Ever wonder what it would take for the USA to be conquered?
Without your knowledge or approval, Pres. Obama as President of the UN Security Council, will sign the Copenhagen Treaty this December.
This amounts to the unconditional surrender of the sovereign USA.
It means our subjugation to the final authority of UN, World Court, World Bank.
This will be done with the approval of Congress and the Supreme Court.
The USA will have successfully been conquered without shot fired.
While her people slept, their government declared war on their nation and delivered her to foreign powers. The Copenhagen Treaty is the official unconditional surrender of our nation.
What does it take for you to stand and fight for your country? A nuclear bomb blast over your head?
The Copenhagen Treaty is that bomb blast that gives the UN control and authority over every one and every part of our nation.
One day soon you will wake up to find that you are no longer a citizen of the USA but a citizen of the world. And our nation, our Consitution, our liberty and right to self determination, lost forever.
You will ask what and how it could have happened? Why did I not see? How can we lose a country when we didn't even know we were in a war?
By that time though, it will have been fait accompli.
Will you remain a silent witness as your country dies?
There is precious little time left for you to open your eyes to the reality that the USA is on life support, facing her imminent demise from a government that represents foreign powers, not us.
One short month left til their fait accompli.
And as her people slept, the USA will vanish.
Oh, they will still call her the United States, that will be useful to continue to keep Americans content. But make no mistake, our self government, autonomy, our NATION will be gone.
"The Fall of The Cabal, The Sequel" by Janet Ossebaard and Cynthia Koeter unveils the matrix's truth, unravels secret agendas, and exposing shadow government...