The Rh Neg Blood Type and "The Jewish Genetic Disease" OR Genetic Disorders From Inbreeding?

If any here posses knowledge of this phenomenon, please post contributions, of any kind. I support the theory that the existence of the RH-negative blood type is not natural or even domestic but rather was introduced from an outside source. Perhaps manifesting when two species who are similar but genetically different interbreed and produce a type of hybrid specie. I also suspect that the true motive behind all mothers with this bloodline being deceived into allowing physicians to inject them before and after delivery was/is to effect the blood in some way, perhaps even contaminating its purity.

Interestingly, the RH-negative bloodline posses certain characteristics that are common among the majority. Here is a list of the most common:

¨ Extra vertebra.*
¨ Higher than average IQ
¨ More sensitive vision and other senses.
¨ Lower body temperature
¨ Higher blood pressure
¨ Increased occurrence of psychic/intuitive abilities
¨ Predominantly (possibly solely) blue and green eyes
¨ Red or reddish hair
¨ Has increased sensitivity to heat and sunlight
¨ Cannot be cloned
¨ Alien Abduction and other unexplained phenomenon

Thanks to any posters with anything to add to this fascinating topic!

*The extra bone/vertebrae is the rib.
"And from the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man." Genesis 2:22
*Keep in mind, this "LORD God" is NOT God, as in God the Father, but rather the God of this world. and the "woman" is NOT the female, but rather a different specie.

I think the "Jew" is all too aware of the truth surrounding this phenomenon and explains why they seemingly choose to inbreed.. Keeping the "god-gene" in the family comes at a great cost to them, it appears. The make-up of this Rh- bloodline has a percentage of blood that is foreign, not of this world, and not cloneable. Having known this truth and keeping it secret from this rest of the world, they are among a shockingly few that retain this "god-gene". Having done unspeakable evil to do so has had it's costs- namely becoming evil gods.. All speculation at this point, albeit I think many will find this to have that special feel of truth to it.

No one has tried to explain where the Rh negative people came from. Any ideas?
Also, you will find NO scientific proof that the Rh negative blood was a natural earthly occurrence. Instead I have found proof that the Rh negative bloodline (which instead of possessing Rhesus monkey gene, posses a "god gene") has not evolved on earth in the natural course of events while the Rh negative bloodline,(which did not originate on earth) may prove to be a major factor in proving mankind is a hybrid. See the Book of Genesis. There are two accounts of two separate creations, one being created by "God" and the other by "Lord God".

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Hiding this from you literally is one of the two reasons this nation was founded.

Also, keeping you from knowing who you are is how they've kept you from developing, controlling and perfecting unique abilities that are the only powers "Jews" fear. Mass telekinesis is one of the many documented gifts Rh- posses and the US military abuse members of this group in insidious ways, forcing them to use their gifts doing evil.

If men like you knew who they were they would protect their bloodline, one that "Jews" have systematically slaughtered.

Note: I realize that much of what I'm sharing sounds unbelievable, but upon request I will provide documentation and/or logical arguments to prove everything Ive shared.

Or you can take a sample of your own blood and that of a person you are certain doesn't (shouldbt be hard with 99% of people not having it) but blacks and Asians have never possessed it so if available use one of these samples for certainty and carefully watch as you allow the two samples make contact. You can see with the naked eye the two blood specimens react to each other immediately, ofttimes sort of fizzing lightly.

Warning! If you perform this experiment and test positive and if you were born at home, abroad, or on a military base before the 40's and have never had blood drawn, DO NOT use testing kits that need to be mailed somewhere to be tested. If the government is unaware of your existence you IMO are the most important person alive in the US. In the rare case that this description fits you do not post anything here. In fact, do not tell anyone online. In fact, leave the US immediately. (and not to Germany)

Here is a more comprehensive list of traits shared:

The Rh-Negatives Factor is considered an "Unknown Origin".

