More and more I see why they leave Alex Jones alone and why they killed William Cooper...

Alex it seems is just filibustering now for 4 hours each day now that he has the top spot in the alternative news. He's got the captains seat now and can just sit there really not exposing anything new ... His new up and coming movie JFK, do we care, am I going to learn something I give a shit about? His new Chemtrails Doc. might wake some up to the fact that the government lies... Obama Deception 2, !? Will I be shocked? will there be new information EXPOSED that wasn't already talked about? Most likely NO.

Do we need to be told each day that the cops are beating and killing people, that theres a police state being setup, that we're being tracked and traced more and more? Do I need to be reminded that the elite are bad people? For the new people right? ... how about we use the millions of people we already have and direct our energy correctly. Lets grow in our understanding together and come up with a real battle plan. Lets go deeper than "that man bad, this man good" lets open the book all the way and put everything out on the table, we're smart very smart people and most of us have pain stakenly clawed for the exact truth. Used far more time than anyone should researching evil people and past mystery religions because no one exists out there right now that WILL go through ALL of it and cover it ...... as William Cooper did.

It feels as if Alex is now on an information loop that will only touch the same info repeatedly until the MSM picks it up and even then he continues with it. The MIAC the DHS reports... were any of us shocked that those documents got "exposed" or shocked as to what was in them? We ARE aware about what the soviets in the DHS thought about us already "and if it where not for Alex Jones" do you think those documents wouldn't have come out? They wanted them out or they wouldn't have written them and distributed them to the lower levels. Covering the latest new for an hour is needed but more than that unless its brand new material or life threatening is not accomplishing anything but to waste time. Let the other news guys in our movement get it let Burmas do the news hes not great at wowing me with his knowledge.

Alex so bad wants to be main stream media he's no longer the cutting edge and since he hasn't got the mental memo yet he will never be the MSM until we win. He's now just another Alternative media commentator chronicling the New World Orders Progression.

MILKTOAST at best right now, Lieing by omission at this point. Peter Joseph needs to be challenged he is not in our movement he is a theosophist and of the same ideology as the Illuminati his movie is Illuminati propaganda so Alex's BS "i won't police the movement" or whatever idiocy he blabs on about during his daily filibuster is just because he doesn't want to lose listeners. Go after him and others who are seriously stifling our progress.

Alex is desensitizing his listeners to the NWO while at the same time announcing for the NWO their goals and happenings, i'll bet some tune in just to keep up with their own nonsense. He's wasting time giving them time, acting inadvertently as a pressure valve. Playing into the Cop v.s. the public, and acting like a tool sometimes in front of the world making us look like nuts.

Alex is not working for the NWO nor wanting to help them but if he keeps this crap up we're going to be in a hell of a lot of hurt here in the next few years. He wanted the top spot and he got it and its on his shoulders how this goes on from here in the infowar. His solution of passing out DVD's until the troops arrive to shoot me isn't funny or cute its suicide really. Why doesn't he promote the militia more? Why does he cringe and go silent when Bob Chapman or Mark Koernke (why hasn't mark been on the show lately? Alex will BS you when asked "he didn't have me on his show") brings up the notion that we are most likely going to get into a shooting war with them? I hope that its just he doesn't get it and not that he's so obsessed with listeners and public relations (the same PR that he has failed at for years now because of who he is) that he won't say what NEEDS to be said. Cooper was very pro militia and with Alex we're lucky he doesn't call them terrorists at this point.

I hope im not the only one who sees that we have a de-facto leader thats derelict of his duty to prepare the infowarriors for a possible real war and derelict in exposing the enemy who has come into our movement and is utterly sabotaging and burning entire pockets of resistance and good peoples beliefs. I fully realize that if we are forced to fight we have lost a significant portion of the war but I fear that has already happened years ago. They win a large battle if we end up fighting our own brainwashed countrymen. Personally i don't see a happy ending to the NWO crashing and burning they are notorious 2yr olds "If i can't have it nobody can...KaBoom!"

