Venezuela's foreign minister calls Kerry 'murderer'
This site is a mal a fuctioning
Yep, an arrogant, hypocritical, traitorous, murdering SOB who bends over frequently for his Zionist banking buds. Actually, this Venezuelan Foreign Minister was much too kind!
Truth be told.
Same tactics used to cause collapse of Asian economies in 1990s now being employed against anti-NWO nations -
Makes sense. Counteracting BRIC nations selling dollar they have started buying dollar. Next turn to BRIC nations.
anti-NWO nations? Whole countries working against me? Oh my!
Horse face Kerry is a card carrying commie and he is also a jew look it up' who knows maybe he is related to Soros If your not on board with the NWO they will make you wish you were this has been in the making for a long time.
The Obama regime, in coordination with its allies and proxies, has re-launched a virulent world-wide campaign to destroy independent governments, encircle and ultimately, undermine global competitors, and establish a new US – EU centered world order.
Regime Change: First Ukraine, then Venezuela, then Ecuador, Bolivia, Brazil . . . China
There has been an endless row of regime changes in Latin America. Allende 1973 we all know about.
Who did regime change and what regime did they create?
According to CIA documents, the United States "probably appeared to condone [the coup]," considering their intelligence collection and active participation in positively slanting propaganda in 1974 to place Pinochet and his military government in a positive light.
Here the Zionists (when rewriting Wikipedia) want us to think in terms of "U.S." / "CIA" / "Soviet" / "Communism" ... anything except the truth - IZCS (themselves). The Zionists reveals themselves in thousands way.
Surprise! Half the alternative media will contribute to the Zionist rewriting of history (falsification) - implying how well they manipulate all media.
"Destroying the New World Order"
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