NBC News: Peoria bishop compares Obama's actions to Stalin, Hitler

The Anti-Defamation League wants an apology from Peoria's bishop following a recent homily comparing President Barack Obama's policies to those of despots Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin.

During the message at St. Mary's Cathedral in Peoria, Roman Catholic Bishop Daniel Jenky contended social services for Catholics could be eliminated if Obama's directive to include contraceptives in health insurance continues. Jenky went on to compare the actions to past cultural wars against the Catholic Church.

“Remember that in past history other governments have tried to force Christians to huddle and hide only within the confines of their churches like the first disciples locked up in the Upper Room,” Jenky said.

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When the clergy speaks, generally, people listen. This is really a good thing and we need to support this Bishop so that others may find the courage to speak out.

More quotes from the Bishop:

In comparison, he pointed to Otto von Bismarck's "culture war against the Roman Catholic Church, closing down every Catholic school and hospital, convent and monastery in Imperial Germany."
“Clemenceau, nicknamed ‘the priest eater,’ tried the same thing in France in the first decade of the 20th Century," Jenky said. "Hitler and Stalin, at their better moments, would just barely tolerate some churches remaining open, but would not tolerate any competition with the state in education, social services and health care."

"In clear violation of our First Amendment rights, Barack Obama, with his radical, pro-abortion and extreme secularist agenda, now seems intent on following a similar path,” he said.

They want an apology? F**k that.

Ya know. That's their new tactic now. Criticize the GOV and they give you an opportunity to apologize. How about an apology to the families of the 2million people murdered in the last decade of unjust wars.

Well...  I support choice, and in the abortion issue, I am less uneasy unless mandatory abortion is instituted.  But there are OTHER ways in which Obama (Bush, and other before Him) are pressing Us in ways the Nazis did.  NDAA and Executive Orders of late being prime examples.

So...  Yeah.  Apologize?  As Nikki said:  F*** that!

i do not agree with many things the catholic church believes, however if the government can punish the church people because they utilize there free speech we are all in trouble .. they want to silence all dissent by taking away the tax exemption the churches have always had .. you can bet if there is a church promoting Obama they would not be threatened. Many churches are poor even with there Tax exemption if they took away the exemption it would shut the doors of these organizations that do do social work for free..  I know there is trouble at the top [Vatican ] i personally think catholics are brainwashed and there beliefs are lunie tunes but the little people who are at the bottom love there little churches who am i to tell them NO .. I see no harm in there churches and many churches go about doing good works and try to help people of there own free will NOT because the government say to ... :) 

Well said, Suzie. My thoughts exactly.


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