Hey 12.160Mhz,

I just joined here tonight, as I have finally got to a point as things have progressed that I feel I (and ultimately everyone) must start speaking up about our current world dilemmas and how they have come to this through these special interest manipulations.

I'm sure many of you are Alex Jones fans, and whether you agree with him on everything, I think most people once they study it have found The Federal Reserve, and those in control of the international banks are at the center of our current economic crisis. That being said right now is an amazing time, because I have noticed that lately people are open to this idea, and actually listen. Even people who have kept themselves blind to this truth for so long now see something isn't right with our current system.

And I have started speaking up, and telling people about this lately, as I hope you all have, but I think we need to take it to another level.

Obama has claimed to be a President of the 21st century and recognizes the power of the Internet in current times. And I believe there is a way to spread the word of The Federal Reserve and make a call-to-action for President Obama. I am trying to gather some people to start making videos on Youtube stating a fact about The Federal Reserve/International Banks/Special Interests and asking that discussions be opened on removing this Illegal and unconstitutional institution be removed from the People's government, as well as encouraging everyone else to do so.

If it fails, oh well. But if it spreads and Obama is faced with recognizing the public's voice he's either going to have to give in, or show the nation who he really is.

Also, if anyone has other ways of spreading the word and getting the government to remove The Federal Reserve I'd like to hear your proposals. Or if you see any flaws with this idea.

In the mean time keep sharing the truth with everyone you know, you'll be surprised who's willing to listen now.

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americans dont care maybe 5%do
Until recently, I thought no one cared as well. But I've noticed how many people are ready to listen lately. Take advantage of the economic crisis. Everyone is trying to understand what happened and how to get out, so tell them. Focus on The Federal Reserve, and what it does and how it came to infiltrate our government. Just try to blend it into every day conversations as well. Mainstream media would like to make you think only 5% care, but it's been far higher in the people I've come across.

I do not claim to be a pacifist, and there is a time and place to defend yourself, but first try to change people's minds. If the Military comes barreling in, it will be far harder for them to shoot on their own people if they know they mean no harm, otherwise you put them in a defensive position. On top of that, there seems to be a movement over the last few years of the Military distrusting the political agenda. I've known a few ex-Marine/Army/Navy, and each one of them distrusts what's been going on. Remember that they have to con the Military to follow this agenda. This agenda is in the hands of a few, and needs the Military and the public to back them up... It is a con game, not war.

As I've said before, it is easier to change the mind of the driver than to take a tank down with a pistol. And unless you have the resources of the U.S. Military that is what you'll be doing at this point. To fire on the tank puts them in a defensive position, and it is far easier to kill in defense than to kill a fellow American in offense.

Everyone who knows anything about the NWO needs to start pushing the agenda into the open, make them panic and use their momentum against them. Get out there and tell people about this, write to the congress (focusing on the surface stuff -- Federal Reserve/Socialist Laws/Fanny Mae). We won't get them on our side, but that is not what the purpose is. What we need to do is start making them show their cards.

And you are right to look at history to avoid repeating it, but to call for a violent blood bath of the people in charge is to ask for the French Revolution. Most historians consider this the most violent and failed revolution of its time, leaving France in rubble for 10+ years until a dictator, Napoleon, came in and spread war through Europe.
Indeed, you are spot-on. I wrote about this same topic in an article I published last year (2008): "The long Road Ahead Will Be Hard Earned." Also, I just posted this essay today at this site. Check it out...

President Obama, I sense that he has all ready had his feel of issues and the diversity, created by Repubicans and GOP. The Unity lost, of both parties is needed to help the people feel secure, in their lives., no matter which side wins the vote for office.....
Like this Health Care Bill 101
I offered a way to rebuild America to President Obama. and this is just a very small part of my offer...and what happened...
Conservative Blogger Calls For Obama's Assassination On Twitter

I found the need to go ahead and show this now it is important and it is a part of a blog report.....

Part of this issue may be my fault. Because I am dyslectic I am miss under stood when I write. And it took me over a hour to write this with the help of A.I.. I do not know if Officials used any or part of what I shared but this hate threats is not the way to bring a proper reform to Health Care or into the lost ways of { Government way of thinking. }
As I read more of this Health Care Bill 101 I noted it was based on the same concepts as what I offered to the Obama Administration over 7 months ago , but something was left out { because none of these issues released by Officials see into the economic condition at the home. Do not for get why we are in a economic break down of our system. This would be cool if what was offered was used, but hey Guys you left out something .....

So join Us International Boycott Of The Arabic Drug Empire / Phase 2
Henry Massingale / FASC Concepts in and for Pay It Forward covers the web post on google Drop by and see why we built a anti crime / war form in a Health Care Reform Concept. To strategically Rebuild America www.fascmovement.mysite.com on google look for page 1 american dream official site


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