Warning: Enrolling in Obamacare allows government to link your IP address with your name, social security number, bank accounts and web surfing habits

Warning: Enrolling in Obamacare allows government to link your IP address with your name, social security number, bank accounts and web surfing habits

Thursday, October 10, 2013
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of NaturalNews.com

(NaturalNews) We have already established that Healthcare.gov is not a functioning database application that allows people to shop for competing health plans. It is actually a government-run Trojan Horse that suckers people into creating accounts where they hand over:

• Name and address
• Email address and password
• Social security number
• Private bank account details
• Employer details and other information

During the enrollment process, your computer also hands over your IP address which is then tied to your social security number.

This IP address is then handed over to the NSA thanks to its new mega-black-hole data center in Utah, where your IP is cross-referenced with all website visits, including:

• "Anti-government" websites
• Porn sites
• Gambling sites
• File sharing sites
• "Terrorism" support sites
• Encryption service sites like Hushmail
• Chat rooms, message boards and more

Armed with this information, the NSA can then link your seemingly-anonymous online chats, comments and posts with your social security number. Linguistic algorithms can "score" your online posts to create red flags that call for additional investigations of anyone using words like "liberty" or "patriot."

This information can then be turned over to law enforcement, as is found in the fine print of the Maryland Obamacare exchange, which states:

...we may share information provided in your application with the appropriate authorities for law enforcement and audit activities.

Thus, by enrolling in Obamacare, you are voluntarily surveilling yourself and handing over the data to the government while also AGREEING to terms of self-incrimination.

Ponder the implications of this for a moment...

Obamacare is actually a self-incrimination surveillance program designed to ensnare the American people in a devil's contract

Obamacare is the meta-level con of tricking Americans into thinking they're signing up for free health insurance when, in reality, the website primarily exists to scrape personal financial details, passwords, emails and social security numbers from Americans who will later be targeted by the government itself.

All the emails registered with Healthcare.gov, for example, will likely be used by the Obama administration to spam people with political propaganda or contrived "terror alerts" that use fear to concentrate more power in the hands of government.

All the financial data will be turned over to the IRS for criminal investigations of Americans who are suspected of under-reporting their incomes (or supporting "patriot" groups with financial donations).

All the passwords used on Healthcare.gov will be turned over to the NSA and matched up with individual IP addresses so that NSA operatives can hack into private bank accounts, encrypted email accounts and other private data, based on the assumption that most users use identical passwords across all the websites they commonly access. (A person's password under Obamacare probably has a 50% chance of also working for their online banking. And since the NSA has your social security number, it's a no-brainer to match up your online surfing habits with your phone number, home address, investment holdings, tax returns, international travel history and so on.)

In essence, Obamacare allows the government to gather a goldmine of private data that can be exploited to target, punish, incriminate, blackmail or steal from any desired target.

As this is a federal government that believes it now has total power to do anything it wants without limit, there are no boundaries of what it might do with this data. Remember, Obama is the president who literally maintains "kill lists" of Americans to have terminated. This is openly admitted and confirmed. The Obama administration also believes it can bypass Congress and simply create new law by executive order, concentrating all power into its own hands with no regard for the separation of power upon which this nation was founded.

As is common with tyrants, the Obama administration truly believes the People have no right to privacy, no right to due process, no right to representation in government and no right to determine your own engagement in commerce. This is why Obama is playing such hardball to shove Obamacare down everybody's throats: the government desperately needs to gather all this surveillance data so that it can leverage it to blackmail members of the U.S. Supreme Court, the Senate, the House, and even federal judges. Blackmail is essential to maintaining power in a corrupt society. And Healthcare.gov is the portal for scraping passwords, IP addresses and even financial details from anyone gullible enough to actually hand this over to government (i.e. democrats).

As far as I'm concerned, the IRS can fine me all they want. I'm never voluntarily enrolling in Obamacare, even if you put a gun to my head like Obama is doing to the entire nation right now with this insane, contrived government shutdown that treats our own veterans like dirt.

All dignity is now gone from the Obama administration. Zero credibility remains. The government has all but openly declared war on the People and is actively using tricks like Healthcare.gov to coerce people into incriminating themselves. The Obama administration is out of control and a grave danger to society. It must be lawfully stopped from damaging America any further.

Now is the time to seriously discuss impeachment, not just of the President but of every U.S. Senator and House member who voted for this unconstitutional, "Trojan Horse" health care system that's destroying America's economy and wasting an unprecedented amount of time, money and effort. End Obamacare now and restore dignity and justice to America.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/042427_Obamacare_private_details_Trojan_...

