin O’Neil, director of government affairs for Center for Food Safety. “Hundreds of thousands of Americans called their elected officials to voice their frustration and disappointment over the inclusion of ‘Monsanto Protection Act’ this past spring. Its inclusion is a slap in the face to the American public and our justice system.”

Even though they often do not listen, our so-called representatives in Congress need to hear from all of us about their stealthy little plan to hide the Monsanto Protection Act in the new spending bill. Massive public outcry back in the spring was effective enough to at least stall the passage of the Monsanto Protection Act for a while. Now, a groundswell of opposition must emerge to kill this egregious affront to food liberty once and for all.

You can contact your Congressmen through the ANH-USA Action Alert page:

Sources for this article include:



Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/042118_Monsanto_Protection_Act_emergency...

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