This is a response to the following article... I tried to place it in a comment on the site and it was 'supposed' to post it to my facecrapbook timeline but the last I looked it was still working... I do my documents like this in a simple word pad document and save it constantly as I update the information. It may seem like information overload to some people but I have tried to get as much general information into this to allow for further research for interested parties...( It will be called 'Conspiracy theory' by will cause shock and awe on the Democrats information site if allowed to be posted there <G> and it is going to piss many of them off !! )
Evil has infiltrated many of the main political and religious parties and has a heavy influence probably in every political and religious organization at the International, Federal, State and local levels to continue their climb and hold on the systems.
This is a very tangled web of criminal, political and religious influence that has been attacking our Constitutional Republic ( and other countries ) for hundreds and possibly thousands of years.
This truth ( if you choose to research this information yourselves) will have some screaming about it getting out and others shocked at what has been hidden and the deception/mistrust it will cause. I have tried very hard to give as much general information to allow the individual to research the paths they choose to follow.
Secret organizations used to be able to keep these truths hidden very good before the open information and quick transfer of information of the Internet can be censored and/or eliminated.
More documents are introduced into the massive information library of this world every day allowing more secrets to be deduced from the combinations and searches performed.
A frantic 'end game' scenario for the different factions is being time reduced by this information and causing these wild and crazy legislation attempts to take the bankers money ( or use it against them...financing Fascist/Islamic military buildups ) and the bankers trying to get control of an economic/monetary collapse that has to happen in the piramid scheme and preparing for that event by eliminating or reducing the possible ( Eventual ) citizens revolt by reducing weapons, arms and ammunition in the hands of the masses.
The different factions have found out about the other's tactics and infiltration and using whatever resources they can to make the other side look badly to the public and slow down their progress...thus the massive gridlocks in our Senate and House of Representatives and the increasing use of 'Executive orders' that are attempting to bypass the Constitution if allowed to continue at the current pace and the drastic 'flip-flop' of the controlling 2 Party political system.
Bankers are trying to hold tightly on their money from the tax and grab attempts by the 'Progressives' and the Socialists are trying to implement their control mechanisms to eventually control the population from that side.
They appear at times to be working together but closer examination will show you the paths each side is leading.
Some 'solutions' benefit both sides ( eliminating the 1st and 2nd amendments is a very big problem for both sides )...thus the priority of those parts of the Bill of Rights by our forefathers.
History of the people and organizations that go back hundreds of years can now be followed fairly easily and international information can also be combined for closer scrutiny of the facts.
This is why the Mainstream Media Services owned by the different factions use the term 'Conspiracy theorists' when information investigators uncover many of these items and trace the facts to the different sources and destinations. They are trying real hard to contain the lies that have been hidden from the very trusting US Citizens ( and other countries citizens )for many, many years.
The Republicans have been infiltrated and bought by the international bankers.
The Democrats have been infiltrated by 'Progressives', the current name of the Socialist/Communist/Fascist/Islamic Terrorist supporters after the wars against Communism and Fascism. ( research that 'Progressive' fact yourself if you do not believe it...I had a hard time understanding that point until I finally did my own research for their history )
Socialism is the enabler of the Fascists and the Communists...after the socialism change comes the fascism change and then Communism can finally takes over. We have went thru the socialism change and are working on the fascist control mechanisms at the present time period. Elimination and/or reduction of the last of our Constituional rights will allow the full communist political system to succeed and the elimination of the need for the bankers and their demise.
Islam is heavily infiltrated by fascist ideology, that is why Hitler 'loved and worked' with those people and they still act like the Nazi's if you examine their habits and military styles.
We have a war between the 'International banking cartels controlled by the Rothschild based banks' and the 'Progressives - backed by oil rich Islamic and Socialist owned industries' fighting for control of our country and the world. Communist China is waiting to foreclose on their resources when full fascism/communism is obtained...thus their infiltration across the globe in almost every country 'buying' resources.
The large international wars are to place International banks in every country, controlling the money flow and forever collecting interest on the monetary flow...mainstream Republicans or their like.
Three (3) countries are still on the International bankers list left to control thru that route, IRAN, North Korea and Cuba.
Libya was without an International bank until the infiltrated overrun of that wealthy country by the power and cash flow of the bankers providing weapons and other support.
There is now an internal struggle between the fascist ideology of the Islamic Terrorists and the bankers providing the arms, that is what got our so-called 'Ambassador' to Libya killed, gun running to the wrong Islamic groups.
There are very few independent politicians anymore, due to the necessity to bribe the Mainstream Media Services of ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and FOX to spread their lies and influence in their 'programming'.
Honest politicians have hardly any chance at the FEDERAL level anymore.
