This blog is the clearinghouse for all the writings of Kent McManigal. Gather 'round and read my hard-core, REAL, libertarian/anarchist views on just about everything. I also write a weekly column for the Clovis News Journal, as well as sporadic columns elsewhere, plus stuff here that you'll find nowhere else. Enjoy!
It's all well and good to have a plan and know how to defeat Stormtroopers and reavers who show up in masks and body armor at your house at 3AM, to kidnap or murder you and your family- after shooting Rex and stomping Fluffy for the sacred cause of Officer Safety, of course.
However, the reality is that most of the kidnappings will be done as the result of a "traffic stop". This is where they have gotten more people accustomed to forced encounters with agents of The State. And most people are trained and frightened into being compliant and cooperative. That is going to have to end if liberty is to ever return to the former America.
I'm sorry to be the one to have to break the news to you, if you haven't already realized it on your own. But it has come to this.
So, think about it and plan accordingly.
"Destroying the New World Order"
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