April 27, 2013

MSNBC can’t stand it. It can’t handle the fact the Alex Jones Show is out-trending any number of MSNBC teleprompter-reading shows.

So it has once again enlisted Rachel Maddow to tell her dwindling audience of semi-somnolent liberals that Ron Paul is a racist while continuing her scripted attack on Alex Jones and Glenn Beck.

As evidence that she’s really scraping the bottom of the barrel – or rather her establishment handlers and script writers are – Maddow was reduced to making fun of Planet Infowars’ Dating Freedom Lovers site.

No heavy critique here, folks. Just more mindless liberal mud slinging stuck between adverts for transnational corporations.

It’s pathetic, really. An irrelevant woman who was put on the propaganda network because she’s a lesbian pandering to politically correct metrosexuals and other fellow travelers who hate the Constitution and love Obama, never mind his murderous wars and non-stop killing of helpless brown children. The libs are really pretty much indistinguishable from the neocons when you think about it.

If this is all they can do to criticize the opposition, they may want to leave the news reporting to somebody else and start running cartoons in Maddow’s time slot.

This article was posted: Saturday, April 27, 2013 at 12:13 pm

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Rachel - you are a pathological imbicile

She's either a fool, insane, or a paid Zj00 "entertainer"


(or all of the above)  photo drummerIcon.gif

I can't believe how much bullshit came out of her mouth, just lie after lie totally misrepresenting every single topic she covered. I'm sure she study's this material to butcher it so well because had she not studied it she might had actually gotten one topic partially correct.

She is afraid of us. Afraid because our numbers are growing and hers ARE NOT. Afraid because we are getting organized and getting people into office.

Their numbers ARE dropping per program but, and this is a gargantuan BUT, their combined numbers still eclipse the alternative media significantly.

The more they stage events and pose as the saviors, the more their ratings will go up at least temporarily. Nice PR moves right?


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