Piers Morgan on Alex Jones - "He was the best advertisement for gun control you could wish for"

Piers Morgan Vs Larry Pratt
The Gun Debate


CNN host Piers Morgan just called to discuss his interview last night with Alex Jones, the conservative radio host and gun advocate who went on a tirade against Morgan, gun control legislation, and a litany of government conspiracies.

"He was the best advertisement for gun control you could wish for," Morgan told POLITICO.

"That kind of vitriol, hatred, and zealotry is really quite scary. I didn't feel threatened by him, but I'm concerned that someone like him has that level of influence," Morgan said. "There's got to be a level of discourse that can rise above what happened last night. It was undignified, unedifying."

In what Morgan described as a "big, long rant," Jones -- the man who started the White House petition to deport Morgan -- shouted questions about gun control legislation, gave premonitions of a 1776-like rebellion, and pronounced conspiracy theories -- including his belief that 9/11 was an inside job -- while Morgan tried calmly and in vain to conduct a civil interview.

"Sometimes it's better to let somebody have the rope they need to tie themselves in knots," Morgan told POLITICO, noting that he had been far more vocal and more passionate in previous interviews with gun advocates. According to Morgan, Jones continued ranting straight through the commercial break that divided the two-segment interview.


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I guess people in this movement really don't understand how revolutions are fought and won.  Revolutions are truly fought in the minds of men. If we all look like a bunch of limp dick push over's they're going to do what they want and more importantly no one will follow us. If we look crazy, fine at least the public will think twice before trying to screw with us and the enemy won't knowingly walk into a kill zone.  There is no reconciliation with a large percent of the population at this point. They are in the enemy's camp now, their minds are lost for now.  Using the old be nice and friendly method is outdated now. If we don't change with the conditions of the battle space we're in then we become obsolete. Look I don't think many of you get it if they were to pass the new AWB bill into law it would be CIVIL WAR. Has that not sunk in yet? Are you guys in denial? Think no one has the balls to say no? We've run out of time here, they're coming at us hard and you guys want to play footsie with them.

Piers isnt one of them, he wont be coming to my house. He is an idiot sock puppet with a show that got a ratings bonanza and reality tv type smack-down, no revolution here.

With all due respect Laser, that's the "craziest" logic I've heard... we're "limp dick push over's" if we don't look and act like a nutbag, frothing at the mouth??? I don't think any of us want to play footsie with them. Larry Pratt didn't play footsie with Piers. He actually won that debate and IMO was the best example of how words do have power when tempered with wisdom and an even tongue. People will listen to a gentle spirit rather than one that is yelling at the top of their lungs. My mother use to scream and rant and rave at us kids rather than talking to us rationally and you know what... we did not listen to her. Adults don't like to be yelled at either but if that's your thing, more power to ya. AJ is for you then.

And talk about cult of personality at play. On another post, a member was comparing AJ with Jesus and the money changers... wtf??? Love yourselves some AJ all you want but for me, I'm done with him. I'm distancing myself completely from Jonestown.

You are so polite Tara, seems some take this personally. If I were to take this personally I would add get AJ;s dick out of your mouth, its cutting off oxygen to your brain.

I loved it just loved it -this was classic alex, like him or not the man is a champ.

Passion ruled interview. something most needed in this way to long of a debate. 

Get off your buts and take some action in what you are passionate about

Hats off to the man;


Just think of what he or i would do if the government really tried to ban guns-there wouldnt be an america-just survival of the most fittest, most armed and sheeple would pay for their actions   

Alex did not site there comely and allow Morgan to comely fuck him over like all the talking heads have done to so many of us, Alex ruled the day, he didn't take no shit and he's waking up more sheeple.

They destroy nice, that was there plan, to destroy Alex, Morgan got ran over by a fright train, Alex basically told him WTF business do you foreigners have hear, we don't want your fucked up system, GO Home, this is our country, we fought to create our Republic and were ready to do it again in needs be!

if needs be!

Last night I was looking at liberal blogs and they are all bad mouthing AJ, you can clearly see they don't have a clue whats going on, he's got them thinking tho.

the CNN site 95% of the comments are in support of AJ, So much that they shut down the comment section, you can still read the earlier comments, AJ has got the people rising up in protest big time!

Alex Jones disrupts peaceful pro-gun rally and then lies about it on his show.


Jones is not on our side.

He is smart enough to know from experience, that they, the people who want to prevent you from protecting yourself, would use anything that Jones says as an excuse to portray all other pro-gun advocates as well as like minded individuals as crazed lunatics.


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