  Strange Facts Concerning Rh-Negatives

* Lower than normal Body Temperature
* Lower than normal Blood Pressure
* Higher mental analytical abilities
* Higher Negative-ion shielding (from positive "charged" virus/bacteria) around the body
* High Sensitivity to EM and ELF Fields
* Hyper Vision and other senses
* Have a strong sense of mission or purpose
More TRAITS found in RH negatives: There are certain similarities that occur to those having RH negative blood - according to some who have it there are common patterns found, which include the following:
1. predominance of green or hazel eyes that change color, also blue eyes
2. reddish hair , brown
3. low pulse rate
4. low blood pressure
5. keen sight or hearing
6. ESP
7. extra rib or vertabrae
8. UFO connections
9. love of spiritual studies, space and science
10. a sense of not belonging to the human race
11. piercing eyes
12. para-normal occurrences
13. physic dreams
14. truth seekers
15. desire for higher wisdom particularly in the Theology and Philosophy
16. empathetic illnesses
17. deep compassion for fate of mankind
18. a sense of a 'mission' in  life
19. physic abilities
20. unexplained scars on body
21. capability to disrupt electrical appliances
22. capability to manipulate fire (commonly discovered accidentally or during fit of anger)

"Humans" are of unknown origin, from Earth and something else .. 14:00 -

Thank you, Not MS, for contributing and trying to help out here but honestly, any video on this subject that was put on youtube would trip the trigger word alarm at one of the many government ran departments they spend billions running. IMO it would be full of words that would trigger alarms and investigated within seconds. Simply put, if there ever was a youtube video exposing all this it will now read "Forbidden" or "Video Removed".

In fact, if this thread lasts another 48 hours I'll fall over from shock..or assume I've been having a discussion with a team of cointel scum in one of the departments mentioned above and they're data mining or just funkin with me for fun..

Lloyd Anthony Pye Jr. (September 7, 1946 – December 9, 2013) was an American author and paranormal researcher best known for his promotion of the Starchild skull.[1] He claimed it was the relic of a human-alien hybrid,[2] although DNA testing showed it to be from a human male.[3] He also promoted the ideas that cryptozoological creatures such as Bigfoot were real and that aliens intervened to create life on Earth.[4][5]

Lloyd Pye died (or was eliminated) early. 

"paranormal researcher", "although DNA testing showed it to be from a human male" ... the usual (Zionist) junk. They still want us believe in "Evolution theory" and the "Scientific method" (anyone who read about that will see it is "consent based" science, more like "psychiatric diagnosis" (= no science)

Lloyd Pye means humans are 200-300,000 years old? - now confirmed by archeological artifacts. Wikipedia will be like superstition / false on the subject (easy way to be banned on Zionist media - just attack Evolutionism. They are stunned. Sure a new word will be "Evolution denialism" = unacceptable behavior)

Consciencious Objector

This Blood type breakdown from the Red Cross is interesting, and I am Type O RH - which is considered a Universal Donor.

So it seems I am a Child of the Universe.

Blood donation and Plasma donation rules vary this is a very interesting read."

I reviewed the red cross site just to confirm they are still releasing crap one would expect from blood peddlers. Their site was one of the first few that I checked and read and have found them to not only deceptive but don't even put a lot of effort into disguising it. For example, they contradict scientifically sound studies and simple genetics:

These statistics falsely categorize the races carrying the Rh negative blood type in the US:

Caucasians 8%

Black 4%

Hispanics 4%

Asian 1%

What a steamy load. Clear misinformation with a "PC" twist. Black African test subjects have never tested negative for the Rh (Rhesus) blood. Neither has a single Asian. No, not ever. This is no place for affirmative action, Red Cross. "Hispanics" include groups from 5 different countries, only one of which has ever carried the Rh- blood. Overall, I'd say this report is worse than worthless and assisting in some sort of insidious cover-up.

We all know Inbreeding, sporadic or within a population, is to be avoided because of undesirable traits attributed to lack of genetic diversity. Seeking racial purity, for whatever reason, is purposeful inbreeding over time and can result in those traits being cemented in the germline, such as skeletal malformations, neurological impediments and mental/intellectual deficiencies.

Annnd... I'm just going lay this down here and walk away:

Frances Farmer

Great report, Farmer, very interesting. I noticed that the author released this finding:

Two weeks ago, I just got back from Papua New Guinea where I went up to the highlands -- very isolated tribes of subsistence farmers living as they have lived for millenia. There are 800 different languages in the highlands. These are the most primitive people in the world. And they indeed also release oxytocin."

This group is the only group that he failed to report detailed analysis or findings on. Smacks of intellectual dishonesty and less than admirable results and telling that he went to some jungle to test subjects, suggesting he questioned group's ability to reproduce comparable results. However, I see no cause to assume their choice of lifestyle, being "primitive" shows inferior mental capacities as they appear to have made the wisest of choices by preferring this environment to say..the millions of Americans in gulags for petty crimes, the one and a half million people who committed suicide in North America last year or those with a FEMA uniform with their name on it.