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Obviously, it's clear now that the ACA had little, if anything to do with providing affordable health insurance for millions of Americans. That was merely the excuse to force everyone, under threat of fines, to divulge every remaining personal detail of their lives to the NSA (who, ironically, already had it).  But this will sure save them some collating cycles over at the local Fusion Center.  So the question to ask ourselves is, "How much will it take to cross OUR line in the sand?"  Washington has already pre-empted the Constitution, eliminated habeus corpus, Posse Comitatus, and due process.  You can literally be arrested, tortured, and murdered for harboring "anti-government" thoughts or intentions.  The patriotic response to this latest insult to our dignity and intelligence (aka ObaminationCare), is to simply refuse to play along.  Don't sign up, don't buy coverage (negotiate directly with the growing numbers of doctors who do not accept insurance at all) and refuse to be bullied into paying for this fascist wet dream.  Ending ObamaCare can and should be the catalyst to eliminate other illegal, unconstitutional Ponzi schemes like the Federal Reserve and their enforcement team, the IRS.  This country either belongs to us, or them, so proceed accordingly.

Well said Mark - that's what I plan to do.

Thank you Mark for your Great Comment!  America needs more people like you with the Gumption to take a stand against this Fascist Dictatorship that is rapidly becoming the Fourth Reich right in front of our eyes!  It is the same bastards that have orchestrated this evil upon your land that were behind the Nazis and the Bolsheviks!   That Dynasty is the Ashkenazi Zionist Rothschild Bankster Criminal Mafia.   Until you destroy their power of Usury, they will continue to have the Financial Wealth to own and control the Media and the Multi-National Corporations that are destroying us, Lying to us and Robbing us!  Make Usury illegal like it used to be in the Christian and Muslim world, for they knew what it would do to the Economies of the world.  Exactly what is happening now.

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American Dream is one of my all time fav documentaries. High five!

Thank you Mark for your excellent Comment.  The line in the Sand for most People is when they come knocking on their doors, by that time it will be past the point of no Return.  When in that situation, go out with all guns blazing!   But at this time, while Americans still have time, Work within Communities and make plans of action of  what you can do peaceably!  Only when you Say Enough is Enough! Will this all End.  All of us are Sovereign Souls of Free-Will and we must Exercise that right or it will be taken away through our acceptance of it being Removed.  Are not all the People in America Sick and Tired of being told what to do all the time and how to do it?    They only push you as far as they can push you, no Resistance, No end to the Totalitarian Tip-Toe!  Every day they take just a little bit more from you, until they have taken Everything.  it Is the same principle of the Boiling Frog,  If you place a frog directly into hot water, it will react and jump out, but place the Frog in the pan and slowly increase the Temperature, the Frog will not notice it until it is boiled alive. 

Charles - Kudos for finding and sharing this excellent article on the dangers of Obamacare "Trojan Horse".  How ironic that it is a "Trojan" horse and the phone number is 1-800-FUCKYO.  End Obamacare now and restore dignity and justice to America. . . . stay well and safe. . . 14300

Thank you for your comment 14300!  I don't even live in America, but I watch what is happening there!  I know that they had to destroy the Constitution to do what they are doing to you.  I have been fighting this evil Cabal for many years and I have done everything possible to expose their agendas.  Most people don't know what the hell they are fighting, but I can tell you that the enemy you are fighting in this world is Jewish Zionism. They have infiltrated every single nation on Earth to carry out their  One World Dis-Order!  They use Gentiles to carry out many of their plans, until they get their goal, then they will Butcher all the gentiles that helped them get their One World Dis-Order! (Wet Dream)

Humanity needs to rapidly Awaken from sleep and stand together to stop this Cabal.  Their system only works when (For what-ever reason) people support their rotten system!   As soon as they refuse to be a part of it, the Cabal's system will collapse! 

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Charles - you are absolutely correct on every point you spoke of.  Jewish Zionism was created by the Rockefellers/Rothchilds et al. and from that the Mossad Death Squads who carry out ruthless murders of men, women and children to silence those who are standing in their way or warning the populace about them to attain their New World Evil DisOrder.  Excellent info Charles.  People are waking up but I don't know if we have enough people awakened in time.

Hi 14300! Even though I don't live in America, I Stay aware of what is happening there, because if the Cabal  takes down America, they can take down the world!  That is why it is so Vital that you stand up against the Tyranny from your Government that is controlled by an Unholy Tri-angle of the Zionist Rothschild Criminal Banking Mafia, the Royalty of Europe, (But Especially England) and the Vatican in Rome with the Jesuit Order.  

I have a large network of like-minded friends working with me to share all the information that is uncovered. Though only a fraction I post on here due to many time constraints.

the number that the Government uses, is a blatant and direct insult to the people!! 

Many Thanks 14300!

Honestly, are there any members here actually signing up / enrolling for this horror show?? Curious

Now that will be a Class Action Lawsuit worth Joining for any American. :-)


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