An Open Letter to the American People
We must stop ranting about the Federal Government, the Political Parties and the Candidates for President of the United States. They unfortunately are irrelevant.
Barack Obama made one major mistake that he can never recover from: he got down off the back of the horse he rode in on, We the People. The Republican Party has been hell bent on upending Obama and recapturing the White House. Their lack of concern for We the People has been sobering to say the least, infuriating at the most.
In the United States of America, We the People are the power. We the People created the Constitution. The Constitution created the Federal Government.
The Federal Government has flaunted Our constitution by stepping all over Our inalienable rights, among other things, and it is Our job to amend Our Constitution to put a stop to all such kinds of activity once and for all. We the People need to clean house and rebuild for the future. The government that We created no longer functions on Our behalf in Our best interest.
What then needs to be done? What needs to be cleaned up? What kind of future are we talking about?
What needs to be cleaned up is spelled out in Book I of the Reclamation Manifesto. The Manifesto is available to all, free of charge, at Start with the last chapter if you so choose. See for yourself how to clean house. Read the Future Vision. It is on the website as well. Learn what this is all about. Learn what has been going on for far too many years and why. Learn how it all ties together and how to clear the path to the future.
Nero fiddled while Rome burned. All across this nation We the People are wasting our time talking about the parties and the players. We need to be spending our time motivating others to come together, to stand in solidarity, to take action; peaceful action to reclaim Our government, Our sovereignty and Our lives.
People, We the People, need a vision. Reclamation Project X has one. Do you agree or disagree with our vision? Do you know of a better one? Does it sound a lot better than what we have now? We the People need to deliver a stunning message to the parties and the government next election day. Regardless of what the government may do between now and then, there are ways and there are ways.
This is all about the people, We the People, no more, no less. It is all about Our future and Our children’s future and Our children’s children’s future…
All about it here:
If the ron paul supporters got together and decided to get out a campaign to "write in" ron paul he would not have to run third party ... we the people could run the write in party .. if he won in more states than we think it is very possible with the proper social media we could make it happen ... look what those fools just did with KONY I think it is a waste of time and energy to vote it doesn't matter and the game is rigged but i would be willing to be a rebel one last time to try a peaceful way... If we started now!! forget the primaries ... fuk the media loyalist asshats if there was a movement to vote for ron paul .. ;. the media would have no choice but to notice and the write in name ron paul is not hard to remember cause in a write in you have to spell correctly or it doesn't count// it will also make it hard to cheat and drive the media crazy if done right . . Congressman paul would not be running third party THE PEOPLE WILL HAVE A VOICE IF IT CAUGHT ON!~! IT WOULD BE AWESOME
I know Ron PAul supporters are about ron paul or noone.. the talking heads argue about ron paul voters and who they will vote for america has a soul i think she does we are told to vote our conscience... Poster: VOTE YOUR CONSCIENCE RON PAUL .. There is no hope without a a defender of the constitution .. I can't in all conscience vote just to vote the lesser of two evils this is what they convinced our parents was just they way it was ... I SAY BULL SHIT ! There will be rebellion ion America .. our Marines were told to stand down and disarm when Leon PAnetta went to Afghanastan ,.... secretary of defense is afraid to be around armed Marines that is unheard of they are afraid of there own military ... sh*t yeah they should be they are the best in the world /...
"Destroying the New World Order"
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