I can guess his response to this ... "no matter what i do your not going to be happy" or I'm bad I'm bad i know" or a 10 min diatribe telling me how he doesn't have the time because hes busy filibustering for 4 hours a day or the staff because he's small or how i need to be the next William Cooper. Theres no point in Alex doing 4 hours of radio anymore if things are so hectic drop it down to 2 hours and get it in gear. Lets talk real issues and actually go deeper than the surface its all bad moniker. If all Alex wants to do all day is wake people up nothing more he needs to step out of the captains chair and as he says he NOT the best person to be presenting all this information. Do what your best at Alex analyze the enemy and expose the entirety of it piece by piece. Make some adjustments and challenge Zietcrap we're getting our ass kicked in a lot of areas right now and our victory's are not even close to war changing at this point. If all we have are shear numbers whom are not educated to the full totality of the enemy we will only have won a meaningless temporary war.

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Thanks Adap2k for pointing this vital video out.

You start off by sounding deeply depressed.

It is easy to Curse the Darkness without even attempting to light a candle.

It is important and it is significant to keep in mind that Alex Jones, nor you, walk on water. Jesus did that, and allowed at least one other to try it, but that has not happened, lately.

So if you are trying to persuade me to believe that Alex is NOT perfect, don't waste your time. I already know that. Neither am I perfect. Probably, you aren't perfect either.

However, there is no way this benefits the New World Order. They are not only far from perfect, they, they of the NWO are not even trying (to be "good"), as you put it.

If it does, then so does your entire post. Equally so.

Let me tell you some things I know about my friend, Bill Cooper.

Bill used to RANT on his Show about how faith, (specifically, in Jesus Christ), was not something he did. He spoke against having "Faith." I called him about it OFF AIR, on more than one occasion.
I asked Bill Cooper directly, did he know and understand WHAT FAITH IS?
-- that he already lived by Faith, all the time.

Bill had Faith that when he spoke into the microphone, that there was anybody "out there" who was listening.

Bill had Faith that when he sat down on his chair, the chair would hold him and not collapse under him.

Yes, all these things and more, I spoke to Bill Cooper about, off the air.

Guess what? Bill Cooper was a humble, honest man, on many occasions, with strong principals.

Even though Bill Cooper was also not a man who walked on water.

And right after out conversation on Faith, he began announcing he had become a Christian, and now had Faith.

On yet another occasion, right when Bill Cooper announced his new newspaper, Veritas, I called and spoke with him. I asked him to set aside two copies, and I sent in a Money Order, within 30 minutes of our conversation. Bill promised to set aside the copies until my MO came in. He took down my name, etc.

You know what? I never received my Veritas copies. I contacted his "staff" and they told me they had sold out, and there were no more copies.

Considering how quickly I placed my order with Bill directly, I began to doubt even that the paper existed. Here is what I did: I told them to consider the money I sent for the Veritas as a gift to their general operating funds. Which I assume they had already done. There was a quick thank you, and we were done.

It was not until many years later that I ran into someone who DID get the copies of Veritas, I had never seen! So at least it did exist! But how could I know, if I never saw one before? I did not. They sold out, but I never got any copies, not even of subsequent issues! Yet I did pay for it. I ordered it the same day it was first announced. Did this mean that Bill Cooper was working FOR the NWO? Come on! No way!

I listened to Bill's Broadcast all the time. On Shortwave. I first discovered him on Shortwave back in 1995.
I had found this incredibly good shortwave radio -- in a dumpster! I still dive into dumpster's to this very day!
I am nearly 56 years old now, and I have been doing this since I was 8 years old. Treasure hunting in other peoples throw a ways!

Bill did a whole lot of good for Liberty and Freedom.

I do recall how in the weeks prior to his murder and assassination how Bill was going off into angry tirades against virtually every caller, even all those who told him they liked his show, respected him, etc.

Maybe Bill had some strong clues that he was soon to be set up for his own execution. I trust all those who were offended by him in those days, are not small minded enough to make that memory a great big deal!

To this day, I wonder what has become of his wife and his offspring.

Look, your post is to undermine what?

The credibility of Alex Jones?

The "only good" Alex is a dead Alex?

He "must" be murdered before you can admit to yourself that he is for real?

Do you call for a Boycott against Alex Jones?

Where do we go with your post? Where?

In the ghettos of the 1960's, and a bit beyond, there was this attitude that revealed itself as the true driving force behind it's poverty and despair.
That attitude is this: As soon as anyone would show signs of emerging above the poverty of the ghetto, there was "no explanation" to everyone else other than to attack that person as a "sell out." And this is what they did indeed do. To avoid such charges, you merely had to do nothing. Doing anything that would give you a choice as to stay orleave, placed you in the line of fire.