His findings provide yet another reason FB sucks, too.

We all know Inbreeding, sporadic or within a population, is to be avoided because of undesirable traits attributed to lack of genetic diversity.

The Rh negative group had no natural necessity to inbreed to preserve it's bloodline, as most of Europe and parts of Russia had healthy populations at one time. Well, before the "Jews" decided to exterminate the portion of their group that were not psychopaths nor permanently exiled from their kingdom, and the only people who posed any threat to their power, people who not only share their powers but have less contaminated forms of them and access to resources from where they came and sent to them upon request.

Having achieved their goal, knowing less than 1% of the worlds population remains of their target, they can now lay back, relax, and enjoy screwing their cousins and sisters and reproducing abominations amongst themselves for the next millennia or 10.

OK, I'm done.


I'm also Type 0 Rh neg.

Share your experiences with me, wont you? And gifts? I'll send my email to you if you prefer.

Yes, send me a pvt msg.

I followed Zak on Twitter and exchanged a few tweets with him about his research. Then when I asked him if the MECHANISM of oxytocin could be be disrupted by, say, birth defect- he blocked me. Since then, about 3 years, there has been research published that is not really new, but the relationship of oxytocin and autism, and not completely unrelated, adrenal gland malfunction, autism spectrum disorders prevalence in certain groups.

IQ of the autistic in some studies is markedly higher than in a random population. And we've heard for forever that the same can be said for Jews. Well, thats not racist. But if you start internet searching if the rate of autism in Ashkenazic Jews is similarly higher than in a random population, which it is, your computer will act as if it is being remotely fucked with. Seriously.

There has to be a scientific explanation for the seeming inability to comprehend  basic principles of humanity. When a person kills several people and cashes their SS checks over a period of years, he probably has antisocial personality disorder, a collection of behavior traits found in people who have committed similar acts. But when an Israeli kills several teens, and shoots 3 others feet off so they can't play soccer ever again, its called national security?

The Christian accommodation of purposeful inbreeding as religious expression is fucked up. It has real consequences for the human race.

I followed Zak on Twitter and exchanged a few tweets with him about his research. Then when I asked him if the MECHANISM of oxytocin could be be disrupted by, say, birth defect- he blocked me.

Typical. Probably angry that you achieved adulthood and escaped with your critical/analytical mind intact. Members of the scientific and/or medical fields dislike having to answer the questions of a populous supposed to trust the "experts" and simply nod like a good little slave.   ;)

autism spectrum disorders prevalence in certain groups.

Which groups?

IQ of the autistic in some studies is markedly higher than in a random population

I doubt that the intelligence of one so unique could be accurately tested in this fashion, and the fact that some studies clearly contradict the findings renders this stat of little to no value.

And we've heard for forever that the same can be said for Jews. Well, thats not racist

Pfft. Doctored stats, rest assure that "Jews" have released by their own CEO's to provide safe camouflage among other Rh negative people, people who do indeed posses a markedly higher than average intelligence level, in order to avoid the public's ability to sift the two apart. (one of many forms needed) An attempt at the communication of logical or analytical thought with one will prove they lack both skills altogether. An ashtray would add more to the discussion, frankly.

When a person kills several people and cashes their SS checks over a period of years, he probably has antisocial personality disorder, a collection of behavior traits found in people who have committed similar acts.

Probably what many call psychopaths, which has been said to be identical to certain kinds of "Jews" , lacking a conscience, or any form of moral compass. This is an excellent read and full of invaluable discoveries by Dr. Andrew Lobaczewski on Political Ponerolgy- the science of evil.

But when an Israeli kills several teens, and shoots 3 others feet off so they can't play soccer ever again, its called national security?

Oh that's because those teens were antisemitic, and not holy and chosen like him, and he practically did them a favor by keeping them safe from terrorists who would shoot at his torso instead. (typical reasoning of their apologists)

The Christian accommodation of purposeful inbreeding as religious expression is fucked up. It has real consequences for the human race.

No true theist would violate his own soul, likely binding it to hell, by practicing such atrocities. Animals do these acts, and animals are what they are. He should be stripped of any religious title of protection, and forbidden to continue reproducing more victims of his sick sadistic bloodline. 


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