The Answer is ... YES he was and here's why.

Illegal aliens are able to purchase the public option if the current bill passes, Joe Wilson was right.

Also the bill for ER visits and emergency procedures for illegals no longer get paid by the private hospital, YOU are going to pay it! Hospitals are not able to ask if the person is illegally in the country.

There's more problems as well if Gov health care is forced on all in the US. The illegals will be forced into a Gov health care system on our dime.

If I had to list all of Obama's lies the text would not fit within the 100,000 characters limit of this forum.

If you appreciate Joe Wilson standing up post it!

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Republican, Rep. Joe Wilson of South Carolina, yelled “it’s a lie” when Obama said illegal immigrants would not receive insurance benefits.
Read more:

He'll catch plenty of hell for standing up for this lie........but America's citizens NEED TO BACK HIM UP AND SUPPORT THIS MAN. It's time we got off our backs and butts and stand up with him.

Rep. Wilson is Right – Government Will Provide Obamacare for Illegals
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Kurt Nimmo
September 10, 2009

Last night, in the middle of Obama’s corporate media prime-time address on health care, South Carolina Rep. Joe Wilson accused Obama of lying about illegals and health care. Wilson made his accusation after Obama pointed at the Republican side of the aisle and criticized them for opposing the government plan during his speech to a joint session of Congress.

Democrats have called for disciplinary action against Wilson, even though he quickly backed down, apologized for his outburst, and went so far as to scrape and grovel before White House Chief of Staff and political enforcer Rahm Emanuel.

For Democrats, this was not enough. “There’ll be time enough to consider whether or not we ought to make it clear that that action is unacceptable in the House of Representatives,” said House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer.

“It’s time for us to talk about health care, not Mr. Wilson,” said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Indeed, it is time to talk about the government’s plan to take over health care, as Pelosi suggests.

Early last month, the U.S. House Ways and Means Committee defeated an amendment which would have excluded illegal aliens from Obama’s totalitarian health care bill. The Democrat-dominated committee voted 23-18 to defeat the measure introduced by Rep. Dean Heller (R-NV), which would have required the use of the existing Income and Eligibility Verification System and the Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements System before care is dispensed.

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In other words, there would be no way to verify the citizenship of those seeking care under Obama’s government plan.

CNN reported last month the Congressional Research Service, the nonpartisan policy research arm of Congress, found that without a citizenship verification system illegal aliens would receive subsidies. Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Washington-based Center for Immigration Studies, told CNN the report “undermines the claims of the president and others that illegal immigrants would not be covered under the House version of the bill.”

“Democrats can keep claiming all they want that illegal immigrants will not be covered in this bill. But their actions speak louder than their words. Democrats have rejected opportunities to close the gaping loopholes in this health care bill that will allow illegal immigrants to participate,” House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Lamar Smith said after the CRS report was released. “If President Obama is committed to ensuring that illegal immigrants do not benefit from the bill – as he says he is – why not include the same verification mechanisms in this bill as already exist for other federal benefits programs?”

In addition, undocumented immigrants who live in the United States for a certain period of time during the year would be classified as residents and would meet the substantial presence test required under HR 3200 to have health insurance, according to the report.

Pelosi said Wilson’s outburst during Obama’s speech shows the “bankruptcy” of Republicans’ ideas on health care, the Washington Post reports.

In fact, it shows how the Democrats in league with the corporate media are attempting to ram Obama’s totalitarian health care plan down the throat of the American people and stifle opposition.

Well, considering he's lied about most everything else, I would have to say....YES!!!!!
Laser, it's my understanding that illegal's are NOT entitled to healthcare benefits in this new legislation as it was written and introduced to Congress. There seems to be a lot of misinformation floating around the internet, etc., about this new healthcare reform. We must consider the past too. The "private sector" has not served the public needs wisely or compassionately. Bottom line, it's expensive, wasteful and not cost effective. As far as i'm concerned, the current system is a slap in the face to all hard working Americans who pay premiums. Plus, it leaves behind those who have lost their jobs and cannot afford "Cobra." The single payer public option, although it's not without it's degree of flaws, is a far better proposal than our current failed system. "Insurance" companies have already made enough dough offering expensive, piss-poor coverage that leaves far too many folks sick and dying. I would gladly embrace the same coverage our legislators saw fit to gave themselves. Gee, am I now considered a socialist sicko for saying this? Heavens to betsy...
Mike Rivero thinks it is was a set up by this obvious whore for the health care lobyy
Hi James, most of the politicians who do not support public option reform, have sold their polluted souls to the insurance lobby. They (insurance lobbyist) pour tons of money into political coffers. I'm blown away that a lot of folks cannot see beyond the greedy propaganda...

James aka adap2k said:
Mike Rivero thinks it is was a set up by this obvious whore for the health care lobyy
On another note, here's another example of how the "insurance" industry hold us all hostage in other ways: We have pay insurance to buy a home, we have to pay premiums to drive our vehicles on public highways, etc...

In a lot of ways, I consider the private sector far worse than government entities....

Just like the FED taxes we pay, many folks do NOT know foreign bankers (private industry) get the money.
Patriot Horse, the most important thing we could do is "election" reform. Remove all Lobbyist from buying our politicians. That's easier said than done...they are so embedded in DC. They are the head of the snake and they are so very powerful and rich. If we could do so, many things would quickly change for the better. Our Government may actually have a chance to serve the majority of citizens of this great country. Not just Big business needs. Big government is a fake fear because the private industry that has corrupted the government itself. I have been to DC. I have seen the K-street lobbyist in action...
Very true Vic but it looks like the SCOTUS is preparing to remove all contribution limits for corporate pimps and hos. That of course move us in the exact opposite direction.
Vincent what i said was correct if the public option passes the illegals will be able to join that government subsidized (US paid for) plan, there's no question that Joe was correct.


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