THIS ATTITUDE was the REAL reason for many being TRAPPED in the ghetto. In fact, it really was what made the ghetto a ghetto. Psycho-logic-ally.

I see this same thing, this same ghetto mind-set, happening here.

Perhaps, by using your logic, Bill Cooper NEVER said ANTHING that "they" did not want to get out. So in essence, by applying your logic, Bill Cooper was a great mouthpiece FOR the New World Order.


Your logic is a sword that cuts both ways. Both sides.
It also cuts both when inserted, and when withdrawn.

Ironic, isn't it? Even you can not speak without it "benefiting" the NWO.

Damn, that's nuts!
I know Cooper had some theory's that where out there and ones that where just wrong but what my thoughts where is that AJ isn't taking fight against those who are infiltrating. Theres virtually no new info that hes putting out except to analyze the current news.

About the militia your right some of the bigger ones where compromised, but does that mean we give up and go home with our head down and crying? Peter Joesph has infiltrated our movement does that mean we should shun the infowar because its compromised in a small way like the big militias are? No we need to have both the infowar and the militia if the infowar fails which may very well happen. The small militias are neighborhood size and are very very secure, most American militias are at the small city size neighborhood size... its hard to fool people who live next door to you, the militias also have many many police and feds in them that are on our side, remember that.

I'll respond to you tmr Kenneth thanks for the response i'm a bit tired tonight.

TweekJones said:
Well I like William cooper to a point just as I like Alex to a point. If you read "behold a p-lae horse," his most popular book you will find that he had a few screws loose. His theory on the JFK assassination was also way out there into crazy land. I guess what I'm trying to say is on some level I don't like either of them.

P.S. Promoting the militia is dangerous for anyone,Back in the nineties they were full of ATF and FBI agents and I have not seen one shred of evidence that that has changed.
To Kenneth Lowndes

I believe you took my post as something its not, I'm not attacking Alex I'm saying he's not being very effective in leading. Thats why i said he was filibustering on the mic for hours. He needs to get his act together and stop the focus on the side issues JFK and Chemtrails are side issues. He rarely has a guest on that brings new info to the table i didn't know already. He's good at keeping me up to date with markets, Builderberg meetings and things of that nature but i believe the top spot in the world dealing in this information changes the style and breath of what he should be doing. I think he spread himself to thin doing 4 hours a day, when he was only doing 3 hours the shows where much better and I'll bet he got more done that actually was needed.

I'm sure the NWO wanted their religion and inner workings kept secret. I'm also sure that the masons didn't want the Lucifer mason connect made. Bill really blew the lid off some items they were keeping very close to the chest.

"Did this mean that Bill Cooper was working FOR the NWO?"
No and I stated in my post "Alex is not working for the NWO"

"they of the NWO are not even trying (to be "good"), as you put it."
I donno what you mean there?

"The "only good" Alex is a dead Alex?"
This is a discussion thats been hashed out many times and has been talked about a lot. I DO NOT want to see anything happen to Alex and I in no way said because he hasn't been killed that means anything. He's big enough that it will backfire and in illuminati / mystery school teaching there must be a watchmen on the wall warning the public and speaking the truth.

"ghetto mind-set"
As i said before you took my post way out of proportion, Alex can and will do what he wants and I'm not in a "ghetto mind-set" when i say he needs to hit other more meaningful topics. Calling the conspiracy environment a "ghetto" is actually kinda funny and very astute because many do have a my team "ghetto mind-set".

"He "must" be murdered before you can admit to yourself that he is for real?
Alex Jones is as real as it gets he's on top in the movement against tyranny and thats why i bothered to write something this long about him, If i felt differently about it i wouldn't say much let alone type several paragraphs about how i feel things need to be worked differently.

"Do you call for a Boycott against Alex Jones?"
No I'm a subscriber I pay him $6 a month to keep going after the enemy and as a paying supporter I'm entitled to write something like i did although it will be ignored and the changes not made.

"Where do we go with your post? Where?"
Its a Forum discussion and this is exactly what should take place. I see you don't agree with my posting and this is the progress thats needed. Hopefully more people will weigh in on the subject and I can better understand the general feeling out there. My life revolves around the fight i don't do much of anything else and because of that I may start another project in an attempt to make a difference in the fight.

To KLC: I'm extremely happy Alex is alive I don't have the mind set of the others who post on this subject elsewhere.

