The Shift Is Up To Us

Saturday, December 15th, 2012. Filed under: Consciousness The Awakening

Waking Times 

To address the media hype around Dec 21, 2012, it will be important for us to hold a positive energy and convey an optimistic message. We really don’t need to repeat the fear that Y2K created. To that end, we would like to emphasize that there is a shift occurring, but how that shift plays out is up to us. The emotions and intent we send out into the universe will either maintain or transform our frequency, and thus our vibration. Which earth would like to be a part of?

The galactic energies of 2012 are stronger than ever. They started to arrive almost three decades ago. It is a continuum of energy that we are in and it won’t just take place on Dec. 21, 2012. The decreasing magnetics of the planet, along with increased solar flares, have already been impacting our consciousness, global warming, and Earth changes. We have witnessed the dismantling of structures that no longer work such as Wall Street and the Berlin Wall.

From a spiritual perspective, this time is associated with the co-creation of New Earth which has been happening over the last several years. There will not be a marked delineation of Old World / New World on the planet, but rather a spectrum of energies. Some countries will carry more Old World energy and others will have more New Earth energy. Some will be more receptive to the infusion of light and some will remain in the dark. Within our cities there will be pockets of light; even within our neighbourhoods there will be folks of the Old World and those who carry the vibrational signature of this time onto 2013.

Within yourself, you will have parts, sub-personalities or archetypes that have ascended to the New Earth, and others which will live in Old World energies. Some aspects of yourself may still be influenced by the negative ego or resist transformation. These energies will co-exist within you, and for those on a spiritual path the balance will definitely favour the resonances of the New World. In this sense, the microcosm always mirrors the macrocosm. This is not an all-or-nothing event. We are in the process of being reborn as the Sacred Human as we acquire more light. The esoterics say a gradual transition from Homo Sapien to Homoluminescent will occur. It can only occur through a deeper intellegence and collective consciousness.

Collective Consciousness

Collective consciousness is a mode of awareness that emerges at the first transpersonal stage of consciousness, when our identities expand beyond our egos. A crucial capacity that accompanies this awareness is the ability to intuitively sense and work with the interactions between our and others’ energy fields, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. For example, just as Gene Rodenberry imagined a future where Star Trek’s Spock could “mind meld” with others, more of us are now becoming aware of our capacity not only to intuit each other’s thoughts and emotions, but also to consciously think and create together without communicating through our five senses.

Collective Psychosis

C. G. Jung, the great doctor of the soul and one of the most inspired psychologists of the twentieth century, had incredible insight into what is currently playing out, both individually and collectively, in our modern-day world. Jung never tired of warning that the greatest danger that faces humanity is to unwittingly fall into our unconscious en masse such that we become instruments for a psychic epidemic to wreak havoc in the world, just like we see today

Jung writes that psychic epidemics “…are infinitely more devastating than the worst of natural catastrophes. The supreme danger which threatens individuals as well as whole nations is a psychic danger.” We are in the midst of a collective psychosis that has become so normalized that very few people are even talking about it, which is itself an expression of our collective madness.

How things actually turn out depends upon how consciousness responds to the situation. During a collective manifestation of the unconscious, the great danger is a mass movement where millions, or even billions of people fall into their unconscious together, igniting a psychic epidemic which spawns an apocalyptic war that ravages life on earth and destroys the biosphere of the planet. To quote Jung, “The unconscious works sometimes with most amazing cunning, arranging certain fatal situations, fatal experiences, which make people wake up.” Catastrophe can only be avoided if enough people wake up to what is being revealed to us as we act out the unconscious, and then connect with each other so as to de-activate, assimilate, and transform the potentially deleterious effects of the activated daemon. We can then, under the guidance of the Self, our intrinsic wholeness, help each other to usher in a new era of sustainable peace, understanding and mutual co-operation. Our very continued existence as a species on this beautiful planet depends upon this realization. 

