Voters in Iceland back new constitution, more resource control

* Vote is non-binding but backers hope it will force change

* Voters want more control of island's natural resources


By Robert Robertsson

REYKJAVIK, Oct 21 (Reuters) - Residents of Iceland have voted for their constitution to be rewritten in the wake of the 2008 banking crisis, electing to take greater control of natural resources such as fish and geothermal energy, results of a referendum showed on Sunday.


The collapse of the island's heavily indebted banks led to demands for change after accusations of cronyism between the political elite and business.


The referendum is non-binding but backers of change hope that politicians will find it hard to ignore even though parliament is responsible for adopting a new constitution and the main opposition party has said it opposes proposed changes.


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lol ~ well i guess i should correct myself we are way past democracy we have stepped into what looks more like an Oligarchy but were told all the time were a democracy ~ democracy democracy ~~"this is what democracy looks like" they chant it! they fight wars all over the world for it! and our fearless leader's say we need to spread it! Democracy is held to the highest standard if your listening to the leaders of the free world?  Lmao ~ well i miss spoke i guess~ i said a form of direct democracy and i guess yelling and screaming in the street until you get that election you want so bad is a bad example ~ i am so confused sometime...



It seems their may indeed be force of destiny in this world. All govt/nations follow a similar life cycle. Or so it seems ;)  

@Nathan ~ indeed so it seems :) 

I've only watched a small portion so far, Suzie, (I'll watch all of it l8r) but there seems to be a lot of truth in it. I think esp the central bank issue is spot on and certainly there are those in govt who would push the banksters agenda. That said, I think it is a much more complicated issue than what I've seen presented so far. The central banks would be all for overthrowing any regime that threatened their power but there are a vast array of power centers that are in play on this and anything else global in nature.

I suspect the gold and oil issue played prominetly in the measures taken but there was something else in play that I haven't quite put my finger on. I have suspicions but no facts to back them up so...they remain suspicions and unspoken.

I'll post more when I've seen all the vid

Sorry to highlight the oil thingy. I still say there was something else in play

Thats really interesting i remember news media loyalist liars say things like Lybia's oil was not that vast ~ it's always all about the money or (0il )all the time as they say follow the money ~  the curse of the 20th & 21st century because we could not learn how to share ~ or trade fairly ~ & those Rothchilds seem to be the scurge of the earth ~

Follow the money. Yep.

But what has me questioning that sound logic is that it strikes me, in this case, to be all too convenient. It's the obvious answer.

Perhaps my practical exp in disinfo has jaded me but I still believe there is another player, and objective, behind this; say a player who used the oil/banks confab (who's interests would be served by the action taken) but whose goal was/is quite different.

We'll never know the truth so I suppose blaming the oil/banking empire's is about as sound an answer as is likely to be found.

Call me a conspiracy nut...uhh...Frog  ;)

This is pretty close to the mark but there is at least one element still in the shadows:


when you get the vote out i want in on that!

 THAT would have to be some kinda ticket for you to do that!~~ lol No Confidence Party

@Nathan...If you want to know what is really going on, not just in Syria but the entire region...all you have to do is scroll thru the daily DoD contract awards for the last six months. All of these fools believing that US Inc. is actually arming civilian offices, are truly just that...fools. The PsyOp is simple. Scare the general populace, especially the Conspiracy crowd, and then you have millions of rounds of ammo for guns not actually on American soil. Then look at where the actual guns those rounds fit into were purchased, and their caliber....then make the connections.

All wars are about resources, and that doesn't just mean oil. There are thousands of resources manufacturing needs, and human resources are included as well.

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