Thanks for the responses hope to see more soon. -TLS
When an issue is hitting the MSM, we need to keep it a hot issue and not back off.
It can be a wedge to enlarge the crack in the pyramid.
Ron Paul has got a hold of Bernanke like a doberman and not backed off.
He stays focused and consistent. We need do do the same.
We need to be marching in our "numbers" with banners and signs.
"Where is the Justice department?" , "Torture is Criminal", "Prosecute! ,Prosecute!, Prosecute!"
"No One is Above the Law"

Phil Berg is on Tarpley's show every week with updates on the legal motions against usurper Obama. Just like PR, he is focused and on a mission.

Now when it comes to Alex, I would like to see him be the hub command for organized efforts where citizen can get involved to concentrate their efforts to be more effective.

I guess what I am trying to get across, Alex has the "numbers" of dedicated listeners and could serve as central co-ordination to get more activists going in the same direction.

The "numbers" are there, the co-ordination is weak.

I subscribe to and I don't think that we'd be as far along as we are without him. I am not complaining, I am only putting forth what I would like to see strengthened.
i know man,all alex seems to be full of is problems and real solutions.i know it diffucult to talk about what the real solution is.but i think we know what the only solution is.they keep bringing in new laws/chains.and all alex seems to be good for is reporting on sorry folks but when peaceful revoluion becomes impossible,violent revolution becomes inevitaable.alex to me at moment is a distraction from real action.
YES thats what I'm saying he needs to drop the non essential items and hammer out a better plan we have the numbers but no impacting plan of action. Passing out dvds and fliers till we die is not a plan its a recruiting method and not the ACTION thats going to drop the NWO like a sack of spuds. MLK didn't pass out videos ... He got in the elites face big time, made speeches and had a huge impact.
I don't understand why we are putting this great crown on Alex's head. He does what he is effective at. I would say his oprative in this fight is to stimulate the new commer into action, in which, he does a very good job. To the newby, this info is overwhelming and would seem rediculous without the support of his documentation in a format thats understandable.

We all have are place in this fight for freedom, our job is to pick up where he leaves off. No one man can do this alone. I would say take responseability for your individual part in the fight. We can not place it all on one head. It takes many parts to make up the body, just as it takes many parts to make the substructure of a well organized force.

This is just my opion, and should only be viewed as such, not a view to say I have the answers. I don't mean to be insulting to anyone, as I respect your view as a opion that is your right to have.

I released my chemtrail article because Cooper was doing this in 99. Why has it taken Alex 10 years, and now a couple of more months?? When I got the docs., my pressure to come upwith something solid started to build. When Dr Horowitz exposed the virus plot, and Mr Jones ingnored it, THAT was my last straw. No more waiting on Mr Jones. And as far as NEEDING reliable sources and expers for stories, if these are the same "Experts" that led us all here, their words and credentials mean nothing to me. I don't need the backing of anyone disiplined in the "Teachings of Demons". There may well be a confrontation! It was supposed to start in 99 when Cooper was gunned down. So as a Canadian, I say "WHAT militia???" Seems McVey and Co. kept the promise they gave Cooper, they have come to naht (Militia). When I was on Jones everyday, it was like following script waiting for the next thing to worry about or be told there's nothing to do. I am like Cooper. I have worked for 25 years in MANY different jobs, not in a radio show studio having everything presented to me. I, like Cooper, actualy know what I'm talking about from first hand experience! Alex has been in a studio for all this time, depending on OTHERS to inform him of how things work! And at this point, there is NO MAN between me and God, ONLY his son Jesus! I have no money or standing as far as this world, Mr Jones has a 6 million$ studio set up to support everyday! People expose themselves. Mr Jones is NOT the truth, just another gatekeeper meant to point out the matrix while we all go down. The SHOW is over for me. Wish him the best. Too bad it was another "Planted Enemy" for us to play with. Truth is in you, and what you do with it once you have it! Mr Jones exposes himself on lack chemtrail reporting ( 10 years late) and rehashing Kennedy killing, like we can change anything now, and like it matters which puppet hand was responsible for it. Truth marches on......with or without him!
You should also post this to the questions section of PP forum.

I like to add it was AJ and his staff that brought the MIAC report to national attention.

I see AJ as a conduit of info. It is an Infowar. I believe he wants us to be educated and to educate others.

We as a people can not make the correct choices with out all the facts available at hand.

The more we plant the seeds the more we will have on our side, the side of liberty.
Right on babe, I made the same observation.


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