I am about 55 years old now and never really understood how infiltrated our political system was until after 911. I could not believe the 'UnPatriot Act' went through our legislatures.
It has taken me since then to really do the research to find out how these different groups are working and how they infiltrated our Constitutional Republic.
Bankers were back in control in a very sly fashion by Andrew Jackson and the creation of the first bank to hold necessary taxes to support our young country. He had investors from Europe (Rothschild) and started giving them interests from the loans made in the former colonies. International bankers had Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy murdered to keep control of the financial systems of the United States. Both tried to implement financial changes that would has decimated the bankers control of international finances.
Islam had very little influence in our country in the beginning, hardly anybody really knew much about Islam except a few traders.
Thomas Jefferson was the first real ambassador to start having problems with the Barbary pirates of Islam from Tripoli ( Thus the US Marine hymn 'From the Halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli' ) .
When asked why they were attacking our trading ships and holding them for ransom, they replied because their Prophet commanded them to destroy the Infidels or demand a tax for their existence in their countries. Islam has been at continual war with the 'West' before there were any colonies in the American Continents. Islam is now in a major phase of the 'moderate' population infiltration into the countries to get population and political control and change the laws to allow more eventual control..(submission).
Dutch slave traders started bringing the first Muslims over from Africa as slaves sold by their Islamic Kings and tribal rulers.
Nazi (Fascist), Communist and Socialist infiltration came in heavily after World War II and the thousands of German scientist, doctors and other technical personnel and teachers were brought over to the US for their experience in those occupations.
Initially they ( The current Progressives ) kept a very low profile and mainly stayed in their respective groups of friends because of language barriers and the social shun of those ideologies. Their 'trust' in those positions have allowed them to continue.
That is why after the Vietnam war they changed their name to 'Progressives' to give the illusion that they were for social progress and remove that bad taste of Communism/Fascism/Socialism that was in the US Citizens spotlight.
Obama has his mentors in the Socialist/Fascist ideology from his Mother and Father and the heavy influence of his schooling in Islamic countries before he returned to Hawaii.
That is why Obama is fighting so fiercely with the Republican backed banking groups. That is also why he is such a heavy supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood and their heavily fascist influenced theology.
Islam knew they would have very little luck getting into a very high political seat by just using there political religion and had Obama infiltrate as a 'Christian' that had a strong socialism background...but really it is his Islamic teaching from Fascist based Islam that gives him his ideology.
Obama's ' Understanding of Taqiyya ― Islamic Principle of Lying' allows him to use any avenue to further the agenda of Islam...and you can see it in his feverish support of those groups. He has waged a very brutal war on the banker backed groups of Islam ( Al-quada especially ) and that makes his lie believable to many people that he is not a Muslim.
Obama is also in a pitched rush to get as much of his agenda in place before all the real truths take him out of the Oval Office. He has used many different names and ID's from many countries ( Indonesia is his real nationality...their has been no information found on his immigration change to a US Citizen..yet or likely ). His backers have spent millions of dollars trying to prevent the information from being used to remove him from office.
Obama was proclaimed the first Kenyan Illinois Senator when he won the election in that State's legislature and news articles are proof of that claim.
Obama's birth certificate as released on the White House Website as proof was not flattened out ( layers removed ) from Photoshop and uses computer generated fonts in many of the fields in the different layers of the fonts were not present or used in the typewriter days when his birth certificate should have been filed...a proven fraud.
Obama's Selective Service document is another photoshopped document and uses the wrong date format for a valid document of that time period...another proven fraud.
Obama's College ID proclaims him to be a foreign student that received grants for foreign Students...another proven fraud.
Obama's Social Security number as released on his Income tax form placed in the public view does not come back to his identity thru E-Verify and the file for the name of the person it does come back to was modified last by Michelle Obama...another proven fraud.
Kenyan Government representatives have said repeatedly that Obama is a Kenyan citizen and would therefore have been a subject of England at that time...another proven fraud.
Obama's used his Indonesian Passport in his travels in Pakistan...therefore somehow was considered as Indonesian citizen from his step fathers relationship with his mother at the time...another proven fraud.
There is no record of any immigration files showing his change to a naturalized US citizen and even if he was a naturalized citizen he can not legally hold the Offices of the President or the Vice President according to the Constitutional limits placed on those offices to prevent Royalty or a foreign government to easily infiltrate that office.
The original writers of the Constitution had a grandfather type age and citizenship formula to allow our forefather to hold those offices and has since expired and makes the natural Citizen of this country that requires both Father and Mother to be natural US Citizens to pass the inheritance of our country the only legal avenue to those highest political offices anymore.
"Destroying the New World Order"
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