New Background Check Bill NIGHTMARE! Letting a friend shoot your gun at range illegal

BREAKING: Details of Shumer’s Mandatory Background Check Bill (S. 374)

We’ve finally gotten a look at Chuck Shumer’s proposed mandatory background check bill, and the truth is that this thing is ridiculous. The bill is overly broad, has some crazy penalties, and cracks the door WIDE open for government abuse. The full text of the bill is here, and since it’s in that terrible bill-speak legalese, I’ll try to summarize it for you . . .


The main provision of the bill is that any transfer of a firearm, no matter how fleeting, needs to go through an FFL and the transferee needs to have a background check performed through the NICS system. There are some exceptions, but they aren’t very good ones. Page 11 starts off the meat and potatoes for those following along at home.

In order to qualify for an exception to the rule of all transfers going through an FFL, the following requirements must be met:

  1. The temporary transfer takes place at the owner’s house
  2. The gun can’t be moved from the property
  3. The transfer must last less than 7 days

There’s also a poorly worded exception for hunting and “sporting purposes,” as well as gifts to family members. What that means is if you go on a trip for more than 7 days and leave your guns at home unattended with a roommate, its now a felony under this law. And if I’m reading this right, this applies if you leave your guns with your spouse, but don’t transfer them as a gift.

There’s also no exception for lending guns to friends for the afternoon on the range. I regularly loan out my older competition guns to friends who want to compete in local matches, as the guns can be expensive and its easier to figure out if competition shooting is right for you if you can give it a try. Under this new bill, that would be illegal.



(TLS)- SO... they want to destroy the gun culture in one bill again. Making it illegal to hand a gun to a friend at the range LOL this thing will fail hard but this shows the absolute nutcase total disarmament mind set. If you give these pricks an inch they will take your life screw a mile.  They would make it a felony to have a house sitter care for your home if your out for more than a week and owned a gun. The whole point of this is to allow the police state to make felons of gun owners to make owning a gun a serious burden and a hazard. I mean hard time for lending a gun? Really? These idiots must not have a clue most criminals can easily steal guns... O yea and if you lose a gun or it gets stolen and you don't report it, felony jail time, for any infraction of this proposed bill. Meaning after you get out no voting no guns for you. They got a serious hard on for civil war don't they? I'm not going to prison for five years or handing all my guns over if i break this goblygook shit.


"It also appears that it would be illegal to hand a firearm to someone other than the owner, effectively killing range trips with friends.

I quote from the bill the definition of “transfer” includes:

shall include a sale, gift, loan, return from pawn or consignment, or other disposition

Broad much? The only exception appears to be handing a gun to a potential buyer to evaluate and lending guns at a shooting range but ONLY IF:

at a shooting range located in or on premises owned or occupied by a duly incorporated organization organized for conservation purposes or to foster proficiency in firearms and the firearm is, at all times, kept within the premises of the shooting range;

So, only facilities where the stated purpose in the incorporation documents is conservation (hunting) or firearms proficiency. And if you’re shooting on your own private property, or on BLM land, ANY lending of guns EVEN IN THE PRESENCE OF THE OWNER for recreational shooting would be illegal." --SOURCE


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EVERY gun law since the 1934 NFA is contrary to 2A - therefore null and void...

The fact that THEY are drafting and passing these illegal laws, shows THEIR true intentions, and only re-enforces the reason why the Founders laid out 2A in the Bill Of Rights.

Surely it has reached the time where people say 'ENOUGH'...

...and a resound 'NO!'


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