Blessings in Drag

When we become taken over by the unconscious, to quote Jung, “…the unconscious in large measure ousts and supplants the function of the conscious mind. The unconscious usurps the reality function and substitutes its own reality. Unconscious thoughts…manifest themselves in senseless, unshakable judgments upheld in the face of reality.” When we find ourselves ignoring factual evidence and holding a “magical” belief that we rationally know not to be true, we are under a spell, being “driven” by the unconscious, which is at that point in the driver’s seat. The psychic factors which make possession possible are suggestibility, lack of critical discernment, unwillingness or inability to self-reflect, fearfulness, propensity to superstition and prejudice. The contents that take us over when we are possessed by the unconscious appear as phobias, exaggerated affects, peculiar convictions, idiosyncrasies, stubborn plans, compulsions and obsessions, all of which are not open for discussion or correction. 

We must realize that every moment of our experience is inseparable from our own consciousness, which is to recognize the fluid, non-objective and thus, “dreamlike nature” of reality. Just like figures in a dream, the way we observe the world literally evokes the very world we are observing. This means that it is through our awareness itself that we can intervene in the underlying matrix of creation and find the leverage point where we can change the waking dream we are having, which is “evolution-in-action.” Interestingly, we wouldn’t have woken up and had this realization without the antagonistic co-operation of other forces that are secretly allies in disguise, catalysts of consciousness appearing as adversaries, blessings in drag.

Duality to Oneness

As we connect to higher realms of consciousness, we move beyond the existence of a polarized world where things are only black or white, good or evil, and instead we experience a continuum of energies. To transcend our duality, we need to move to a state of unconditional love and non-judgment of our self and others. For our planet, we will overcome duality with the archetypal blending of the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine.

Karma and Ego

When we are living in higher dimensional energies, the law of cause-and-effect or karma takes a back seat to the law of attraction. The magical process of synchronicity guides the art of co-creation and manifestation. If we are creating from a conscious, enlightened part then our results will be magical, and without the burden of unfinished business and painful lessons. We are learning how to manifest from light, love and joy.

If we are creating from an unconscious part, then karmic lessons and transforming shadow will be involved. Due to our wounding and the resistance of the negative ego, our lessons may be challenging and painful. But there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Once we transform our darkness, that aspect moves into light.

We are not trying to kill or annihilate the ego. The ego should be the willing servant of our soul. We want to be soul-guided as opposed to ego driven. The egoic selves are transformed through the process of love, pain and suffering. Love moves us beyond narcissistic self-absorption. The higher purpose of suffering that coincides with difficult lessons is the transmutation of the ego. With the loss of the egoic selves comes a void and emptiness. Replenish this void with the higher octave emotions such as love, gratitude, joy, and energies currently present as we approach 2013.

Descending Heavenly Energies

The current alignment we are experiencing through the process of transformation enables us to bring more sacred, heavenly energies to Earth. They move down to us, allowing us to connect more consistently with Source energy. We don’t need to die and “go up” to experience facets of heaven on Earth.

We are meant to rejoice in these divine vibrations, celebrate the rebirth of Paradise within, and create beauty and harmony in our lives. Let’s remember this is not a polarized experience, but one that lies on an array of frequencies. We will still have bad days. We can slide up and down this spectrum based on what level of consciousness we are coming from.

As messengers of these energies, we don’t need to convert others – but through role modelling, a ripple effect will occur. Those who are ready but not there yet will be magnetized to this higher energy through the law of attraction and synchronicity. These are indeed exciting times to be living and at times they are tumultuous. Remember, this event only happens every 26,000 years. Aren’t you glad you showed up for it!

In conclusion, then, it is of the highest importance for our individual and collective flourishing to appreciate the importance of global consciousness and spirituality in opening deeper access to our encounter with Reality. There is more to Reality than any one cultural, religious or disciplinary narrative. And awakening the global lens, the global heart and mind has been a perennial concern of our great spiritual traditions through the ages. Our future now depends on making this shift together.


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Replies to This Discussion

This was a great post to read before going to work soon... full of positivity. It's hard to find these days ;)Thanks for sharing DTOM :)

Tara, that's how I felt after reading it, and why I felt I should share Zen's posts on 12160. :)


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