The 1957 book by Dr. Seuss, How the Grinch Stole Christmas!, criticizes the commercialization of Christmas and satirizes those who profit from exploiting the holiday. The corrupt politicians in Washington are replaying a scene from the most disastrous act of treason ever committed against America, the creation of the Federal Reserve.
On the day before Christmas Eve in 1913, with over 20 percent of the House and Senate not voting, the Federal Reserve Act was passed. This created the current system of failure that has caused the value of our dollar decline by 96 percent since 1913. Now, just days before Christmas 2009, they are at it again.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is trying to force a critical vote on the Government takeover of Health Care at 1:00 am on Monday morning, December 21st. Harry Reid's goal is to hold a final vote on the 2,074 page bill on Christmas Eve, December 24th.
One of the reasons they are pushing for a last minute vote is fear that when the Senators return to their home states, the American people will make their opposition known and influence the Senators to vote against the bill when they return next year.
If passed, Obama will sign into law and the tax increases to pay for this treasonous bill are to take effect January 1st, 2010. Despite the tax increases, the fact we have no money to pay for it and it is alleged to have provisions that support abortion, the government has NO RIGHT to meddle with the market of Health Care Services. Heath Care is a GOOD, not a RIGHT, just as gasoline is a good, food is a good, cable television is a good. If the politicians really cared about the health of the American people they would remove the government restrictions in health care and stop the run-away spending.
There is one thing these politicians want more than to pass this Health Care bill and that is to be re-elected. It is imperative to let them know if they vote "YES" on this bill, they will NOT be re-elected.
Urge the U.S. Senators to Oppose the Government's Takeover of Healthcare by Contacting them Here
Read the 2,074 Health Care Takeover Bill Here
Watch C-SPAN's Live Coverage of the Healthcare Debate HERE.
Judge Andrew Napolitano on The Unconstitutionality of Health Care Reform
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