Released FBI documents reveal plans to assassinate Occupy Wall Street Leaders With Snipers


FBI Investigated 'Occupy'

The internal papers were obtained by the Partnership for Civil Justice fund via a Freedom of Information Act Request.



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Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, executive director of the PCJF, asked the agency to disclose “any documents or information pertaining to Federal coordination of, or advice or consultation regarding, the police response to the Occupy movement, protests or encampments.”




Released FBI documents reveal plans to assassinate OWS activists


Jason Leopold, an investigative journalist for Truth-Out, has obtained FBI documents - through the Freedom of Information Act - relating to Occupy Wall Street. Most of the pages in the documents are redacted, and show concerns of cyber threats against the financial sector. However, there are questions of assassination plots against Occupy activists in Houston, Texas. Because the documents have redactions, it is not clear who or what group was planning the assassinations.


On page 61, the section reads: “An identified [redacted] of October planned to engage in sniper attacks against protesters in Houston, Texas, if deemed necessary. An identified [redacted] had received intelligence that indicated the protesters in New York and Seattle planned similar protests in Houston, Dallas, San Antonio and Austin, Texas. [Redacted] planned to gather intelligence against the leaders of the protest groups and obtain photographs, then formulate a plan to kill the leadership via suppressed sniper rifles.”


The bottom of page 68 and the top of page 69 reads: “On October 13, 2011, writer sent via email an excerpt [redacted] regarding FBI Houston’s [redacted] to all IA’s, SSRA’s and SSA [redacted]. This [redacted] identified the exploitation of the Occupy Movement by [redacted] interested in developing a long-term plan to kill local Occupy leaders via sniper fire.”


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i would like to have a rifle like that

Great. And sooner or later all anyone will have, if they don't outlaw them, is a baseball bat for self defense.

And to think, OWS was helping feed the FEMA folks.

If the Feebies have these documents, wouldn't it make them part of "conspiracy to commit murder"?

i do not believe for a second this is true. snipers killing USA citizens? come on!!!

well its true !they also want to get rid of their own people in washington D.C .sentors,rep,and congressmen thats how they want to set up for their N W O goverment . they do things the people dont know about !it's called covert ops!

Wow your innocence is showing. You will be shocked at what our government has done .  Research 911....         

If you like that short video than check out others and you will discover just how evil our government is and has been since the cold war of the 50's

fact is, there are many ways to kill a person. why use snipers? BRIAN: you used the word "innocence". you dont know me, you dont know what i know! there is so much shit that the FEDS have done to us, if the masses knew half the shit i knew, they would have hit the streets by now! people think they know, fact is. most know shit! FACT: the printing presses continue to print MONOPOLY money, the IRS takes your shit without anyone saying shit about it, and without any judicial action of any sort! do you or any fucker here reading this thread even know what the word, JUDICIAL even means? and you are telling me and everyone here, you happen to know that WE would be shocked at what our GOV. has done! fact is, i would not be shocked at what they have done, and would be willing to do! another FACT-there are political prisoners in the USA right now! is that in the fucking headlines, no. does anyone online even talk about it, no! [talk your shit somewhere else, and get the fuck out of the way!]

You got punked, search for Edward Current, he made the hoax clip to show how you guys never research your own vids.

[read, learn, share] and hell, dont believe everything you see or hear! check things out for yourself's and dont be lazy fucks! like most are!]

There you go ...You are preaching to the choir...I misunderstood your meaning (i do not believe for a second this is true. snipers killing USA citizens? come on!!!) The mainstream media is a government and corporate propaganda controlled entity and they only real news is here on the I-net but even here you have to sift thru the bullshit.

words to live by, SIFT THRU THE BULLSHIT!

Well, at least I got the IRS to stop taking income tax from me. That helps.

same here! and i am not going to share the secret!

Heh, I will. I didn't think it was much of a secret. I thought it was more a case of people just not believing it. One document. UCC-1 Financing Statement. I've been hollering about this doc for awhile now. I did mine back in 2009.


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