"I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of
the United States." --Article II, Section I, U.S. Constitution
On Wednesday, 27 January, Barack Hussein Obama will deliver his first "State of the Union" speech as president, a self evaluation of his first year's achievements.
Sprinkled between his infamous "let me be clear" or "make no mistake" introduction to his lies, he will,
characteristically, attempt to spin a plethora of failures into
something including these phony fallback phrases: back from the brink;
signs of recovery; restored our reputation; achieved some successes;
more work yet to do; fiscal restraint; greed on Wall Street; affordable
health care; relief for working families; job creation.
He'll also use the word "inherited," as in "I inherited this mess." He'll speak of "unprecedented" reforms or
achievements or challenges. And he'll mention "those who seek to do us
harm," but he won't dare utter the term "Islamic terrorists."
In advance of his teleprompted propaganda, then, let's take a reality check on Obama and his first year.
Never before in the history of our great nation has any sitting president held so much disregard and outright contempt for our Constitution and Rule of Law.
Perhaps the operative words in his oath were, "to the best of my ability"?
Of course, what were we to expect from a Marxist, whose views on government and economy were shaped by his surrogate father and communist mentor, Frank
Marshall Davis; whose first campaign for political office was launched
by Maoist anarchists William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn; whose
political career has been stewarded by the likes of Leftists Richard
Daley, Michael Pfleger, Khalid al-Mansour, Rashid Khalidi, et al.
And don't forget his religious mentor, Jeremiah Wright, who married Barack and Michelle and baptized their children.
Wright preached hate, plain and simple: "The government lied about inventing the HIV virus as a means of genocide
against people of color. The government gives [black people] drugs,
builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strikes law and then wants us to
sing 'God Bless America.' No, no, no, g-d d--- America. G-d d---
America for treating our citizens as less than human. G-d d--- America."
Wright sermonized that our great nation is in fact the "U.S. of KKK-A" and is "controlled by and run by rich white people.
Racism is how this country was founded and how this country is still
run. We believe in white supremacy and black inferiority and believe it
more than we believe in god. And god has got to be sick of this sh-t!"
How did Obama respond when asked about his pastor's perennial anti-American tirades? "It sounds like he was trying to be provocative," concludes Obama.
At a foundational level, Obama's ability and his agenda have been shaped first and foremost by his condition as a pathological narcissist, a young man driven by a blinding need for acceptance and its
coefficient, power -- the result of a childhood characterized by his
father's, and then stepfather's, rejection.
It should be noted that the young Barry Obama did not ask for or deserve the hardship he suffered as a child any more than millions of other children abandoned by their fathers today. In that respect, he deserves our compassion.
However, Obama's insatiable pathological need for power renders him a very dangerous person in power.
He was elected on a promise that should have served as a warning sign: "This is our moment, this is our time to turn the page on the policies of the past, to offer a new direction. We are fundamentally transforming the United States of America."
He ran his charismatic campaign on a promise of "hope," but in the words of Patrick Henry, "It is natural to man to
indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a
painful truth -- and listen to the song of that siren, till she
transforms us into beasts."
As for "fundamentally transforming" our nation, that is a thinly veiled reference to an outright assault on our Constitution and our Essential Liberty, one that thrusts an ever more powerful central government upon us.
Not since 1860 has the Union been at such odds with the fundamental rights of the States and the People.
Obama's effort to endow the central government with absolute authority follows his Socialist political playbook, Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals."
Obama was elected just weeks after an economic collapse which can be tied directly to Leftist economic policies.
His effort to "Reclaim America" involves taxing and borrowing more than a trillion dollars from the private sector, sifting it
through the bureaucracies of his political appointees, then "investing"
it into the public sector to grow government and pay off his special
interest constituencies and other benefactors.
He is plundering private sector resources under the pretense of private sector "job creation."
He has attempted, with some success, to nationalize, by way of regulation, coercion or "investment," the major industrial
and service segments of the economy -- including energy, banking,
investment, education, insurance, automotive and real estate -- and he
has supplanted free enterprise with Socialism.
He is endeavoring to nationalize our nation's largest single economic sector, health care, and he laughs off any suggestion that there is no constitutional authority for such folly. Moreover, the House version creates 111 new oversight bureaucracies. (1)
He has attempted to advance his domestic agenda on a global scale under the guise of "climate change."
Further, Obama's national security failures present even greater peril to life and liberty.
Coddling Islamic extremists, bowing to Saudi kings, apologizing to the world, politicizing terrorist interrogation methods
at Gitmo, treating terrorism as "criminal activity" and moving the
trial of 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to New York, using
Operation Enduring Freedom as campaign fodder and setting a timeframe
for withdrawal from Afghanistan -- these and many more grossly errant
policy decisions served only to hinder and demoralize us and our allies
while empowering and emboldening our enemies, thus enabling jihadi
attacks such as the murder of 12 soldiers, one civilian, and an unborn
baby at Ft. Hood, and the narrowly averted bombing of a U.S. airliner
this past Christmas Day.
