Look at these numbers: Officials Frantic Over Ron Paul Supporters Seizing Control Of GOP

Congressman fills another 4000 seater stadium in California

Steve Watson
May 3, 2012

GOP Presidential candidate Ron Paul continues to fill stadiums and attract thousands of people to his campaign events, while the establishment is once again becoming concerned about the effect Paul’s success will have on the national convention in Florida.

Paul drew a crowd of over 4000 people at the California State University at Fullerton campus yesterday at the school’s Titan Stadium.

Enthusiastic supporters were queuing around the block to get into the stadium, as the following video captured by one attendee highlights:

Paul took to the stage to boisterous chants of “President Paul!” and proceeded to outline his ‘Plan to Restore America.’

“Sounds like there’s a revolutionary spirit in town tonight,” Paul said, to thunderous applause. “I’m so encouraged that so many young people saying, ‘Things have got to change.’”

“Our time has come, and it won’t be stopped,” the Congressman noted during a 50-minute long speech. “In the short range, there will be bumps. In the long range, if we are dedicated, we will change this country and we will change the world.”

Saying that the economy was the most pressing issue at hand, Paul noted “Things have definitely changed in the last four or five years. People have woken up and realized that we don’t have a sound economic system.”

“The tragedy here in this country is that if you’re on the inside track, you get the benefits when things are going well and you get bailed out when things go bad,” he said.

“If you don’t have confidence in government, it’s a good thing,” Paul said. “You challenge things.”

A portion of Paul’s speech can be viewed below:

Meanwhile, Paul’s refusal to drop out of the presidential race is beginning to cause some concern for establishment Republicans, as the Congressman’s supporters are ensuring that he is stealthily picking up delegates ahead of the national convention.

In the past few days, Paul has registered a number of successes at state committees and conventions in Massachusetts, Minnesota, Alaska, Iowa, Louisiana, Colorado, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island.

If Paul can score a plurality of delegates from five states, his supporters could nominate him from the convention floor. At this stage a brokered convention remains highly unlikely. However, with a strong showing among delegates the Congressman’s supporters hope to secure a speaking spot for Paul and some control over the party platform.

Josh Putnam, a professor of political science at Davidson College and expert on delegate procedures, told TPM that Paul’s supporters should “easily” reach the required threshold of delegate pluralities, and warned that the effects could be far reaching.

“Broadly speaking, I don’t think anyone has a firm handle on how deep this goes,” Putnam told TPM. “This is a headache for Romney and they’ll have to deal with it at some point.”

Republican officials are warning that Paul’s supporters are seizing control of the party at the State level.

“It’s down to a matter of trust,” Craig Robinson, a former political director of the Iowa Republican Party told The Hill.

“If you’re the Romney campaign, can you trust the Iowa GOP to work with you? If this delegation is going to go down to the Florida convention and cast their votes for Ron Paul, I think the answer is no. I wouldn’t blame the Romney campaign for being skeptical of working with the Iowa GOP.”

Similar situations are fomenting in several other states as Paul supporters are using the establishment system to their own advantage.

“Taken together, these victories and those yet to happen forecast a prominent role for Ron Paul at the RNC,” Paul campaign manager John Tate said after the Colorado and Minnesota gains. “They also signal that the convention will feature a spirited discussion over whether conservatism will triumph over the status quo.”

The Paul campaign will remain in California for the next few days and will hold several more events. The Congressman will speak at another large on-campus town hall meeting tomorrow at the University of California at Davis. On Friday, he will hold another at the University of California at San Diego.

Details of Dr. Paul’s ongoing campaign swing in the Golden State, including information on how to RSVP, can be found here.


Steve Watson is the London based writer and editor for Alex Jones’ Infowars.net, and Prisonplanet.com. He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham in England.

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LMAO Mitt Romney doesn't draw these kind of crowds consistently. 

This is great!!!!

Dont cha just luv it?? ;)

Ron Paul protected by God Not the "secret service'' ...  woot woot!   

:D - can't stop the signal

looking at today's numbers "Google"  Mitt is @ 39% and Ron Paul is at 35% yet we see so little if any media information concerning Ron Paul, if we do see information on main stream media about Ron Paul it's usually negative information telling us that he supporters have done something incorrect. The news I'm talking about is NOT paid advertizing but general news, given this fact one could conclude that the news we get from main stream media is nothing more than propaganda and the best thing we can do to fight this is too (boycott) all main stream media, this would include ABC,NBC, CNN, FOX and any other media outlet that refuses to publish the truth.  


I will be working on a open script that will do the same kind thing that SOPA or the new US government HR3523 would be doing to information that the US government labels as unwanted, it will be a script that changes your IP tables to block ABC,NBC, CNN, FOX and any other media outlet that refuses to publish the truth, it's very simple and can be removed as simply as it is implemented.  


It's time we turn the tables and use the same tools that the US government is using on us to strike back at the heart of the problem that's plaguing America.   

I love America and am willing to die protecting it.


"Destroying the New World Order"



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