Claim is made by multiple sources.

Meaning: Obama will not survive a WWIII. Israel will not survive a WWIII. The militaries know that, but not Netanyahu?


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Now nothing stops Putin from supplying Hezbollah with the portable Komet-E missile system - 90% success rate at night, making Merkava tanks sitting ducks.

Supporters of these efforts [U.S. anti-missile defence] might counter that current missile defense systems aren’t intended to counter the ballistic missile threats posed by Russia and China—two of the four countries currently pursuing hypersonic capabilities (the others being the U.S. and India). Rather, the U.S. is simply trying to protect itself and its allies from less capable regional states like North Korea and Iran. Neither of these countries are known to be pursuing hypersonic capabilities. ...

Therefore, at a time of fiscal austerity the U.S. is essentially investing billions of dollars in technology that will most likely be obsolete before its fully deployed.

Also, whole NATO naval fleet has been made obsolete overnight for conventional warfare

It seems absurd how huge amount of money is wasted in nonproductive and destructive technologies? However, it is the war on independent, self-sufficient and debt-less nations that is behind all this madness. The external debt  will never be paid back with money. The next step in a war against true freedom and independence will be land for debt swaps that will rip off the nations and leave them landless debt slaves in the mercy of banking cartels controlling the issuance of money out of this air. We already know how the Chinese are being led into the US to take over the land. When the US is bankcrupt, the Chinese (controlled by the banking cartel) will be the next global bully police.

Ok, the Anglo-Saxon mission used to be

  • Supply Iran with some nukes
  • Provoke them into attacting Israel
  • Nuke Iran, Russia, China
  • Unleach the Chinese-targeting Flu to wipe them out

Now the Flu has been modified to kill Caucasians?

I don't think so

History repeats itself

But it was less the Maginot Line than the "Maginot Mind set" that led to France's conquest. France's leadership, having spent a great deal of money and effort on the line itself, placed all of their faith in it, and failed to plan for attacks the Maginot fortresses were not prepared to deal with. Their wargames always assumed that Germany would attack the Maginot Line head-on, and in such wargames, the French always won. When Hitler invaded, he did not try to punch through the Maginot line, he simply went around it.

Today's version of the Maginot Line is the Nuclear Missile Defense System, aka "Star Wars". The concept is that the US will build these anti-missile missiles, which will prevent a head on attack with nuclear-tipped ICBMs, and we will all be safe.

Wikipedia on States national missile defense

Proponents did not suggest how to discriminate between empty and warhead-enclosing balloons, for instance, but said that these “simple” countermeasures are actually hard to implement, and that defense technology is rapidly advancing to defeat them.[67] The Missile Defense Agency (MDA) said decoy discrimination techniques were classified, and emphasized its intention to provide future boost and terminal defense to diminish the importance of midcourse decoys.[68] In summer 2002 MDA ceased providing detailed intercept information and declined to answer technical questions about decoys on grounds of national security.[69]
China is developing a hypersonic glide missile capable of penetrating US missile defenses, which the US Department of Defense has named the WU-14. [70]

They don't communicate the problem - U.S. has no workable missile defence today. U.S. is spending $640 billions on defence vs. $90 for Russia, but the Russians are still an equal match.

The smaller Russian defence establisment are able to update themselves at a faster rate than the huge U.S. defence establishment?

Syria downed a Turkish Phantom fighter June 22 2013 with new weapons from Russia

To ambush the Turkish Air Force F-4 Super Phantom Friday, June 22, over Latakia Syria used Russian-made self-propelled medium range anti-air Pantsyr-1 missiles recently supplied by Moscow (not as first reported anti-air Buk-M2 missiles). This weapon can down aircraft flying at altitudes up to 12 kilometers and cruise missiles. 


New light on why Obama decided not to bomb Assad - Russia possible downed two U.S. missiles against Syria, but that was not made public?

The western media is hyping up, with NATO, for war with Russia, that is the truth! They are playing on all the masses brainwashing from all the propaganda in the past and the present. Russia has kept the Ukraine going for years! The trouble in the Ukraine, and the right wing nazis are there because the West PUT them there to initiate that coup. They placed their lackey in office. Putin is making the west look like the bad guys here by allowing them to be the fools they are.

In principle, with U.S.' $640 billions defence spending vs Russia's $90, that makes sense. NATO can threaten to bomb Russia ... with enough public backing in place - and that will do the trick?

(same for Syria, make Turkey invade Syria).

That threat will be silly if NATO is not able to bomb Russia and Turkey is not able to invade Syria (I imply the new hypersonic missiles with make a slaughterhouse of U.S. ships outside Syria, and Syria cannot be bombed like Libya, it will be a fiasco)

Two ballistic missiles were fired against Syria from a NATO Mediterranean base, but were downed (!)

(This may be the cause of the sudden U-turn on Syria, in Alternative media credited bad opinion polls for war)

(Remember, an Israeli submarine has earlier been sunk outside Syria... one of those with nuclear weapon?)

Obama Lied-Russia Shot Down 2 U.S. Missiles Fired From NATO base in...

Benghazi - Syria - Ukraine... Obamacare, what FAILURE Obama admin is ..

How can Obama possible wage a demanding war? He is stumbling, and makes George Bush look like "clever". Acting lessons is not good enough for being a president? He is sitting there, among people he has not selected, being told what to do ..

Russian Su-24 shocked the American destroyer "Donald Cook" - disabled the "Aegis" missile system

27 U.S. marine crew members filed resignation

In response, Russia sent an unarmed bomber Su- 24 to fly around the U.S. destroyer. However, experts say that this plane was equipped with the latest Russian electronic warfare complex. According to this version, "Aegis" spotted from afar the approaching aircraft, and sounded alarm. Everything went normally, American radars calculated the speed of the approaching target. And suddenly all the screens went blank. "Aegis" was not working any more, and the rockets could not get target information. Meanwhile, Su-24 flew over the deck of the destroyer, did battle turn and simulated missile attack on the target. Then it turned and repeated the maneuver. And did so 12 times.
After the incident, the foreign media reported that "Donald Cook" was rushed into a port in Romania. There all the 27 members of the crew filed a letter of resignation. It seems that all 27 people have written that they are not going to risk their lives. This is indirectly confirmed by the Pentagon statement according to which the action demoralized the crew of the American ship.



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