The Rh Neg Blood Type and "The Jewish Genetic Disease" OR Genetic Disorders From Inbreeding?

If any here posses knowledge of this phenomenon, please post contributions, of any kind. I support the theory that the existence of the RH-negative blood type is not natural or even domestic but rather was introduced from an outside source. Perhaps manifesting when two species who are similar but genetically different interbreed and produce a type of hybrid specie. I also suspect that the true motive behind all mothers with this bloodline being deceived into allowing physicians to inject them before and after delivery was/is to effect the blood in some way, perhaps even contaminating its purity.

Interestingly, the RH-negative bloodline posses certain characteristics that are common among the majority. Here is a list of the most common:

¨ Extra vertebra.*
¨ Higher than average IQ
¨ More sensitive vision and other senses.
¨ Lower body temperature
¨ Higher blood pressure
¨ Increased occurrence of psychic/intuitive abilities
¨ Predominantly (possibly solely) blue and green eyes
¨ Red or reddish hair
¨ Has increased sensitivity to heat and sunlight
¨ Cannot be cloned
¨ Alien Abduction and other unexplained phenomenon

Thanks to any posters with anything to add to this fascinating topic!

*The extra bone/vertebrae is the rib.
"And from the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man." Genesis 2:22
*Keep in mind, this "LORD God" is NOT God, as in God the Father, but rather the God of this world. and the "woman" is NOT the female, but rather a different specie.

I think the "Jew" is all too aware of the truth surrounding this phenomenon and explains why they seemingly choose to inbreed.. Keeping the "god-gene" in the family comes at a great cost to them, it appears. The make-up of this Rh- bloodline has a percentage of blood that is foreign, not of this world, and not cloneable. Having known this truth and keeping it secret from this rest of the world, they are among a shockingly few that retain this "god-gene". Having done unspeakable evil to do so has had it's costs- namely becoming evil gods.. All speculation at this point, albeit I think many will find this to have that special feel of truth to it.

No one has tried to explain where the Rh negative people came from. Any ideas?
Also, you will find NO scientific proof that the Rh negative blood was a natural earthly occurrence. Instead I have found proof that the Rh negative bloodline (which instead of possessing Rhesus monkey gene, posses a "god gene") has not evolved on earth in the natural course of events while the Rh negative bloodline,(which did not originate on earth) may prove to be a major factor in proving mankind is a hybrid. See the Book of Genesis. There are two accounts of two separate creations, one being created by "God" and the other by "Lord God".

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"This is the most laughable piece Shiite that I have ever had the displeasure of reading LOL. So in essence you are saying that anyone possessing RH negative blood type is alien in nature?! Totally absurd... Further you are saying that everyone else came or, "evolved" from a monkey? LOL Well, that doesn't say too much about you , does it?"


If you possess the ability to refrain from launching personal attacks, and the capacity to understand science, genetics, and the idea of scientific method, you should review the material and findings released from experts in this field.  "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than speak out and remove all doubt." -Lincoln

"Scientists have used Rhesus monkeys to determine antigens with highly polymorphic genes to categorize two species of man. While studying Rhesus monkeys, a certain blood protein was discovered and is present in the blood of subjects with Rh positive blood. Other people, however, do not have the protein. The presence of the protein, or lack of it, is referred to as the Rh (for Rhesus) factor.

If your blood does contain the protein, your blood is said to be Rh positive (Rh+). If your blood does not contain the protein, your blood is said to be Rh negative (Rh-) Having Rh Positive (Rh+) Blood means that you have the Rhesus Monkey Protein in your blood cells.  Having Rh Negative (Rh-) Blood means that you DO NOT have the Rhesus Monkey Protein.  This is important because people with Rh- Blood cannot take a transfusion of Rh+ Blood, they do not mix. -From the Oxford Journals of Life Sciences and Heredity, Volume 9:

Previously a study of nonhuman primate RH-like genes demonstrated that ancestral RH gene duplication occurred in the common chimpanzees and gorillas. By amplification of intron 3 and intron 4 of gorilla RH-like genes, we have now shown that gorillas possess two types of RH intron 3 (RHCE intron 3 being 289 bp longer than the RHD intron 3) and two types of intron 4 (RHCE intron 4 being 289 bp longer than the RHD intron 4). Here we report the characterization of a cDNA encoded by a gorilla RH-like gene which possesses introns 3 and 4 of the RHCE type.



