The Tyrannical Control Grid-Federal Military Martial Law Police State-What are you prepared to do?

An Opening Statement,

What am I prepared to do? What are you prepared to do? What are we prepared to do? To stand up to the tyrannical government's trampling of our Constitutional Rights. And not so much as that, but to stand up for our GOD GIVEN RIGHTS, to be treated as Human Beings.

As Judge Napolitano once said, "What the Federal government does, the state and local governments are soon to follow"

We are now in a Federal Military Martial Law Police State. With the local city governments, police, and sheriff departments partaking in the pimping federal funding and grants, they have become whore's and slaves to the States and Washington. I would venture to say that almost all local communities are enslaved in some kind of Federal control grid, that when the government tells local officials to jump, they ask, how high.

The Tyrannical actions, by the local, state and federal governments, at the G-20 summit in Pittsburgh, are just the beginning. I believe we will see more and more of the police state in place, with some of it staged to condition us.

I pray for a peaceful solution, but prepare for the worst. At some point, We as Patriots, we as protesters, we as Mothers, Fathers, Brothers, Sisters, everyone trying to wake up your neighbor, will have to stand up to the thugs, and the police state. The time has come, that we must stand firm as one. And yes your time will come very soon, WE WILL HAVE TO STAND TOGETHER, AND FIGHT, Peacefully or not.

So what am I prepared to do?

The NWO will offer terms, but I ask for none. I pray you will do the same.

Your fellow friend,

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Well Said, Stated and Shared.
Have you guys checked out the movie 'The Crazies' ? Most people misinterpret this movie as being in the zombie genre, but an informed viewer will instantly grasp what the movie is really about.

Unfortunately, the ratio of to citizens to an illegal post-constitutional government can be adjusted with only a few well placed hydrogen bombs. How many normal citizens run for 10 miles a day with a 30 pound back pack? Directly confronting an illegal coup has a litany of problems.

I tend to fall in to the school of thought that, if they start kicking in the doors of the dissenters, then the struggle is already over, but, that being said, the future, reality, and human nature are all dynamic and can't be predicted.

There are too many related issues to list, but I will attempt to address some of them.

In the event of martial law, there may some internal struggle as even the anti-patriot storm troopers would be aware that they would be killing the very organism that made their existence possible- a community that is more true and honest than anything that would ever be seen in their nightmarish future.

The government now clearly uses bloggers, undercover saboteurs (G20 etc), and surviels its own people to control the people by pushing unpopular policies. But this approach may bite them in the ass. Our country has lost its moral compass, and I am not referring to religion. If the first lesson they teach to their drones is how to lie, then those employees are posed with a logical dilemma. They may be bought and paid for by the propagandists but they would still be aware of the truth. At any point, they could stand for the truth, and under the right circumstances, they would all stand up against the corruption, all lining up like dominos. Building honest cases about the deception we see may be a great way to mitigate the possibilities of martial law.

I guess my point is that the future is unwritten, and for now, we do what we can. If we chose to stand for the truth, we may be presented with terrible circumstances, but in that situation we do our best and make decisions based on the situation. An interesting video on youtube poses Sampsons last prayer which is basically "if you must die in battle, do as much damage as possible." Again, I remain committed to peace.

To be or not to be?

States within New England, as well as Texas, have been talking about secession, apparently fed up with Washingtons betrayal of founding principles, its opposition to the peoples concerns, and deceptive misappropriation of their tax dollars, and future debt. Interestingly enough the dissolution of the United States, many theorise, has been a long  sought after goal of the central bankers and others in Europe.

James Corbett, in his latest podcast, was talking about Anastrophe, which is the opposite of catastrophe. I think by exploring truth and honesty, we can achieve anastrophe. They have atom bombs, but we have truth, we have sunlight.

His interview with Matias Rojas was fascinating.. the kid who correctly called out Rockefeller in Chile on camera.

This is what we need. To transcend their big brother pyramid scheme. We need to do to do, as consumers, to big brother what Andrew Jackson did to the second national bank.

The history of the United States, and world wars in Europe, have been orchestrated in many ways by the central bankers of Europe. This peculiar situation continues to this very day, and is of prime importance to this topic. I don't think you can truly understand Jackson, the civil war or even he current financial crises if you don't research the central banks and their history.

Is financial succession possible? How do we convince people in our own family to boycott Walmart because they have homeland security displays on their check out monitors?

We need to get our money out of big banks who are stealing our money and persecuting whistle blowers. Support those who are friends of freedom and sovereignty.

They lock away the truth because it is a monster that might hurt you.

We let in the sunshine which exposes the truth, and their technology fails. That is how you prepare for martial law.

its time to group so we can talk about this stuff not advertize on the internet
I'm ready to meet-get together etc. I have some ideas of my own I'm willing to share. Just a thought to back up yours Robert. Putting plans on here not good!
its time people get to gether and discuss this stuff for sure what state do yyou live in

I'm in Pa. u?


sorry to get back to you so late i was away for the weekend well this is the part of the internet that bothers me we all agree on the same issues but i live in florida we obviosly cant group for discussions that way i wish there were local discussion groups seems like local floridians do not care bobby,


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