“The greatest mystery in life is the human mind. We don’t know what other people do until it becomes known. Our job is to figure it out, but we need indicators to know something’s not right,” says Sgt. Ed Mullins of the New York Police Department, who is also president of the Sergeants Benevolent Association, the city’s second-largest police union.
Using a zero tolerance approach to track domestic terrorists online is the only reasonable way to analyze online threats these days, especially after the Boston Marathon bombing and news that the suspects had subsequently planned to target Times Square in Manhattan, Mullins says. The way law enforcement agencies approach online activity that appears sinister is this: “If you’re not a terrorist, if you’re not a threat, prove it,” [he says?].
“This is the price you pay to live in free society right now. It’s just the way it is,” Mullins adds.
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Oh, there will be resistance, because many now know what the future holds for them and their children if these foreign occupying satanists ever succeed. So I think this will be a fight to the death and given the chickenhawks that pervade our top level of gov. I think we have a damn good chance of winning. I'd rather die fighting than live the way they have planned.
Arrest, Try & *EXECUTE* this traitorous, Oath-Breaking PIG, immediately!
Please instruct what profs one has to submit to the investigator or administrator.
"I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves: and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform (them)." - Thomas Jefferson [Author of the Declaration of Independence - Co-Author of the U.S. Constitution]
Not if their Manchurian mind whipped zombie freaks and the RFID chip will get them there and it is pretty much common knowledge that those in military , police , secret op groups and informants have this chip in the jaw or somewhere ., that given they do not have a mind of their own. The powers that be have been working on this since probably before the fifties. Watch the Manchurian President the old one . Check out /PAGE%206%20Mind%20control%20chips.html of abbaswatchman .
The only remedy is to destroy them before they destroy us all that would oppose their tyranny- Any person, sweet as they may be, That Thinks 'more talk'' and 'more rigged election's and a 'Million more Laws' and ways to rob and kill Americans by brute force of the criminally insane Law Enforcement that spoils for Civil War, is going to work itself out is a sweet but stupid idiot- You can't vote-em-out, buy-em-out, reason them out, or scare-em-out- The only measure left is to 'Do unto them as they are doing and will do unto us but do it to them first, where ever you are and what ever time it is- Any time is a good time, pick your spot or offer the bait and wait- Your house is your castle, act like it or it will become theirs, and you will be ash, your family and pets dead or scattered- Now you go along and just set them down and explain to them how they are bad and ask them to quit it- Then after you show them the enlightened wrong path that they have taken and show them the err of their way then you let me know how that turns out for you- They steal peoples life savings, blow up buildings to cover 'them investigating themselves' and murder any that don't want to go along with their agendas- And so on I don't have time to school everyone with their heads still in the sand- IF ANY of You Slackers wants some facts and truth with no holds barred, subscribe to me on whatever site I am for truth- I am nothing but a messenger- It's what I say and not how I say it- It;s all about the message- Following TRUTH will make one wise, and sometimes dead, but be assured, of this; No one will come to your rescue- You will endure and survive or you will perish from life and mind- I am not cruel, just mature and honest in a world of the criminally insane and you're in that World, 'Believe It Or Not' wesley
ps for the snoops and the security people that murder to keep a non working and fun job being a Jesuit Nazi balding fags with no necks, to you I say Fuc U and I will leave the light on for you chickenshits-
Mullin's statements reads like something from a nightmarish Lewis Carroll scene in the court of the Queen of Hearts‽
Bad Sergeant! Bad Sergeant! No doughnut!
Mullins has an insufficiency of cerebral neurons that he has neither the perspicacity realize the degree of imperspicuity to which his statement produces such cognitive dissonance. An assertion of such a demand proves that the "free society" of which he blathers.... would not exist.
That's precious. In other words, the price you pay for freedom, is...freedom.
Although common sense is prudent. That is, I agree with the notion -- don't make threats. But, as I say, that quote is nothing short of quintessentially Orwellian.
And while its still a free society - I just want to say to Sgt. Ed Mullins, of the New York Police Department "NYPD":
Kiss my ass, you STAZI SOB!
He is from NY and they recently got back, the NY cops did, from "URBAN POLICE TRAINING IN TEL AVIV". What does that tell you, that they intend to do to us? Exactly why he is talking the way he is. He has been trained to rethink everything he believes in and has grown up with in the concept of freedom which does not exist in Israel. This is your dual citizen BLOOMBERGS idea and if he likes it so much he should get out of the USA, move to Tel Aviv and run for mayor there. Oh, but he does not want to live in a police state. How funny! These insane psychos are fun to watch running all over themselves trying to gain control over every living being.
Everyone knows, no matter how hard you try and no matter what you do, YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO FULLY CONTROL ANYONE. When all of these false flags are done by our Homeland Security to scare the people into compliance, its almost impossible to use "terrorism" as the excuse for taking away our rights. The only terrorists around are within our government. "Fast and Furious" ring a bell? Terrorism... Does Homeland security doing drills on every single real terror attack ring a bell? How do they know an event is going to happen exactly the way they are drilling for and on the same date as the drill? TERRORISM, CONDUCTED BY OUR GOV, SO WHERE ARE THE ANTI-TERRORISM FORCES TO ARREST THESE PEOPLE?
Notice they have picked the most liberal government dependant states to begin this farce, or where the most wealthy live like NY? Massachusetts, California, and probably New Jersey and Connecticut next. Big Daddy will take care of us, we don't need our guns. Yeah, right. Well we know who the sell outs will be in the re-education camps. Good luck.
It is because Bush said that those who oppose them are the Terrorists. Bush , Cheney , Obama are nothing but Elite bastards who think they are becoming some god on another planet . Let's send them there now and get it over with ., they definitely do not belong on this one .
That statement was a terrorist threat. This was said in public? Where's DHS? Sgt. Ed Mills needs to be held indefinitely at Gitmo, and water boarded for information on his sleeper cell.
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