Of course, there were other ridiculous gaffes, like the one at his last public press conference (six months ago), when he
offered his impromptu assessment of the arrest of his friend, Harvard
professor Henry Louis Gates, by claiming that the Cambridge Police "acted stupidly." His subsequent "beer summit" was a forced and feeble attempt at damage control.
And then there was the Nobel Peace Prize, a ridiculous Euro-leftist albatross of an award that was bestowed upon Obama just days after he ascended to the presidency.
Were it not for the threat of unbridled laughter, Obama's SotU address might also reflect on some of the most egregious prevarications from his brief tenure.
On his plans for massive government expansion: "Not because I believe in bigger government -- I don't."
On his grand Socialist schemes: "I've never bought into these Malthusian, woe, Chicken Little, the earth is falling -- I tend to be pretty optimistic."
On the so-called "stimulus package" (i.e., record debt): "Less than one month after taking office, we enacted the most
sweeping recovery package in history, and we did so without any of the
earmarks, pork-barrel projects that are usually accompanying these big
-- these big bills."
On bailouts for behemoth auto producers: "Let me be clear. The United States government has no interest in running GM. We have no intention of running GM."
On his friends at ACORN: "You know, it's -- frankly, it's not really something I've followed closely. I didn't even know that ACORN was getting a whole lot of federal money."
On blame shifting: "You haven't seen me out there blaming the Republicans."
On taxes: "I will tax just the rich. I want to give a tax cut to the middle class."
On the cost of ObamaCare: "It won't add to the deficit. And I mean it! ... It's designed to lower it!" And how about this one: "I have not said I am in favor of a single-payer system."
On the transparency of his health care "reform" deliberations: "It's going to be on C-SPAN."
On jobs (record unemployment): "My administration has created or saved... [ad nauseam]." (2)
On the political influence of grassroots Tea Party participants: "Those people waving their little tea bags around..."
Clearly, Obama has underestimated the influence of those who support America's First Principles. In addition, he has also grossly misread his mandate as the heir of the once-noble Democratic Party.
These miscalculations were manifest in the recent Virginia and New Jersey gubernatorial elections, and again this week in Massachusetts.
Who woulda thunk it -- that in the most liberal state of the union, whose legislature hastily amended laws so the governor
could immediately appoint a Demo replacement for the seat vacated by
the U.S. Senate's most liberal member, Ted Kennedy, who had occupied
the seat for 47 years since the departure of his brother, JFK, and
whose life ambition was to nationalize health care, whose designated
replacement, Martha Coakley ran on his platform -- who woulda thunk
that a Democrat who just weeks ago held a 30-point lead in the polls
would be defeated by Scott Brown, a moderate Republican state
legislator of the Mitt Romney variety, who ran on a platform against nationalized health care?
Clearly, the loss of a Senate seat in Massachusetts is a major reality check for Obama. When asked about the rising
rejection of his "vision" for America, Obama responded, "I think the
assumption was if I just focus on policy, if I just focus on this
provision or that law or if we're making a good rational decision here,
then people will get it."
In other words, "The people are just too dumb."
And speaking of "the people," when Scott Brown was asked in his last debate with Coakley if he would be willing to "sit in
Teddy Kennedy's seat" and vote against the health care bill, he
responded, "Well, with all due respect, it's not the Kennedy seat, and
it's not the Democrats' seat, it's the people's seat."
Every Republican and Independent running for election or re-election in 2010 should, first, take that cue from Brown -- the
seats they seek belong to the people. Second, they should take a cue
from Ronald Reagan, who left a timeless template for success:
Run on a platform that, first and foremost, insists on the
re-establishment of constitutional Rule of Law, and then governs
For too long, too many Americans have been complacent about liberty, believing it to be their birthright and the birthright
of generations to come. They have enjoyed the fruit of liberty defended
by others, taking rights for granted and knowing nothing of the obligations for maintaining that blessing.
Most Americans have never had to fight for liberty and, thus, have little concept of its value or any sense of gratitude
for its accumulated cost -- a cost paid by generations of Patriots who
have pledged their Lives, their Fortunes and their Sacred Honor.
The election of Barack Hussein Obama was an egregious affront to our legacy of Essential Liberty, and a clarion call to action for the many good citizens who honor the rights and obligations of citizenship.
As was the case with the first American Revolution, we now face a crucial battle for liberty. The upcoming elections, more
than any other in recent history, are about the restoration of
constitutional integrity.
Indeed, fellow Patriots, this is our time. The road to recovery is long, but the momentum is with us.
Footnotes: 1. With the election of Brown, ObamaCare in its present form is dead,
but expect Obama to call for passage of revised legislation, which has
support of both Republicans and Democrats. Once passed, it can then be
readily amended.
2. Credit where credit due -- Obama's recovery plan has not created any real jobs, but it did secure new employment for at
least three Republicans: One in Virginia, one in New Jersey and now one
in Massachusetts.
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