(Latin: "wise man") is the scientific name for the human species.

The Rh negatives are MAN. Not HUman. (Latin: manlike)

Doc Holiday's latin duet:

This doesnt mean that the person has the Rhesus monkey gene, it is just one of the few mammals that posess this gene. I am RH-, red hair with blue-green eyes. Some of the other attributes also apply to me, but other things do not. I certainly am not inbred and not Jewish. 
I find things on this interesting, but too much is hokey pokey and not based in reality.

This doesnt mean that the person has the Rhesus monkey gene, it is just one of the few mammals that posess this gene.

Subjects having Rh Positive (Rh+) blood have the Rhesus Monkey Protein in their blood cells.  Having Rh Negative (Rh-) Blood means that you DO NOT have the Rhesus Monkey Protein. Nuclear DNA analysis conducted by German geneticist as well as current findings released in mummified remains (preliminary findings are available earlier in this thread) leave little room for any "hokey pokey" opinions of mere scoffers. 

Note: You mustn't be Jewish nor an inbreed to be a carrier the Rh negative bloodline.

When were you told of your blood type?

no you actual can tget a RH pos from a rh neg they ARE SEPERATE RACES  so th eral question is no tthat rh pos th eblack man has a connection to moneky dna but that it had a different creator as did white  or Asian , even the bible says there were different creators and mixing of existing races by a new god .

>>Christian Zionism" (more Zionist than Christian since Zionism is last word) are Zionists

>They unite because they are the SAME people by blood"

James: Actually, no, they deceive the "Christian Zionist" (who do not share their bloodline) into following/worshiping them.

What I am stating is factual - they agreeing political as first fact. James accepts latter fact and explains it away by making airy assumptions - it must be because Christians are "deceived". How does James know that? Next will be another the-Zionists-are-so-clever-they-are-able-to-deceive-anyone assumption? Whole reality can be assumed away in that way based on nothing ..

Not mainstreamer

Next will be another the-Zionists-are-so-clever-they-are-able-to-deceive-anyone assumption?

Though I'd describe them as insidious tricksters, devious schemers, and morally bankrupt parasites that know no bounds to the depth they'll sink to rule, they have indeed deceived everyone who has been the victim of their numerology based stratagem- aka the "Holy Bible". - Former Christian Apologist

 the "JEW" ? you mean the poser? the khazar Russian ? the jew is a fable it doesn't exist . look at the people of northern Iraq the kurds they are the ancestors of the khazars the closest thing to the biblical JEW . they seed of satan impersonate the jew with NO BLOOD LINE NO DNA  .

The  RH= (neg) blood comes from th e true whites the irish who were known as the basque and before that the Neanderthal .  it is its own race you can not get rh pos from a Rh neg so they are separate races separate creators ,   oh an dyes I have A neg and probably all of them although ive never counted my vertebrae   

 underground militia

You wrote:

"no you actual can tget a RH pos from a rh neg they ARE SEPERATE RACES  so th eral question is no tthat rh pos th eblack man has a connection to moneky dna but that it had a different creator as did white  or Asian , even the bible says there were different creators and mixing of existing races by a new god"

Separate specie, not race, as it were. And the black man, as you put it, is only one of several "races" that have never carried the Rh- bloodline. As you noted, "Asians" are among those whom have never carried it either, although ancient east Asians are an exception.

You wrote:"the "JEW" ? you mean the poser? the khazar Russian ? the jew is a fable it doesn't exist . look at the people of northern Iraq the kurds they are the ancestors of the khazars the closest thing to the biblical JEW . they seed of satan impersonate the jew with NO BLOOD LINE NO DNA  .

So close.

The so-called "seed of satan" they are, from this indeed fabled land of Khazar they are not. They have no earthly land of origin, only a celestial One. And they do indeed have a bloodline- the Rh negative one, namely.

You wrote:

"The  RH= (neg) blood comes from th e true whites the irish who were known as the basque and before that the Neanderthal .  it is its own race you can not get rh pos from a Rh neg so they are separate races separate creators"

Separate specie, separate creators, yes. Do note that the Creator of the Rh negative specie is the same Creator that created the creator of the Rh positive. (you call him satan)

Where does the AB- come from? (does it branch off from O- or A and B- mix or something entirely different?) It's now down to around .6 of the  population. What will this mean once this 'bloodline is gone'? Or, will they ever be gone? Thoughts please???


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