WOW, has this guy shriveled up.....see what happens when your a greedy, lying, POS, self righteous KILLER of life and environment.....Couldn't happen to a finer fellow!!!....Congrats DIK...You've earned it!!
"But Cheney is writing a book, and he allowed that the answer to that question might someday appear in print.
Cheney was just 34 when he became chief of staff in the Ford White House. Every president, he said, brought his own set of experiences and priorities to the job.
His proudest accomplishment came because of something that didn't happen: The nation did not suffer another devastating terrorist attack in the years following Sept. 11.
His greatest fear? A nuclear weapon in the hands of a terrorist.
"We came to the point that we could no longer treat terrorist attacks as a simple law enforcement problem," he told the appreciative crowd. "They were an act of war."