Spanish researchers reveal $20 device capable of disabling critical car functions

A group of Spanish security researchers have revealed a $20 device that can cause vital functions of a car to be disabled if physically connected to a car.
While many car hacking techniques have been demonstrated, it seems that this device has the potential to be particularly dangerous and is especially cheap to build.

If physically connected to a vehicle, the device can interfere with a car’s onboard Controller Area Network, or CAN bus, that coordinates and operates everything from windows to headlines and brakes to power steering.

When the device, which is smaller than a smartphone, is attached to a car’s electrical systems and the CAN bus via four wires, attack commands can be input over Bluetooth, according to Future Tense.

Javier Vazquez-Vidal and Alberto Garcia Illera call the device the deviCAN Hacking Tool, or CHT.


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Just thought you may be interested. Good to know about such things.

 could be useful in certain situations living in a police state...  :) 

checking out some new fly patterns to tie up... trout fishing will commence shortly... snow runoff is best time to fish ...  :)

Lucky dog, we do not have many trout this far south. A few creeks contain trout north of here about 100 miles or so.

Could be very useful :)

all fish are beautiful... some of my best memory's are fishing for needlefish in Chincoteague Bay... :) Bay... 

Wow! I have never seen a fish such as this. How big do these fish get? I bet you can get a huge filet off the side of such a fish! Are they fighters? Do they jump when you catch them, salt or fresh water? Remind me of a salt water fish.

 fun to catch on fly gear... 6/7 weight fly line... any fly that looks like a shiner... my best was around 3' saltwater... good to eat... :)

Did you make that fly? Very nice.

Years ago I bought a fly tying magnifier glass with all the little clips and moving arms, I use it for looking at old coins though. It will even bolt to the table.

So how long have you been tying?

I love to do dioramas its kinda like fly tying..well sorta, lol. I guess it's not really at all like it except for the meticulous tiny work and the satisfaction when you are done. 

I have never been fishing on the ocean, I am land locked here. Although I have been in the Pacific and the Atlantic and the Gulf.

The east coast smelled like dead fish (Virginia Beach actually Norfolk )the gulf was full of dead fish ( Past Christian, Louisiana ) and the west coast was very, very windy ( San Louis Obispo, California) and full of tiny little chipmunks.

Bluh bluh bluh, sry I get carried away sometimes.

Anyway nice fly and fish.

 that's a pattern that I'm working on...big thing now is a fly called a gummy can e-mail me any time you want... I go in a pattern each day... home ... work... setting up studio... i found the second part of the studio... attic of building... studio has 3 parts... haven't found the 3rd space yet...will post some pics shortly... still unpacking & organizing... pic is of a williamsite carving... will be doing more shortly...  :)... :)


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